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I Dreamed a Dream...


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So I know we used to have a thread about the last dream you had and stuff but I want to make a thread about dreams in general. Not only dreams you had last night but your ultimate dream life, your dream goal, your dream love, your dream world, what you want out of life and what you think of dreams, what your interpretation of dreams and nightmares are, etc.


I had a dream last night that everybody was singing so I had a musical dream. Probably been brought on by my latest obsession with Les Misèrables. It was quite a cool dream. Not the first time I ever had a musical dream but it was awesome because I had a kick-ass Barry White voice! :D


Nothing extraordinary even happened. It was just me working. I can't remember all of the words but there was awesome backing music and I was singing lyrics to whatever the situation was. One of them was that I got turned down on a sale and suddenly, the room went black and a spotlight shined on me and I started singing this slow, sad song.


Bit strange.

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As of late, my dreams have been getting epic, to the point of them having a "One Year Later" subtitle. Some of them are even movie worthy plots (not saying them as I may try and do that)

"... And then Bruce Willis punched the bad guy in the face and then he was suddenly back in high school and he wasn't wearing any clothes so he decided to fly back home and then it was nighttime and there was a red car driving on the road and I recognized the people in it even though I couldn't see what they looked like and then Bruce Willis's teeth fell out."

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I invented a new type of biscuit and went on a hunt to buy some. In another dream I hired a cinema to watch the last episode of 30 Rock.


I'm considering doing the latter.


I am really envious of your biscuit dream.



Mine have been school related recently. Usually ones where everything goes horribly wrong :shakehead.


On a related note, I have a great app on my phone called sleep cycle. It has dramatically improved how well I wake up in the morning as I'm now only mildly irritable, compared to the raging monster I once was.


Here's the link.

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You really, really, reaaaaaaaally loved Les Mis, didn't you?


That movie was magnificent! I didn't think I'd love it as much as I do. I've bought the soundtrack, bought the 1999 movie with Liam Neeson in it (which was great but I prefer the 2012/2013 one) and I'm on the lookout for the 25th Anniversary concert on blu-ray (I think it's the play which is what I want but they called it the concert). When it's playing next in Birmingham, I'm going to book tickets as well.




Do you guys think dreams mean anything at all? Like some sort of warning or something? You have these people who analyse dreams, do you think there's something worth looking into or do you think they're just dreams and they're wasting time?

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Dreams are just the thoughts of the unconscious mind.[/probably an oversimplification] But yeah, I don't buy into the idea that they're premonitions and stuff like that.

I dunno. I've had weird dreams that ended up true


We had a sheep. About a week before it died, I had a dream that it died in the same position it was in. A few years later I had a dream I was in a car crash, the next day I was in a car crash.


Coincidence, probably...but still

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I had some weird dreams myself. I dreamed that one of the swans over at my park died. Two days later, a swan died because of some thugs who beat it to death. I dreamed that my manager of my last job wasn't going to further my contract, next day I found out they didn't.


Pretty weird stuff but they could be coincidences.

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A popular idea I see about dreams is that they are simply your brain reorganising information while you sleep.


It's an interesting idea and I personally think there is some weight behind it, particular in terms of organising the implicit/unconscious information we've taken in during the course of the day but not paid attention to. It's an area of research I'm particularly interested in at Uni with my Masters right now so I find dreaming/the unconscious and things like emergent morphology (coming up with ideas and solutions simultaneously in different parts of the world) fascinating[/nerd]


In terms of people you try to interpret meaning from dreams, I think a lot of the stuff you'll see thrown around as interpretations (particularly on the 'net) are nonsense and are based on archaic armchair psychology adapted from Freud and the like (like the interpretation of having sex with a woman in a dream... they say that the woman is your mother and it's the whole Oedipus complex thing).


Yes, there'll be a narrative to your dreams as your brain organises things but there isn't a greater meaning behind it (much as there isn't a greater meaning behind life, regardless of what philosophers or whoever suggest... but that's an entirely different topic altogether :D). Also don't go along with dreams being premonitions of future events.


In terms of any dreams I've had recently, the last one I had had me wake up in the dream and have a mouth full of bugs which freaked me out so much that I actually woke up.

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I dunno. I've had weird dreams that ended up true


We had a sheep. About a week before it died, I had a dream that it died in the same position it was in. A few years later I had a dream I was in a car crash, the next day I was in a car crash.


Coincidence, probably...but still

I once dreamed that I had sex with my sister outside a bus stop.


I'll let you know when that turns out to be a true.

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I often dream really bizarre things but... forget most of it within a few minutes (which is probably for the best :P)


And @Animal - Are you a big fan of swans? I can't say a dream where a swan died would have stuck out too much for me xD


And speaking of nightmares...



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@Rummy: I want it to be about that but also in general. Like I want them to be about the subject of dreams and why we do. I've always found dreams and nightmares to be a fascinating subject.


And @Animal - Are you a big fan of swans? I can't say a dream where a swan died would have stuck out too much for me xD


I love swans. Needless to say, I woke up upset. Then two days later, I heard that some scumbags threw bricks at a swan and then set their dog on it. Bloody bastards! They got caught though, don't know what sentence they got. I hope it was a lot though!


There was trouble at some point where some little shits were throwing stones at the ducks and swans. I saw them and shouted "OI!", they looked at me and ran off. Little bastards!

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I've had several weird dreams lately.


Last night I dreamt that I slept with an ice queen, then had a conversation with a friend about another friend's failed marriage.


A couple of weeks ago I dreamt I was at a festival watching Biffy Clyro, and behind the bar was Kate Middleton, but she had the voice of Amy Childs (of TOWIE fame) and if you took a photo of her she had stubble.


Then back in November I had a dream where I was still at uni (studying Journalism) but we were sent to a poetry festival in the USA. It was in a tiny room, and I suddenly found myself trouserless and underwearless, with no way of covering up. I ended up in an airport, then Barack Obama turned up, gave me a hug, and everything felt ok.


Anyone care to analyse??

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Dammit... I've been meaning to make a dream topic for months.


I kept a little book where I wrote a few dreams down.


Any good ones?


I've been meaning to keep a dream journal. It might be a good idea if I did seeing as I'm writing a story...might be something useful...

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I don't remember much about events of any recent dreams, but I do remember some stuff that seems to be the same across all my dreams.


Firstly, I always dream about people I know. I don't recall ever meeting someone my mind created in a dream.


But on the flip side, I've never, ever dreamt of a real location. The locations in my dreams I know as "my old school", "my workplace", "my flat", etc; but they never look anything like what they are.


My "school" is usually made up of multiple towers which a futuristic, yet militaristic look, separated by extremely green grass and paved paths and precisely placed trees. My "flat" is in a skyscraper (but still in an area that looks like Stockport) has a lot more gadgets, all the appliances are a lot better and it's longer than my flat.


I really wish I could get these designs on paper.

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I rarely ever have cool dreams where interesting things happen that would make a cool story. Instead I get trapped in worlds where the physical laws are all fucked up and the same shit happens again and again and again.


One dream I'll remember forever was when I had a really bad throat infection. In the dream, I was sat on my grandads veranda trying to swat away the rotating, disembodied head of Elijah Wood, but it felt like my limbs were underwater and I kept on missing, while he kept on saying "Gandalf?" in a really puzzled ether addled voice.


Another time, I was in stirrups and a saddle and a doughnut was riding me through the neighbourhood I grew up in, while lashing me with a riding crop. Again, I think this time my nervous system was under duress because I'd fallen asleep after drinking two cups of coffee.


Anyone who thinks that dreams are premonitions, or extrasensory in any way, are fatuous, gullible imbeciles whose mawkish palaver should be actively shunned at all turns. Fuck off, it's people like these, whose borderline schizophrenic tendency to see nonexistent patterns, is what is responsible for everything from Tea Party nuts proclaiming that Obama is a communist, to religious zealots proclaiming to see the virgin Mary in a piece of burn toast. I wish evolution had selected these daft fucks out of the gene pool.

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