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The games that you've always wanted to play

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So last night I found myself catching up with Retsupurae's podcast, Retsutalk, who were browsing Twitter for questions from their fans to answer and there was one question they received and I thought "Why does hardly any one ever ask such an obvious question?".


So, What game have you always wanted to play and why?


This isn't a question about what sort of game you'd like to see made and would play, but a question regarding what game is actually out and at any point in your life seemed appealing yet you still haven't gotten around to it.


When they were answering this question on the podcast, I knew exactly what game I've always wanted. Every time I see it mentioned on an internet forum/image board, my heart aches because it just looks so god damn fun.


Steel Battalion: XBOX




Now, this is a game I could easily get for around £20, but that doesn't include the absolutely awesome looking controls that was made exclusively for this game. A 40 button, dual joy stick with foot pedals controller to completely immerse yourself in the feeling of piloting a giant robot.


I can see some copies with the controller for around £150 upwards, but that's far too steep for now and will possibly get even more expensive once I'm making a decent enough amount of money to consider it. Even then, that's a lot of money to fork out on something you're not sure if you're going to like or not!




A second question keeping with the theme of the thread, what game have you always wanted to play that never saw the light of day, whether it be cancelled or released in a completely different state?


Although I am a big fan of this game considering my massive boner for the series and how much time I've gotten out of each title, I'd love to have a go at the alpha and beta builds of Phantasy Star Zero.




Any one familiar with the series will recognise this is the Forest area of Phantasy Star Online, but being played within the Phantasy Star Zero engine. The idea of having Online being ported to handhelds is something I've always wanted to see as it's worked so well for other titles in the franchise but Online will always be my favourite and this is the only time it's ever been exhibited.


Heck, even when they moved onto the designs for Zero, some of the artwork, especially for the characters, looks far more appealing that the finished product. Why on earth they went with the whole cowboy/western image still confuses me.






If you ever played and enjoyed Phantasy Star Zero, I definitely recommend the source article for all these images by Unseen 64, a great website detailing early development of games and cancelled titles.




Final question, what arcade game would you love to own?


Even though I'm absolutely shit at this game, I would love to own a couple of Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition cabinets. One thing that I've always admired about the Street Fighter games is that even if you're not good and don't exactly want to play, it's great watching people duke it out whether it be friendly play or tournament play. It also seems to be the only arcade machine people seem to play with each other with full respect, how matches were handled in London Trocadero every weekend with the winner staying on and the challenger stepping up and putting in the credits was just the most jarring thing I've ever seen in a UK arcade.

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Definitely Lunar: the Silver Star, Mega CD version. It's not just that it looked like a good game, it's more that it represented something from a different culture. When I saw it in Sega Pro all those years ago, I was amazed at the extra frames of animation the Mega CD allowed. I don't know if I'll ever be able to play that exact version, but if I ever have a machine where I can download it (or a remake), I will do so.


Runner-up: Grandia. It just appeared at a time in my life when I didn't have time for gaming, especially an RPG, but I quite regret it now.


The "unreleased" game has got to be Twilight Princess, as it was once meant to be, before the influence of the Wii version.


The coin-op I'd most like to own is Double Dragon, just for nostalgia reasons. Nothing since has seemed so cool or to-the-point. I'll never forget the first time I found it in a leisure centre (and got beaten by the bloke who punches through the wall), or how I used to seek it out at every seaside arcade I visited, or how I played it on holiday in the reception area with the sound of cabaret in my ears and the smell of onions in my nostrils.

Edited by Grazza
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There's too many to list here, so I'm gonna limit my responses just a few of each.


What game have you always wanted to play and why?


Mother 1-3 and Fire Emblem 1-6. I love the FE series so it's no wonder why I've always wanted to play the missing first 6 games, but the Mother/Earthbound series has always intrigued me, despite not playing any of the previous titles. While I know little about the actual games, as I have purposely avoided playing any illegal ROM version or fan translation in hope that I'll one day be able to play proper English VC versions of these games, from what little I know of it it sounds so completely bonkers insane that I simply MUST play it! :D


what game have you always wanted to play that never saw the light of day, whether it be cancelled or released in a completely different state?


Conker Twelve Tales (just to see what it would've been like before it became CBFD), Dinosaur Planet N64 (which looks MUCH better than how the final game turned out), Starfox 2, Rollorama/Kirby's Tilt N' Tumble 2 and the BS Zeldas (in their original form with live streaming audio and timed events)


what arcade game would you love to own?


Panic Park! MY GOD I LOVE THIS GAME! :heart:








For those of you who've never heard of it, it's an arcade game where you play a series of Wario Ware style minigames (though they each last around 30 seconds) with a sliding paddle style controller on a belt buuuuutttt... there's a twist! The game features two paddles on the same belt, so you have to physically push and shove the other player to survive! It's great fun! :yay:



Come on! Give us a Wii U version Namco! (you could just release an attachment that has the Wii remotes dock into a sliding cradle!)


The other one I'll choose for this are Killer Instinct 1 & 2. We STILL have never had a proper home release of either game!


I could include much more than I've listed here, but that would take forever so I might just add some more later ;)

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I really want to play Ni no kuni so badly. But I'll probably never get a PS3, so I guess I'll never get to experience it!

I also really wish Captain Rainbow would have made it to Europe. It seems to be such a memorisable game!

And I totally want to get my hands on the Adventure time game WayForward made for the 3DS, bring it over to Europe already!


I don't really have any experience with arcade games, so I can't really answer that question :p

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I wanted to try out DragonBall Online for the longest time, ever since first reading about it, so I finally sorted out a way to play. I like it, but the language barrier is awful even with the English UI patch applied. Doubt it'll ever come out in English so I guess this is the best that itch will ever get scratched.


I also longed to play Tales of the Abyss for many years, but when it finally came out on the 3DS the lead character turned out to be a whiney douche and pretty much spoiled any chance I'd finish the game. Fuck you, Luke. FUCK YOU.


Another series I'd really like to try out is Super Robot Wars.

Edited by Guy
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I wanted to try out DragonBall Online for the longest time, ever since first reading about it, so I finally sorted out a way to play. I like it, but the language barrier is awful even with the English UI patch applied. Doubt it'll ever come out in English so I guess this is the best that itch will ever get scratched.


I also longed to play Tales of the Abyss for many years, but when it finally came out on the 3DS the lead character turned out to be a whiney douche and pretty much spoiled any chance I'd finish the game. Fuck you, Luke. FUCK YOU.


Another series I'd really like to try out is Super Robot Wars.


That's done on purpose and it's only for the start of the game. He's a whiney brat for just a small portion of the total game...

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I don't really have any experience with arcade games, so I can't really answer that question :p


Me neither admittedly, even though I'm currently in the country that's pretty much arcade mad, I rarely play them. But is there an arcade game you've heard about that you're genuinely intrigued to have a go at?


I also longed to play Tales of the Abyss for many years, but when it finally came out on the 3DS the lead character turned out to be a whiney douche and pretty much spoiled any chance I'd finish the game. Fuck you, Luke. FUCK YOU.


Another series I'd really like to try out is Super Robot Wars.


I've not finished Abyss, but Luke does get some pretty damn good character development.


Ahhh Super Robot Wars! I suck ass at that game. I played the ones that were released in the west on GBA through an emulator, but they were standalone games without any of the licensed franchises. Only Japan will get those thanks to licensing hell.

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That's done on purpose and it's only for the start of the game. He's a whiney brat for just a small portion of the total game...


I heard that, yeah. Maybe I'll try again sometime. I'd need to start again now because I have no idea what's going on every time I boot the game back up.


Maybe I'll just watch the anime instead...

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I used to really want to play the various Mickey Mouse platformers back in the day, and thanks to the wonders of emulation, I went through them a couple of years back. The only one that wasn't a massive disappointment was Land of Illusion. Maybe only owning an NES back in the day wasn't so bad after all. :heh:


Usually it's my compulsive need to play things in order that gets in the way. Sometimes it's fine, like when Bowser's Inside Story was about to be released and I only had two fairly recent games to get through first. That's not a problem! But then you get something like Skyrim, where I'd have to play four sixty-hour RPGs first and the first two look old and boring (and then there's the spin-offs...). And I keep meaning to play through the Final Fantasy series (having previously only played the fourth and fifth games), and that's even worse. Not only are there 13+ games to play, but the first three are NES RPGs!

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Have never owned a PS2 or PS3.


For unreleased games, Timesplitters 4. It better come out some day...


Was about to post the same. I'd love to play Shadow of the Colossus but I've never had a playstation and I don't want to buy one just for one game :p

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Well, the problem is that I have a 360 myself, so not sure if it's worth buying a PS3 for just the exclusive titles... :/


As someone who a few years ago would never consider a Sony console and had a Wii and 360, I'm extremely pleased with my PS3 purchase.

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Aside some awkward control and camera issues, Shadow of the Colossus is absolutely fantastic. If you guys ever get the chance to climb a giant monster and stab it in their magical glowing weak spot, please do.

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Off the top of my head, most games in the Tales Series, because so many are Japanese-only. The way Namco goes about these games' releases and translations actually turned me off the series.


Also, I wouldn't mind playing official translations of the Japanese Fire Emblems. I know that the story content in FE 4 and 5 pretty much stops them from ever seeing an international release, though.


Add certain US-only games like Excitebots into the list, too.


Timesplitters 4 is the game I'd love to see released one day. That, and the Nintendo vs Capcom game that the Capcom guy showed interest in doing.

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Up until recently, I never had a PC that could play games at moderate settings.


Then I bought a laptop for travelling, but I bought one that could play games. (Dedicated Graphics, i5 processor and 8G RAM etc..)


So I set about playing the games I always wanted to play, such as DayZ and The Binding of Isaac.


Now I have discovered Blizzard, and bought Diablo III, StarCraft 2 and the Battle Chest for WoW (Loving my Panderan Warrior). I'll buy Cataclysm and MoP once I'm at the level cap for those regions.


So I've actually started to play the games I've always wanted to play.

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Up until recently, I never had a PC that could play games at moderate settings.


Then I bought a laptop for travelling, but I bought one that could play games. (Dedicated Graphics, i5 processor and 8G RAM etc..)


So I set about playing the games I always wanted to play, such as DayZ and The Binding of Isaac.


Now I have discovered Blizzard, and bought Diablo III, StarCraft 2 and the Battle Chest for WoW (Loving my Panderan Warrior). I'll buy Cataclysm and MoP once I'm at the level cap for those regions.


So I've actually started to play the games I've always wanted to play.


I'm sort of in the same boat; I've always had issues with playing current games on my computers, largely due to my specs never having been up to speed, but lately I've been getting more into PC gaming and am currently considering getting a new, gaming-focused laptop.

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I've always been curious to play the original Nights and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Given my recent interest in giving the PS3 a chance, I downloaded both of these today :smile: Hopefully they'll live up to their reputations..


A game I don't have access to, however, is Radiant Silvergun :hmm:Ikaruga is awesome so I'd love to play the Sega Saturn classic but it's not on PSN, unfortunately..

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Well, I've always wanted to get into the MegaMan Series, more-so after watching the MegaMan NT Warrior animated series on Fox Kids back in the early 2000's, but even then I had played bits and pieces on my friends consoles/handhelds over the years but I'm practically a complete novice in regards to this series. Also the series as a whole has garnered a lot of admiration for its quality platforming and difficulty. Thankfully some of the classics are arriving on the 3DS VC and I had planned to purchase them when I had more time.





These two games always 'stuck out'. Don't know why, but I always wanted to play them. Never got the chance to, so I would like to give these a go at some point.




I would seriously love to have that at home. I used to go to arcades and Time Crisis would ALWAYS be there! I found it to be boring on my own, but this was one of my first experiences of playing cooperatively with friends. I had so much fun. I enjoyed Time Crisis 3 the most.


If I had to pick another, it would be Marvel vs Capcom 2.


I didn't have a Dreamcast so was only able to play it at the arcades at the time.



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I know we got a DS version of this brought to PAL region but I'd still love to of played the Gamecube Version



Wish it had been localized.



I Wish i'd bought this beast when it was originally released, I'm still going to buy it eventually. But will have to part with a hefty amount of cash.

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