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Things that people do that wind you up


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...yes :'(



Ohhh, that kind of facebook official! I thought it was like some facebook thing CALLED 'facebook official'! If you're considering that a milestone, then I fear for your relationships.


I hate people who complain about never doing anything or being invited anywhere, when they never invite anyone to anything or organise anything.

Forgot this one too, used to be the bane of my existence though it's gotten much better recently. Used to hate the old 'who's going?' rather than a yes/no when I tried to arrange stuff! Nobody wants to be my friend :(

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See, the 'facebook official' isn't something that bothers me but its mere existence calls into question the whole 'labelling' thing. I'm quite content coasting along with my lovely lady and enjoying everything but other people repeatedly ask me "so when's to going to be facebook official?" as if there's a lack of authenticity to the relationship I have!


Also, I use facebook events for larger shindigs. My default practice is just texting people but events do help to clarify things and cut down on repetition.

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Facebook is a bit overwhelming at times. It's decent for organising events, but there can be times where you get notifications and you don't even look at them. They just seem like +1s...I usually click off those things without even reading them. Plus, half of the events people are organising are meaningless. I tend to find that any actual events get sorted through text or in person anyway.

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In life I can happily live my days believing that if I act in a moral, courteous, personable manner then I am somehow bettering the world, or at least setting a good example to follow. How you interact with facebook cannot be followed or even seen, when it comes to the trivial elements such as how you treat notifications, etc.


The facebook chat has a multi-chat option, however you can't refuse an invite, so now my friends have discovered a good way to 'accidentally' annoy other friends who have notifications on their iphones turned on. One friend swears that their freshly-charged phone ran out of battery due to the notification vibration.


Sure flink, if you like

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Ok so I'm frustrated because of facebook events.


Essentially, people think "oh I've got an invitation! I'll look at this, then just not say whether I'm going or not because lots of people have an invite and they won't notice if I say nothing at all."


Typically if it's a night out it's all done via texts, which people kinda feel they HAVE to respond to because tehy KNOW that I know they've got the fucking invite. On facebook people can just pretend they haven't seen the invite yet -- even though they're sitting on the chat list with their little green circles.


I just find it really rude. I've created an event to play pool on the weekend as I have a friend who can get us two free tables at the local pool hall - however he needs to know rough numbers. So there's 30 people invited, of which at least 12 are just courtesy invites to people I've not seen in a while, or people who aren't strictly part of teh 'core' group of friends who are going, who have their own social main group and will be too scared to come hang with us without their security blankets. But still, as a gesture they'll get an invite and the opportunity to turn me down.


So I've texted everyone whose number I have to ask them again, and immediately I get 5 responses -- a mixture of yeses and noses.


I hate how facebook really trivialises or overblows social interactions. It's a weird system of communication and I don't like teh non-committal nature of it.


I also hate how 'facebook official' is a legit thing now; an actual milestone to charter by. It has legitimately complicated my situation by placing a blue-boxed, white lower-cased lettered cloud above me. That bit makes little sense, BUT I KNOW WHAT I MEAN.


I genuinely don't notice Facebook invites, just because of the constant amount of spam I get. Random events from people from college who I haven't sspoken to for two years, nearly always just a 'invite all' situation too, it also helps that whenever something big is going on, we tend to text each other about it anyway.


Oh and you'll enjoy this, no doubt :laughing:


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There's far too much effort gone into that for it to be a parody. It's scary.


... But yes that video was... lol :P


And hey -- dude. let's re-evaluate who we have on our lists. How many friends you got? Why not just delete these guys who pester you? That way if someone genuine invites you to something you won't dismiss it so quick!

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People who take unneccessarily tiny bites out of things. This may be more of an adverts that blow thing as I mainly see it happen in the commercials. It's still annoying though :(


No, this absolutely irritates me as well! I hate it when people chew for an excessive amount of time as well. Like, I get that you want to taste the food and that's awesome but do you REALLY want to sit there for almost two minutes chewing the same bit of food? I mean, shit, your dinner's going to get cold soon! By the time you've finished your dinner, people'll be serving Christmas dinner!

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In a similar vein, People Who Take Uneccessarily Large Bites of Things.


There was this guy on the bus who was eating a sandwich, and had to stare at his morsel intently to try and work out the best angle to get a good mouthful from, and would then ease open his gaping maw to grapple at the snack like a huge tortoise attacking a lettuce leaf, before cramming far too much of it in his mouth at once and chowing down. Made me feel sick/want to slap him in da face.


Can we just call this thread 'bob getting pointlessly angry at things'.


Here's another one: People Who Open Windows Whilst Wearing Too Many Clothes'. Those sort of people who get on a bus and pop open a window because they are hot, and don't give a shit about anyone else, even though they are wearing 12 coats and never ask if anyone else would like the window open.

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I think sometimes I'm a bit of a big biter, though I'd like to hope I'm usually a regular biter. Tiny biter though? Never. I can't help buy wolf down something tasty, which has often lead in the past to me then struggling. I'm that annoying guy who takes a massive bite of food, then has something to say, but end up chewing and just gesturing a lot. My friend is a bit weird though, and he takes tiny bites. He eats his foot strangely immaculately and delicately. I don't know why it looks so funny to me.

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I think sometimes I'm a bit of a big biter, though I'd like to hope I'm usually a regular biter. Tiny biter though? Never. I can't help buy wolf down something tasty, which has often lead in the past to me then struggling. I'm that annoying guy who takes a massive bite of food, then has something to say, but end up chewing and just gesturing a lot. My friend is a bit weird though, and he takes tiny bites. He eats his foot strangely immaculately and delicately. I don't know why it looks so funny to me.


just Gesticulating jestily

Must masticate messily

Rummy rummy rummily

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Okay...I've said this before, but shall say it again purely because it annoyed me so much this morning...


People driving under the speed limit. -

Majority of my travel to work is along a road that is FREQUENTLY sign posted at 50mph. Yet I'm stuck behind some nora doing 30, and it's not possible for me to overtake due to the majority of oncoming traffic as it's during work commute hours.


And another quite recent thing it's not so much what they do that winds me up... but more so what they are...


People that are smelly. And not cause they've farted and sat down next to me, they just genuinely have a very strong body odor and don't take care of it with deodorant. I was in a meeting with some people from our Cardiff office at the beginning of the week. I was sat down next to one individual that smelt so bad I found myself turning and facing the other way to breathe.


I guess it's not their fault, but man...I do wonder if they notice that they smell.

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Okay...I've said this before, but shall say it again purely because it annoyed me so much this morning...


People driving under the speed limit. -

Majority of my travel to work is along a road that is FREQUENTLY sign posted at 50mph. Yet I'm stuck behind some nora doing 30, and it's not possible for me to overtake due to the majority of oncoming traffic as it's during work commute hours.


OH. MY. GOD. YES. YESYESYESYESYESYES. This so much. I won't deny, I'm a bit of a liability on the road according to some, but I CANNOT stand people driving UNDER the limit. I still struggle with those who drive at the limit too, but they're just abiding by the law I guess(despite the fact that barely any really does).


It also brings me on to the quite relevant point: motorway drivers. I frequently take an A-road with 3 lanes, and I get SO annoyed with middle lane and fast lane drivers who don't understand the point of it. Unless you're going faster than what's on your left, you should BE left. I'd always heard of 'middle lane drivers' since I was young and well before I was driving, but actually seeing it irks me so much. Again, sure it's fine if YOU don't want to be speeding, but if I'm faster than you then get out of the fucking way. Too often I see the leftmost lane completely empty, with so many people in the middle lane or fast lane, but not actually going fast. I eventually end up being that cunt who undercuts everything in the left lane, because nobody else is using the fucking motorway properly.

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OH. MY. GOD. YES. YESYESYESYESYESYES. This so much. I won't deny, I'm a bit of a liability on the road according to some, but I CANNOT stand people driving UNDER the limit. I still struggle with those who drive at the limit too, but they're just abiding by the law I guess(despite the fact that barely any really does).


Yeah I admit I do have problems with people that do stick to the speed limit too. Especially if you see that infront of that car there is no-one there as they're all speeding too.


Just leaves me thinking "If i'd left 2 minutes earlier I wouldn't be behind this guy and I'd be by X point by now, or by Y point".



And when you have someone under the limit, you then get people up your ass getting frustrated, which then further stresses you out as it's not your fault and you'd love to be going faster.


8 years driving, no accidents, no near misses, no speeding tickets, not been pulled over, passed my theory and practical first time.... So yes I may seem like I drive like an idiot but I think I'm doing okay.

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