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Marvel's Phase Three


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About a month or so ago, we set ourselves a mammoth challenge of trying to catch up with this universe so that we could watch Endgame in the cinema. 

Yesterday, we finally watched Infinity War. We've only got Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel to watch (which we may just watch afterwards) but we are ready for Endgame! 


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Why not watch the last 2 films you're missing first? That's just ridiculous. Endgame expexts you to be familiar with all of the characters. Captain Marvel doesn't get much of an introduction (it continues from where Captain Marvel's post credit scene left off pretty much), and there's a cool familiar face returning from Dr. Strange. Which will mean nothing to you if you haven't seen it. So in my opinion you are not ready for Endgame.

Edited by Sméagol
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I FINALLY got around to seeing both Ant-Man and the Wasp and Avengers: Endgame. Ant-Man & Wasp was pretty entertaining. I had a few laughs, but I can't shake the feeling that Paul Rudd and Ant-Man is there to get parents to start watching the Marvel movies :P. I mean he is a dad, and he has a lot of bad dad jokes, and the mood of the movies is way lighter than in other Marlvel movies. But overall great show, loved seeing both Michelle Pfeifer and Michael Douglas too. Great acting all around.

And the for the big one. Endgame. Hoo boy, what a movie. It was long, but it was enjoyable, every minute of it. 


Hawkeye going full Batman and killing every gangster all over the world. I can't imagine him going down that road, and abandoning even Natasha after the snap.


I think it's sad that the current avengers are done. I'll be missing both Cap and Tony, and I really don't like the fact that they killed off Black Widow. I would actually prefer if they did kill Hawkeye. Yeah, sure I know he has family, but Black Widow has more precence on the screen. I mean, I don't know anyone who dislike Scarlett Johansson, and she was a great character to have bouncing (no pun intended) from franchise to franchise. Hawkeye and that haircut can jump off a cliff.

I enjoyed the final fight, but I think they took it far to large in scale. I know that this is the final movie in the current Avengers cast, and they wanted to have everyone (like Smash. EVERYONE IS HERE!!!!), but I think it left out all the good stuff about the fight. No focus, and just loads of fanservice. And there are some errors too, like.. How did Scarlet Witch get SO powerful, when in Infinity War she was pretty weak? I know revenge can fuel you, but not to the extent that your average super hero manages to make the most powerful villain, Thanos, beg for his trump card. That was pretty stupid. 

Aaaaand let's not talk about the "We are powerful women, and we do what the men can't!"-scene where Brie Larson and the other women have their time to shine. Okay, let's talk about it a little bit. This was so unnecessary. Marvel has done a great job of having a diverse cast of strong men and women, and they reflect the comics really good in this sense. That's why this scene was just too much. Peter: "Will you be alright on your own?" "I won't be alone. I have all these women to help me move the glove." ....but she's captain marvel. She coudl've just gone on her own, she's that powerful. And then she ends up giving it to a man afterwards anyway... So unnecessary and it just felt like cringe... 

Other than this, and the fact that they made Thanos seem more crazy and human, and not being the same character as he was in Infinity War.... AND the extremely convenient memory link that Nebula showed to Thanos.... it was REALLY good :D:D:D 

Oh, and Bucky should've gotten to be the new Cpt. America. Giving it to Falcon, an actor and character noone really cares about, just to have another black actor (that is my take on it) just seems like a silly idea based on the times we live in. Sorry if anyone gets offended by this, but that is my thought on it. 


Great trailer! I love the fact that there are multiverses now. It also opens up some proper possibilities... Can we get Iron Man back? Can we link up the X-men and the Marvel movies now? Imagine if Hugh Jackman were to join the Avengers after all this time... 

And some people have been playing with the thought that Tony Stark/Robert Downey Jr. is the new Jarvis in Spiderman. That would be a nice callback, and would ease his death a bit more. See that he is wearing Tony's glasses at a ceirtain point in the trailer. It will be really interesting to see what will be announced for phase 4.


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1 minute ago, ArtMediocre said:


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 And there are some errors too, like.. How did Scarlet Witch get SO powerful, when in Infinity War she was pretty weak? I know revenge can fuel you, but not to the extent that your average super hero manages to make the most powerful villain, Thanos, beg for his trump card. That was pretty stupid. 

Aaaaand let's not talk about the "We are powerful women, and we do what the men can't!"-scene where Brie Larson and the other women have their time to shine. Okay, let's talk about it a little bit. This was so unnecessary. Marvel has done a great job of having a diverse cast of strong men and women, and they reflect the comics really good in this sense. That's why this scene was just too much. Peter: "Will you be alright on your own?" "I won't be alone. I have all these women to help me move the glove." ....but she's captain marvel. She coudl've just gone on her own, she's that powerful. And then she ends up giving it to a man afterwards anyway... So unnecessary and it just felt like cringe... 




Scarlet Witch is STUPIDLY OP in the comics ( pretty much wiped out all the mutants single handedly ) and it was nice to see her finally unleash and show a fraction what is is actually capable of.

Ah, yes THAT scene. Hated it. Absolutely hated it and it spoilt the end battle for me and my mates. One of the guys I was with actually shouted "Sod off" in the cinema when it happened. The whole thing was so forced and unnecessary. I'm all for strong female characters and the Scarlet Witch scene was exactly how to show this and do it well. 


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18 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:


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Scarlet Witch is STUPIDLY OP in the comics ( pretty much wiped out all the mutants single handedly ) and it was nice to see her finally unleash and show a fraction what is is actually capable of.

Ah, yes THAT scene. Hated it. Absolutely hated it and it spoilt the end battle for me and my mates. One of the guys I was with actually shouted "Sod off" in the cinema when it happened. The whole thing was so forced and unnecessary. I'm all for strong female characters and the Scarlet Witch scene was exactly how to show this and do it well. 




Yeah, exactly! They did not need to enforce that upon us.

And okay, I have not read the comics, so you know this better than me. And if that is the case, I'm glad that Scarlet Witch gets to unleash her full potential! But she should've been more powerful in the early movies too, so it doesn't seem out of place like this did for me who's mainly a Marvel Cinema Universe guy, not a comic dude.



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I thought the women shot was oddly fitted in but awesome all the same.

Scarlet Witch destroyed a shit load of Ultron robots due to her grief in Age of Ultron and held of an Infinity Gauntlet powered Thanos with one hand in the last movie. She has always been incredibly powerful in the MCU.

And honestly I think it’s incredible shitty to play the “another black actor” card for why Falcon shouldn’t be the new Captain America.


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Having Falcon as the new Captain America doesn't really bother me. I was honestly expecting it. Again, it's something that happens in the comics ( granted Bucky also gets to be Captain America at various points ) and it just felt like a good fit seeing as Bucky would probably be still seen as a terrorist to many of the public.


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1 hour ago, Happenstance said:

And honestly I think it’s incredible shitty to play the “another black actor” card for why Falcon shouldn’t be the new Captain America.



I had no idea Falcon was the successor to Captan America in the comics, I just learned that from google. The reason I thought of the "another black actor" was pretty much because I had no idea of the actual story in the comics, and I'd just seen the all female scene which I felt was way over the top. Then I put those two together, mixed with Marvel's/hollywood's stand of mixing races and genders up for reactions, and then I got down to that thought. For me, Captain America will pretty much always be Steve Rogers, so I think seeing someone else with the shield would feel wrong anyway. Just my two cents.


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I also find Falcon a weird choice in this movie and I also thought that this was also because they wanted more black people in the movies - which is fine, no problem at all.

The problem is, though, that I didn't really recognize him - and my friend didn't either. He's just a presence in the movies and hasn't lived up to the Cpt. America-mantle. If this was the intention then he should have had a lot more screentime in earlier movies. That and the fact that he doesn't have any powers at all.

Perhaps I just have to rewatch Winter Solider and Civil War to see more of him, though.


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3 hours ago, MindFreak said:
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I also find Falcon a weird choice in this movie and I also thought that this was also because they wanted more black people in the movies - which is fine, no problem at all.

The problem is, though, that I didn't really recognize him - and my friend didn't either. He's just a presence in the movies and hasn't lived up to the Cpt. America-mantle. If this was the intention then he should have had a lot more screentime in earlier movies. That and the fact that he doesn't have any powers at all.

Perhaps I just have to rewatch Winter Solider and Civil War to see more of him, though.



it's weird in a way, but I think Falcon was the one who was with Captain america the whole time, sure Bucky was an old friend from way back (and super soldier) but Falcon was Roger's second in most of the films. As someone else mentioned, Bucky had a few issues, and afaik he still has that brainwashing thing, so at least potentially he could still be taken over by someone else who perhaps stumbles across the correct sequence of words??


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12 minutes ago, Pestneb said:
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it's weird in a way, but I think Falcon was the one who was with Captain america the whole time, sure Bucky was an old friend from way back (and super soldier) but Falcon was Roger's second in most of the films. As someone else mentioned, Bucky had a few issues, and afaik he still has that brainwashing thing, so at least potentially he could still be taken over by someone else who perhaps stumbles across the correct sequence of words??



Bucky doesn't have the brainwashing anymore, the Wakandans sorted that.


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I've always thought Anthony Mackie was a great actor and deserves more of the limelight.  He transcends the character of Falcon, I think.  Whether it will actually work (considering he doesn't have super powers) is another matter - I tend to think the best characters are generally the non-magic, enhanced humans like Captain America and Spider-Man.  It may not be the same without giving the audience that fantasy of "I could just jump a bit higher or lift heavier things", but as I say, I think the actor himself has the charisma to pull it off.  And let's not forget the most memorable moment of Winter Soldier is how Steve keeps lapping Falcon and shouting "On the left!"


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27 minutes ago, Pestneb said:
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it's weird in a way, but I think Falcon was the one who was with Captain america the whole time, sure Bucky was an old friend from way back (and super soldier) but Falcon was Roger's second in most of the films. As someone else mentioned, Bucky had a few issues, and afaik he still has that brainwashing thing, so at least potentially he could still be taken over by someone else who perhaps stumbles across the correct sequence of words??



Oh, I don't think Bucky is suitable either. I don't know who would be better of the existing characters, but I wanted to say that both my friend and I were confused about who he was, despite having watched all the movies he's in. 


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Apparently China have pulled all showings of Endgame from their cinemas. General theory is that it was catching up to their own top grossing movies of the year and they didn’t want a US movie to overtake them. This will most likely affect Endgame’s chances of overtaking Avatar as well which is a shame.

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On 06/05/2019 at 2:04 PM, Happenstance said:


Includes Endgame spoilers

As much as I've always wanted for Mysterio to get a movie appearance, this feels nothing like the character in the comics. Looking forward to it all the same though.



Took out all of Peter's school (or at least his class) what an amazing coincidence.


When they're talking about stepping into Iron Man's shoes... You thinking they will make Gyllenhaal the new Iron Man? Or make Holland Iron Man and introduce Morales to take the Spider-Mantle 


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