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When are we going to get some Wii U games released?


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Yeah, I know, and it will be soon (before the end of the month), but it really isn't their job to do it.


Well when they've promised something it is their job to deliver on it!


BTW, are you sure that it's due this month? I don't remember them being specific about a timeframe, just that they'd be showing off some new 3rd party titles "soon".


Ideally it would be right after the PS4 unveiling event, in order to not have the console get completely crushed by Sony's hype machine...

Edited by Dcubed
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When you buy a console this early into it's life cycle, the joke's on you if you expect regularly using it. All consoles are shitty for the first couple of years, that's just how it goes... and it's also why I'll never buy a console at launch ever again... Paying more to play less makes little sense to me.


I'm sorry, but I don't recall this being the case at all with for example the Gamecube. Rogue Squadron II, Burnout and Waverace on launch and Smash Bros a month and a half or so later=bliss.

I did get my N64 during Xmas 1997, rather than during launch, but I never ever experienced a drought of software. In fact, there's at least ten games for that system that I regret not getting back in the day. Excitebike 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Jet Force Gemeni are just a few.

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I see where people are coming from but to say the ports are "broken/shitty" is a load bollocks. So they may not run quite as well as they do on the consoles they were originally designed for, but they not broken or shitty. They're still VERY good, the differences are only slight... very slight!

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I see where people are coming from but to say the ports are "broken/shitty" is a load bollocks. So they may not run quite as well as they do on the consoles they were originally designed for, but they not broken or shitty. They're still VERY good, the differences are only slight... very slight!


They shouldnt be though. They are charging Wii U owners full retail price for old games and they cant even get them up to scratch if not better than the original versions. It's lazy!!

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Really? You don't regret Sonic?


Sonic Adventur was amazing. That first level where you're outrunning the Killer Whale gave me an adrenalin rush. Also I liked the story with Chaos. And each character's different approach to each level. And the VMU and Chao virtual pet mini-game thing.


Sonic Adventure was brilliant.

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They shouldnt be though. They are charging Wii U owners full retail price for old games and they cant even get them up to scratch if not better than the original versions. It's lazy!!


I'd say that given the time-frames that devs were reportedly working to, the ports that they have done are very reasonable. Given the resources they could give towards the ports within the time-frames, I think it's a tough ask to get them to redesign elements to take advantage of the WiiU's architecture. They're businesses and they make business decisions. Ones that benefit them.

It's silly to say it's lazy!


Regarding the point of cost, I do tend to agree. Asking for full price when the same games on other systems may be less is a bit much, especially considering they're ports and are not optimised for the system.

Still, not lazy though.

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Consoles are worth buying at launch if:


a) There are enough launch games you want, or just one you really want

b) There are enough functions built into the console to keep you using it


I don't think Wii U is lacking for not having more games yet - after all, it's only been out for two or three months. I remember even the Megadrive relied on that early wave of games - Revenge of Shinobi, Altered Beast, Castle of Illusion etc.


Maybe I'm the only one but I don't regret buying the 3DS at launch whatsoever, but then it had StreetPass, Play Coins, Photos etc. For whatever reason, that handheld felt brilliant to own from Day 1 (the games really weren't bad either). With the Wii U, Nintendo has done fairly well to set up Miiverse, but I don't think consoles have the same advantages as handhelds. Whilst I used to carry my 3DS everywhere with me, I only turn on a console when I want to play a proper game.


The one thing Nintendo really could do to boost the Wii U would be to get the Virtual Console up and running. All their own SNES games (I understand 3rd-party is a more complex issue), upscaled and 60Hz - would make a big difference.

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Sonic Adventure is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. I know that it's a shoddily made game, with a horrific camera, bugs and glitches galore and laughable animation to name but a few foibles, but I still enjoy it (yes, even the Big the Cat stages!)


I actually kinda like how breakable the whole thing is :laughing:

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Sonic Adventure WAS brilliant!


*wind* ... Sonikateam


*static crackle* *radio whistle* *Chaos Appears* ... mmm Goooah





#Memories :D


Holy shit. YES. This is on PSN now. I was so tempted to pick it up, but I thought it best I just leave it and not destroy my nostalgia.

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I wish they'd re-release a better version of Sonic Adventure because I don't know about you guys, but I HAD to use a guide for the hub world, some of the stuff was in such obscure places.


Loved the levels though and creamed my pants at the NiGHTS mini game, I'd snap that up right away if it appeared by itself as an iOS title.


My backlog is actually awful. There are tons of games I want to play but I'm such a lazy shit with games lately that if I can't quickly dip in (like Nintendo Land), wave my arms around like it's 2006 or scroll from left to right, I find it hard to commit.


With that in mind, one day, I'd love to actually start/finish: Xenoblade, Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Skyward Sword, Resi 5, Enslaved, Dead Space, Twilight Princess, Tri... Pah, I give up. Why I got yet another console I don't know :p


EDIT: I also finally got a Dreamcast last year :p Have a pile of games such as Shenmue, Soul Calibur, Jet Set Radio, some weird Smash Bros. type thing, that I need to finish or start.

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Wasn't Sonic Adventure DX a remake of SA? Or was that just an updated port?


The latter. Slightly updated graphics, some extra content in the form of missions and the addition of light/dark chao garden mechanics, the ability to play as Metal Sonic and 12 unlockable Game Gear Sonic games.

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So you save 50 quid and finally end up playing it two years later. How tight can you be?


If you're going to buy a console eventually, why not just buy it at launch. Makes no difference except for the slight saving on your wallet, and you get to enjoy it from day 1.


This...is just daft. Money down the drain to pay full price for a console that has a roster of games that you probably wouldn't look at twice if they'd just come out at the time they did on a console you already owned.


The PS3 was £425 when it came out. Now you can get it for like £130. I'm not saying wait until the end of its life, but it's clear that you get pretty much bent over as an early adopter.

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The best part of Sonic Adventure is they made Knuckles into a poor racial stereotype.


Those Emerald hunting levels were atrocious. Anything that wasn't a Sonic level needs to perish in a fire.





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That's not the argument is it. The dreamcast launch in the west was unrivalled. If you bought a dreamcast on release day you were set and had no problem until the console died as the amount of high quality games released on the dreamcast in such a short space of time was incredible.


I disagree. It wasn't until a full year later that the DC got it's first killer app, if you ask me.


Sonic Adventure is pure crap and as great as games like Soul Calibur and Power Stone are, they don't scratch that singleplayer "quest" driven game itch at all...


If you ask me the Dreamcast only gained relevance about a 12/18 months after release, when you began to see the release of stuff like Shenmue, Skies Of Arcadia, Jet Set Radio, Grandia II, PSO... up until late 2000, the DC was completely useless unless you had a very healthy and very constant supply of friends for multiplayer... and even then, you were very limited in that department, too.


IMO, the first truly worth it singleplayer release the console had was 6 months after it launched (Code Veronica).


So you save 50 quid and finally end up playing it two years later. How tight can you be?


If you're going to buy a console eventually, why not just buy it at launch. Makes no difference except for the slight saving on your wallet, and you get to enjoy it from day 1.


My PS3, 360 and Wii combined cost me less than £300. Had I bought them at launch, I'd have spent £780. Not to even mention the damn games! They usually come out at around £40... I never pay more than £10/15 for a game and I haven't missed a single game I want this gen.


You paid more for a worse product (because it had a vastly inferior catalog at that point and there's the inevitable hardware revision at some point which always results in a better, more economic and smaller product), and paid more for the same games I did... and the only advantage was that you played the games first. There's nothing different (for better or worse) about playing games at launch or 1.5 year later. You spent a fortune on something I got for less than half the price a couple of years later. For the past 4 years I've been living on 500€ (roughly £420) a month, which after transport, food and housing/living costs gives me a margin of ~£100/month to partially spend on games/books/movies/nights out and partially save up for whatever else. Basically, because I've been responsible about the way I choose to indulge in my gaming purchases, in the last 2 I've managed to visit New York, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, London and Germany as well as purchasing both a great guitar AND a motorcycle. All the while still having all 5 consoles from last gen AND a high end gaming PC as well as a 3DS. Bascially, what I'm saying is... IF I lived the way you do, I'd never get to enjoy even half the things I do.

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
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When people talk of the Dreamcast's amazing launch and early life, few people ever note that this only happened because of the year long delay it got before getting released in the west (meaning that it got its first and second wave of titles simultaneously)


That's the reason why it had the best launch lineup of any console ever.

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