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Star Trek Into Darkness


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I have not seen the film yet but i have read a few reviews which seem mostly good, the only gripe being that everything moves too fast not giving you time to think about what is being said or working out what is going on.I hope to see it myself some time next week

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I loved it.


A model of the NX-01 Enterprise was on Admiral Marcus' desk. Many dislike Enterprise yet it's the only series that remains in this timeline. Love it


I loved seeing the NX Class and some designs from th Enterprise opening credits.


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Off to see it tomorrow, for those that have seen it in 3D, is it worth it?


I was actually pleasantly surprised by the 3D. I don't like 3D normally so I was expecting it to be annoying, but it was surprisingly good. The lens flare wasn't as intrusive as it could've been in 3D, and some of the effects were really quite good. One of the better implementations of post production 3D that I've seen


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I was actually pleasantly surprised by the 3D. I don't like 3D normally so I was expecting it to be annoying, but it was surprisingly good. The lens flare wasn't as intrusive as it could've been in 3D, and some of the effects were really quite good. One of the better implementations of post production 3D that I've seen



I completely agree. I was dreading the post-processed 3D but actually I though it looked perfectly fine, it was quite subtle a lot of the time.


I have not seen the film yet but i have read a few reviews which seem mostly good, the only gripe being that everything moves too fast not giving you time to think about what is being said or working out what is going on.I hope to see it myself some time next week


This I sort of agree with, it is a frantic pace and can be a bit all over the place. Will be even better for a second vieweing though I think.


I loved it.




I loved seeing the NX Class and some designs from th Enterprise opening credits.


Yes although I found it odd the admiral had a model of HIS ship at the end of the table. So much for secrecy lol

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Hmmm, I seem to be on my own here but I though it was pretty cack and made me fear for Star Wars in a big way, but I will say that I'm not a trekkie. I thought the first was alright through except Simon Pegg and the RIDICULOUS lens flares. Both of those are still bad (though not as quite in this) but overall the film bored me senseless.


- I though Cumberbatch was the campest more unthreatening villain there is, and Kahn is supposed to be THE BIG villain of the universe; I found him utter comedy. Almost like a crap Loki (in that he was very shakespearean and MOUTH. HIS. WORDS. ALL. OF. THE. TIME!!

- I thought the story was really weak with really low stakes. Almost meaningless story.

- the theme of saving lives and friendships was so on the nose and simplified, and a little bit painful

- KAAAAAAAAAHN was eye roll worthy. So was the ending with the blonde girl "Welcome to the family" "At least I have a family" and pretty much every line said be the ATROCIOUSLY PERFORMED doctor


Spock and Kirk are very good though and it looked stunning. But extremely disappointed.




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I've just come back from seeing this. 2 tickets for a tenner at Empire. Can't go wrong with that! :D


I loved it. Did NOT expect the villain to be who he was, probably because I've mostly been in the dark about this film/haven't followed it/watched many trailers/read anything about it. All the better for it.



Cumberbatch was fantastic. Although, I do think they rushed the ending ever so slightly. Could have done with an extra 10 minutes to tie things together a bit better. Aside from that, I thought the film got better and better as it progressed.


Spock stole the show for me in virtually every scene. Would have liked to have seen more with him and Cumberbatch.



Overall, would definitely recommend. :D

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Just seen it. Not really a Star Trek man, but I enjoyed the first J.J. Abrams film. Really enjoyed this one.


I thought most of the acting was good, full of cheesy quips and what not but it adds to the fun.


Saw them taking Kahn's blood to save Kirk a mile off. Ending was probably a bit rushed.


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Just got back, didnt really like it at all.


Thought Cumberbatch needed to take it down quite a few notches.


The "humour" barely got a smile out of me this time.


Using scenes from previous movies in this one again just felt cheap and crappy. Yes Ive seen those before and enjoyed them better then, all it did was point out to me that I would rather be watching the older movies.


I just feel no connection to these characters anymore and I dont particularly enjoy the performances from the actors.


Lens flare back again despite Abrams acknowledging the last time that it was overused.


They obviously realised that a popular visual from the last movie was the Enterprise rising from Saturn's ring so they decided to just shove it in twice this time (water and then clouds). Last movie I thought it was an amazing shot, this time I just ended up rolling my eyes both times.



I expect other people will enjoy the movie and thats fine, its not one where I think everything was shite and cant see how anyone could like it.


To be honest its just made me come to the sad realisation that this has replaced my Trek and I dont like whats here now. As someone who didnt have a great time growing up you can latch onto tv shows and stuff and Trek was one for me that always made me feel better. Even these days I dont like my life at all and it seems to just be one of those things that hit me on the drive home.

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I thought it was quite good. Not the best film i've seen in a while, but ok. I was adequately whelmed.


It had good action and an alright plot, but there were some clumsy bits.


The worst bit was when the Enterprise is about to be blown to smithereens, and in an attempt to save everyone on board, Kirk goes to his sworn enemy to ask for help - it's all very tense and exciting, and then he goes 'Bones, what are you doing to that Tribble' or soemthing like that. And Bones, in the middle of the ship possible exploding, is doing a science experiment on a dead Tribble. What the hell?


I understand they needed some foreshadowing for the Kirk healing bit at the end, but it just felt so clumsy and out of place.


My girlfriend pointed out that the finale was a bit disappointing as well, which i can kind of see too. They had all the elements for a good build up, but they chopped it up into too many little bits that the ending felt a bit flat.


Cumberbatch was very hammy too, which was a bit distracting. I also couldn't get 'Benedict Cumberbatch looks like an otter' out of my head, which was annoying. Not the films fault though obviously!


Other than that, i thought it was good. Liked the reference to the red-shirt landing party guys, and Spock was very good.


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Star Trek Into Darkness. (JJ Abrams, 2013)

Runtime: 132 minutes.

"I will walk over your cold corpses"


The opening to the film is vibrant and stunning and automatically recaptures the Star Trek Universe at an exhilarating pace with just the right amount of high stakes tension. The characters are reintroduced perfectly and the first glimpse of the Enterprise is magical as it is revealed to be a god like presence to the native tribe of Nibiru. It re-establishes the key friendship and differences between Kirk and Spock as one is concerned with saving his friends and the other is more concerned with following the prime directive.


Leading on from that I hoped the film would be exploring all kinds of different planets but unfortunately the narrative gets bogged down in this chess game between Kirk and Khan that you know exactly how it's going to play out from the start. Benedict Cumberbatch I felt was good but I wish they went down a different route of villainy for him. I liked it when he squared off against Spock but that whole side of things felt anticlimactic by the end.


The other issue is that everything is resolved too quickly you don't have time to ponder on plot points when the next minute everything is okay again which draws away from the more emotional threads that are running through the movie. There is no denying that the action and the general movement of the film is fast paced but the screenplay sometimes even lets that get stagnant with the over reliance on countdowns as a way of keeping the tension. The torpedo, the airlock and even the start with the volcano at the beginning is guilty of this when everything again is resolved in the last minute/seconds it actually makes it less exciting if it's overused.


The crux of the story relies on the interaction between the crew but they aren't given a lot to do or enough dialogue to make them less like lifeless drones and more like real characters aside from Kirk and Spock. I didn't feel the camaraderie between the crew members which is worrying when you are meant to care that Kirk would sacrifice himself to save them. The injection of humour this time also felt off when compared to the other Star Trek movie which had much better quips. I can take or leave Scotty but at least he was given an important job to do.


Zachary Quinto as Spock is what Into Darkness gets spot on. He puts in another great performance as Spock and often steals the scenes, it's a perfect piece of casting. His interactions with anyone were unrivalled and it's him along with Chris Pine's duelling friendship that keeps this film alive as there is a real love and bond between them that is actually deftly placed throughout without it getting too sickly. Poor Dr. Marcus doesn't stand a chance even in her black underwear.



Despite my complaints their is nothing overly wrong with Star Trek Into Darkness it's really a case of whether it excites you or it doesn't.




Edited by Coolness Bears
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My favourite part of the film:


Where you see the natives drawing the ship in the sand, the camera fading to the real ship jumping to warp and the title appearing all with that fantastic NuTrek theme playing. FANTASTIC opening, best title reveal I've probably ever seen.


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My favourite part of the film:


Where you see the natives drawing the ship in the sand, the camera fading to the real ship jumping to warp and the title appearing all with that fantastic NuTrek theme playing. FANTASTIC opening, best title reveal I've probably ever seen.


As great as that is, the opening for Alien (or ALIEN, if you want to be dramatic) is the best evaaar.


Saw this again today as part of a Saturday school trip. This time, I managed to see it in 3D. It's fantastic. Probably enjoyed it even more second time around. :D


The film got a great reception from the pupils and the other teacher I went with, who has never seen a Star Trek film in her life.

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You really thought the 3D was good? I thought it was pretty much the worst 3D showing of a movie I have ever seen.


I worded my post wrong. The dreaded "oh shiii, my battery is dying and I need to post everything before it dies" feeling.


I don't particularly care about 3D. I've seen it in 3D and I enjoyed the film more today because it was my second viewing. Not for the 3D, but for the actual film itself.


There were one or two moments where it looked nice, but it's not essential. I'd be coming out just as pleased had I seen it in 2D twice.

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