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Mario Kart U


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Well, it's been officially confirmed (although everyone would be more surprised if it WASN'T going to come out), so let's talk about it.


I for one really like that half of the tracks in the game are tracks from old games. However, I think that this time around, all the returning maps should be revamped graphically.


Also, I'd really love it if Nintendo would include karts that look like the ones in MK64:




Also, I hope they won't include any gimmicks like they did in Double Dash.

Edited by Retro_Link
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I personally think they got the rubber-banding spot-on with Mario Kart 7. It's not something that is intrinsically bad - racing games like this would suck without it.


Also: have the default mode be blue shells only.


Online races are blue shells only.


Playable character is blue shell.

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Reward skilled players and make it less of a party game like MK Wii. Back to basics like Super Mario Kart and MK64.


That's the cheapest one of the whole series. I've was playing it over the weekend and was getting sooooo frustrated with it.


Enemies kept randomly hopping over my shells, bananas and everything I threw at them. They also seem to have the ability to stay on the track, even though when I do manage to hit them on something like Rainbow Road they should have been thrown off the track. The speed boost they get is also unreal. I watched the bitch that is Princess Peach go from last to first in a matter of seconds. :angry:

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That's the cheapest one of the whole series. I've was playing it over the weekend and was getting sooooo frustrated with it.


Enemies kept randomly hopping over my shells, bananas and everything I threw at them. They also seem to have the ability to stay on the track, even though when I do manage to hit them on something like Rainbow Road they should have been thrown off the track. The speed boost they get is also unreal. I watched the bitch that is Princess Peach go from last to first in a matter of seconds. :angry:


I've been playing it on the VC for the last few days too and it is so punishing :o I had to turn it off this morning when I kept getting destroyed on Bowser Castle 3 in 150cc :nono: The best I managed was 5th place..


It's the sort of game that makes me wonder how I ever managed to do it all when I was younger as it was certainly difficult enough when I played through it on SNES a couple of years ago!

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Can't remember anything like that but fair enough, must be remembering incorrectly.


I'd love green and red shells to go back to being FAST and deadly like in the SNES game. The recent versions all have them being so slow and piss easy to avoid.


Bring back the feather, was fantastic for evasion tactics.


Simple Battle Mode tracks, that aren't city-sized. Again like the SNES/N64 games.

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I've been playing it on the VC for the last few days too and it is so punishing :o I had to turn it off this morning when I kept getting destroyed on Bowser Castle 3 in 150cc :nono: The best I managed was 5th place..


It's the sort of game that makes me wonder how I ever managed to do it all when I was younger as it was certainly difficult enough when I played through it on SNES a couple of years ago!


For me it's the way the karts handle. They handle so differently to every other kart game and every other Mario Kart game since Super Circuit. They seem to be a lot looser.


I always played the cups in 2 player mode back in the day, so maybe that made it easier, what with having a wingman and all. :)

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I think they should do a Smash Bros and include ALOT more weapons, but make them customisable for races.


Turn them all on

Turn them all off

Turn on 'Traditional Weapons Pack Only'

Choose you own etc...


Also if there's not going to be a Diddy Kong Racing 2 (which there will be ;))... Nintendo should take the stackable weapons option from that.

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@Hero\-of\-Time, can you ban yourself from this thread please? :heh::hug:


I'd really love it if Nintendo would include karts that look like the ones in MK64
You mean like the ones in Super Mario Kart. ;)




Anyway, they included the Pipe Frame in MK7, so hopefully they do the same for 8/U. :)


I'd like an option to force everyone into normal karts so it feels a bit more like MK64. Won't happen.
I really want that to happen for Time Trials. Everyone should have to use Standard Kart & their Mii for TT Mode.

But yeah, I don't see it happening either. :hmm:


I think they should do a Smash Bros and include ALOT more weapons, but make them customisable for races.


Turn them all on

Turn them all off

Turn on 'Traditional Weapons Pack Only'

Choose you own etc...

I'd be shocked if that happened. Mind you, they have been moving towards this kind of gameplay customisation recently.

They need to get Sakurai working on MK. :hehe:



I think I've mentioned this before, but the main thing I really want Nintendo to fix in the next MK game is to speed up the online joining process. Seriously, lose the thing where you're forced to watch the race in progress. It was cool at first, but so annoying once you've been playing for a long time and just want to get into a game as fast as possible. :shakehead

Really hope they bring back the floating usernames during online play too. Those were sorely missed in MK7. :(

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All of the classic tracks - or DLC at least.

User created tracks.

The 'mission' mode from the DS version.

Ability to make own customised GP's. (Could just do a SNES/N64 tourney etc.)

Ability to use the Wii U camera to put your face above your racer. Would be great in multiplayer to see the smile on someone's face when they drove past you having shelled you! ;)

5 player mode like Sonic Tansformed with 1 player on the Gamepad, 4 on TV.

Ability for a player to be Lakitu on the Gamepad and 'film' the race and share video's online.

Ditch some of the stupid characters. Go back to the Super Mario Kart/64 character sets.

Keep it all on land. Loved the MK7 variety but missed the classic 'race' experience.


Other wishes:


Amazing orchestrated intro like Smash Bros.

Ability to choose music for tracks.

Seperate bike mode.

Toggles for weapons on/off.

Coins on the track to collect which can be used like Nintendoland to unlock more content. (Evolution from MK7)

Adventure mode (like DKR) set in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Edited by tapedeck
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That's the cheapest one of the whole series. I've was playing it over the weekend and was getting sooooo frustrated with it.


I think he was talking about the multiplayer balance there. The earlier games favoured general racing skill over use of items.


I like that standard kart only time trial idea RedShell, sounds way more fun. It's lame having to pick some horrible kart combo just because it happens to be the fastest. Or everyone picking Funky Kong and the Bowser Bike in Mario Kart Wii.

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Feathers were cool, but I think it'd give Nintendo a nightmare trying to design the tracks without any major shortcut exploits. Some still slipped through in Mario Kart Wii and 7 despite their best efforts. And that was without a power up that let's you jump over walls.


It'd nice in those arena battles though. If only Nintendo would scrap the rubbish in recent games and go back to MK64 style battle mode. 3 balloons, Block Fort and lots of mayhem. :heh:

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What I would like:


- Erase all trace of MKWii.

- Glider from MK7. Improve underwater.

- Lobbies with customisation: weapons, tracks (Vote, random, host choose, new only, classic only), karts (can be set to classic).

- Mission mode.

- Good battle mode. More like 64. Block Fort.


What I wish, but don't expect in any way


- Adventure mode.

- Track editor

- Well-made online mode.

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Mario Kart: Double Dash!! is definitely my favourite in the series.


I absolutly love the fact that you can team up characters. I mean, it's simply classic that you can have Bowser and Mario or King Boo and Luigi teaming up in the same kart. I also really love the specials they threw in there (especially the giant banana). I hope they bring specials back :)

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This is obviously going to be placed as one of Nintendo's 'big' holiday titles for the Wii U but I hope they've learned a lot from making Mario Kart 7 and seeing what other kart racers have done and apply it to make the series an attractive proposition to play again because by the time it gets a release, I hope to have a Wii U and if it's as bad as MK Wii and MK7 were, then I'm well an truly done with the series.


The rubber-banding needs to be sorted. It was ridiculous in MK7 being pelted with lightning bolts and blue shells constantly, even on the 50cc difficulty. So I hope that given the extra grunt under the hood of the Wii U they can, you know, actually code some proper AI in there that isn't cheap (although they should have been doing this since the GC days so it seems like laziness on Nintendo's behalf with sorting this one out).


Weapon balance needs to be sorted as well. Scrap the underwater stuff as it was pointless in MK7, as was the glider but that could be implemented better with a bit more thought.


Also sort out the online (having to wait for a race in progress to finish before you can get to a lobby and then not being able to leave is just idiotic).


As for tracks, wish they'd stop parading old tracks as 'classics' and actually give a full roster of 32 new tracks. There's just no need to keep rehashing old tracks as they've pretty much run through the lot now.


So yeah, quite a bit to fix if I'm to ever be interested in the game. Such a shame to see how far the game has fallen since the DS iteration.

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