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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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I second this, but I'm afraid we'll be shot down. I want a full space saga with Epona the spaceship, light saber master sword, etc.


I'm not to keen on 'space' Zelda, but a world that is Hyrule in the Future or even industrialised. And you as Link have to save it from destroying the last vestiges of nature with the help of our friendly oppressed natives.

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When he says soon, I'd assume soon would mean this year. I can't see it being shown before WindWaker is released. It would make a nice Christmas present if it was revealed in a Nintendo Direct.


This is reminding me of the rumour that they could have shown it at E3 (they almost said as much). Part of me thinks we'll have to wait until E3 2014 but I do hope we see it in a Nintendo Direct shortly after Wind Waker has been released.

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I hope Zelda can put Hyrule behind it for a change.


Let's explore more of Termina or a completely new World!


To be honest, Hyrule is commonly the same in name only.

I want to see Hyrule depicted as a big, open world without loading screens, GTA style.


The idea of a Zelda taking place in more modern times isn't bad. Skyward Sword was full of sci-fi stuff, like androids and hovertrains. The Master Sword being a light saber would be out of touch with the Zelda mythology and Epona being a machine is wrong too. But I would have nothing against having a mix of new and old. Imagine Red Dead Redemption, where horses are the most common means of transport, but trains, cars and even primitive airplanes exist. Most people live out in small, self-sufficient farms, but firearms exist.


It'd be interresting to see an era like that, but where magic exists.

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All the time you go on about a more advanced Zelda all i can think of is fable 3 and that is not a good thing


I can invision that as well. Fable III was nowhere near as good as Fable II (and that was decent enough) nor anywhere near as good as the original. Some franchises don't need the "future" added to it. Zelda is one, and something i don't want to see occur.


Maybe returning to Termina or a new world may be in order to freshen up Zelda a little. Or maybe going back down the RPG route to add to it would help the series.

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I want to see Hyrule depicted as a big, open world without loading screens, GTA style.


You could've used Skyrim as an example, but noooo...


On a more serious note, Spirit Tracks proved Zelda can have steampunk-y elements and still retain the medieval feeling. The next Zelda could be Wild West (sans guns. Maybe replace them with Bows) and I think it could work.

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You could've used Skyrim as an example, but noooo...


On a more serious note, Spirit Tracks proved Zelda can have steampunk-y elements and still retain the medieval feeling. The next Zelda could be Wild West (sans guns. Maybe replace them with Bows) and I think it could work.

I may sound a bit nitpicky, but Skyrim felt too big. No place felt special, no place was interresting enough to revisit. And traveling was a chore. GTA: San Andreas is as big as Hyrule should possibly get.


Gameplaywise, what would be the difference between bows and bolt-action rifles? The only one I can think of is the limited magazine size, although that could be ignored.

Imagine how there being sidequests where you can have a gunblade made? Or just a rifle with a bayonet?


Oh, and considering the mythology surrounding the Master Sword, it should be the best weapon in the game IMO, rather than something that gets outshined by random trinkets in every game.

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Gameplaywise, what would be the difference between bows and bolt-action rifles? The only one I can think of is the limited magazine size, although that could be ignored.

Imagine how there being sidequests where you can have a gunblade made? Or just a rifle with a bayonet?


Actually, I was just thinking of the setting. Instead of wild gunmen, we could have wild bowmen :heh:


Actual guns definitely wouldn't fit in Zelda, though. Rapid-fire crossbows or magic still fit, but guns are just a line that shouldn't be crossed in medieval fantasy. It's just too big a clash.


Oh, and considering the mythology surrounding the Master Sword, it should be the best weapon in the game IMO, rather than something that gets outshined by random trinkets in every game.


Outside of Ocarina of Time, I honestly can't recall any other occasion where another sword is better than the Master Sword.

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I would like Zelda to go back to its roots in many ways. In the first Zelda title on the NES you could just explore and if you were good enough even do the dungeons out of their intended order.


It offered freedom and you were only restrained by your skill. If you were genuinely good enough, you could get around the map with your wooden sword. But it was obviously easier if you did it in order.


Zelda has become more and more linear as time has gone by. It would be nice for Hyrule to be an open world again where the adventurer chooses which path they take and where they go.


I still want the game to be set in Hyrule and I still want all the classic items and characters that make Zelda what it is, but to re-imagine Hyrule in full HD but as a free roaming adventure just as Miyamoto originally did on the NES would be glorious!

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I would like Zelda to go back to its roots in many ways. In the first Zelda title on the NES you could just explore and if you were good enough even do the dungeons out of their intended order.


It offered freedom and you were only restrained by your skill. If you were genuinely good enough, you could get around the map with your wooden sword. But it was obviously easier if you did it in order.


Zelda has become more and more linear as time has gone by. It would be nice for Hyrule to be an open world again where the adventurer chooses which path they take and where they go.


I still want the game to be set in Hyrule and I still want all the classic items and characters that make Zelda what it is, but to re-imagine Hyrule in full HD but as a free roaming adventure just as Miyamoto originally did on the NES would be glorious!


That would be really interesting, although I wonder at what cost that would be to the cinematics of the game. My biggest criticism of Skyward Sword was that it was far less cinematic than I was expecting it to be. In fact, it started off really, really well and then it seems like Nintendo just gave up on the cinematic and story-telling elements about halfway through and didn't bother until right at the very end. It was such a large gaping hole that needed filling.


So, for me, the next Zelda needs to be better in this area.

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Outside of Ocarina of Time, I honestly can't recall any other occasion where another sword is better than the Master Sword.


Gets tempered and then golden'd in LttP. Still the master sword technically, though.


Anyhow, that's what I'd like still. 3D Zelda LttP.

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Yes, with all due respect, I prefer Twilight Princess as it is. Ah, to be honest I'd love to have another experience like Twilight Princess. Christmas 2006, inserting the disc into my GameCube... the sunsets, all those fields to run across and the knowledge there was a large overworld to explore.


Yes, this is exactly what people said would happen, and yes, I am being revisionist and somewhat nostalgic. Most of us had worked ourselves into a frenzy of excitement about the game and it was very hard for it to live up to expectations. On a personal level, I was also angry at the delay/Wii version/modifications. BUT, this is not all nostalgia. If you load up the game today and have a run around, it is so much better than what has come since. The atmosphere, the (GameCube) controls, the overall feel... To me it is still not a 10/10, but it was so much on the right track.

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It's just a little fan project/demo dealie! Tbh I think TP and SS are almost equally as bad as each other so don't really care either way about stuff like this. I said it before and I'll say it again time after time, don't scandalize mine! TP is a fantastic game, but it's a terrible zelda.


SS was more in the right vein but something about it just didn't click with me. You need character, you need to pump the world full of things that just don't matter but are there regardless. The good/best Zeldas had that, a world where you could miss things other than heart pieces and bottles and still complete the quest. A world where you matter, but at the same time you don't. A world that carries on both with or without you, and you just influence the outcome possibly.


IMO that's why Majora's Mask is one of the greatest Zelda's to date, too. It's let down solely because it had to capitilise on OoT and its assets.

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I prefer it, didn't like the look of Twilight Princess. It instantly makes the game look more fun, charming and vibrant.


Whilst the visual style doesn't work well in some areas, that's just down to the level design in that game. Would have been done differently if built for that engine.

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  • 8 months later...

With E3 just around the corner, I wanted to see some thoughts on what people were hoping for from the Zelda Wii U.


Seeing the new Sonic Lost World Zelda pack made me think of a Skyward Sword sequel; Where Hyrule has now settled on the ground, loftwings are present but waining and the beginning of kingdom based societies are arising.


Perhaps leading up to the war that caused the HoTs mother to flee to Kokiri.


Kind of makes sense with Hyrule Warriors coming...


Wonder what goodness is in store at E3. :)

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