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Oscar Pistorius Shoots Girlfriend


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All the joking aside...


Very surprising how the story has developed.... but at the same time not really.


Where ever the initial story came from that it was an accident and he thought she was a burgler, it was prolly from some member of the press who was a big fan of Pistorius and had hoped it wasn't such a sinister situation given Oscars "hero" status in South Africa (and world wide really).


Wonder how this will effect the Paralympics? Given that he was the "poster boy" for them the last while and all.

Wonder would they strip his medals from him?


Always strange when someone held up on a pedastal as a "great person" for their achievements gets found out for being a horrid person in reality.






Was the above too serious?

Ok fine here....


He went from Blade Runner to Blade Gunner :heh:


Happy now

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You know how I know you stole my stolen joke? You spelt his name wrong just like I did. Clowns, the pair of us!


I actually stole it off Facebook. I didn't even realise it was already in this thread! Turns out no one can spell his name.

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Guys, the motive has been revealed: his girlfriend bought him something really cool for Valentines day and put it on top of the wardrobe. She then told him he could only reach it if he stood on tiptoe.


The terrible part: they were leg-warmers.

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Righty back to the being serious for a moment.


Was listening to the radio news, apparently the idea that it was accident and he thought she was an intruder actually came from Oscar himself. Apparently that is what he said had happened.


Though police had taken statements from neighbours and the estates security gaurds that his girlfriend was in the house with him Wednesday late night when neightbours complained about shouting being heard and estate guards checked on the "domestic disturbance" at his house. The shooting then happened a few hours later.


As was said on the radio and I joke you not they reporter did say this, "the circumstancial evidence seems to have left Oscar on the back foot" followed by a bit of a pause *cough*



OK ye can all returning to making fun of the tragic event of an innocent woman being murdered (yes I went there, for shame on ye all :heh:)

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Well for now there doesn't seem to be any doubt that he did kill her, whether or not it was an accident. So i think we are allowed to make fun of a killer. However, making fun of him because of his disability probably isn't fair, since he can't help that.


So we'll just have to make fun of how much of a dick he is.

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