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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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* I kind of liked the idea that was going around when that fake artwork for 'Vally of the Floods' circulated around the internet. You'd be an old man who thinks he is the reincarnation of the legendary hero of time :laughing:


Done. Tingle has a game for himself already :heh:


* Also an interesting idea would be indeed to have a group called 'L.I.N.K' instead of just one person.


So, when the player chooses the name, he also gets to choose what each letter stands for?

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I remember seeing ideas for a futuristic or steam-punk Zelda. Not sure if that idea would be suited for Zelda itself, but it would be great if Nintendo had a series that had similar ideas, but yet took places at different periods in time. So, there could be a steam-punk version of it, cyber-punk (Blade Runner-ish) and medieval, like.


Zelda has always appeared quite medieval-ish to me, and I love that. So, not sure if this idea is suitable for it. Maybe for something else entirely.

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So, when the player chooses the name, he also gets to choose what each letter stands for?


Like...Lazy, Imbecile, Narcissistic & Kunt? : D


I remember seeing ideas for a futuristic or steam-punk Zelda. Not sure if that idea would be suited for Zelda itself, but it would be great if Nintendo had a series that had similar ideas, but yet took places at different periods in time. So, there could be a steam-punk version of it, cyber-punk (Blade Runner-ish) and medieval, like.


Zelda has always appeared quite medieval-ish to me, and I love that. So, not sure if this idea is suitable for it. Maybe for something else entirely.


Well, it's typical high fantasy really.


These stories are often serious in tone and epic in scope, dealing with themes of grand struggle against supernatural, evil forces.[22] Some typical characteristics of high fantasy include fantastical elements such as elves, fairies, dwarves, dragons, demons, magic or sorcery, wizards or magicians, constructed languages, quests, coming-of-age themes, and multi-volume narratives.


No dwarfs though. Anyway, hard to say how it would work in another setting, like sci-fi etc. Prob a step too far for the series...

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I thought we were going to get this with Twilight Princess onwards... where in the trailer they showed a deep forest, they showed hills, rivers and open plains... but then they went and made all the hills out of reach and gave you linear paths through the woods etc...


I was starting to wonder why I got so hyped for Twilight Princess before launch, then all those memories of these trailers came flooding back to me.


I remember thinking the exact same thing, especially in the scene where there are hundreds of monsters across a huge field and he's running along slashing them all.


I'll never forgive Nintendo for that :sad:

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How about a present-day Zelda in the vein of Goonies or Neverending Story where some lovable scamp finds ''something relevant to Zelda'' in his mute Grandmas dusty old attic. Im thinking the Book of Mudora from LttP here.


Of course its in Hylian, so he can only interpret the book through its illustrations. He thinks the illustrations are guiding him , when in reality, they are warnings.


So he inadvertently triggers ''some event'' where the Dark World begins bleeding over into his hometown. Things are looking grim and the kid is terrified. Then to make matters worse, some weird triangular symbol begins glowing on the back of his hand...


I haven't thought it through beyond that but it could work!

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I was starting to wonder why I got so hyped for Twilight Princess before launch, then all those memories of these trailers came flooding back to me.


I remember thinking the exact same thing, especially in the scene where there are hundreds of monsters across a huge field and he's running along slashing them all.


I'll never forgive Nintendo for that :sad:

It was images like this that made it seem like woodlands, hillocks, grasslands and maybe even mountains etc... were integrated...






Little did we know (although you can it see it with hindsight), that such copses and hills were raised out of reach. You naturally assumed that you could wander/ride into and through such a woodland...




... and out the other side.


This time however, there are the capabilities to turn this into a Skyrim sized Hyrule ripe for exploration! :D




Or at least there should be/no excuses! ;)



Edited by Retro_Link
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How about a present-day Zelda in the vein of Goonies or Neverending Story where some lovable scamp finds ''something relevant to Zelda'' in his mute Grandmas dusty old attic. Im thinking the Book of Mudora from LttP here.


Of course its in Hylian, so he can only interpret the book through its illustrations. He thinks the illustrations are guiding him , when in reality, they are warnings.


So he inadvertently triggers ''some event'' where the Dark World begins bleeding over into his hometown. Things are looking grim and the kid is terrified. Then to make matters worse, some weird triangular symbol begins glowing on the back of his hand...


I haven't thought it through beyond that but it could work!


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Does anyone think that there might be a time when we don't play as "the one and only Link". Maybe part of the hero collective instead or people just inspired by Link?


I'm thinking through how, from a character perspective that Nintendo might make this multiplayer type of things work.


I can see a time where he doesn't look like the Link we all know (although that would be very controversial), but I think it will still be one character. Link is just the person every generation who is awarded the Tri-Force of Courage. Ever since Wind Waker, I've thought if it as like Blackadder.




Now as for Ocarina of Time, I think @The\-chosen\-one made some excellent points about it. I don't think it's the best Zelda game, but I think it deserves its reputation as one of the top tier Zeldas.


Just to explain, Link to the Past was my first Zelda, and I thought every subsequent one was better up to and including Wind Waker. When I replayed OOT after WW I remember thinking "This is still a contender for the top spot. I don't like it as much as Wind Waker overall, but there are a few bits it could teach it".


It's all to do with design. Just making a game with better graphics doesn't work if the design is not as good. Take Lon Lon Ranch, for example. The way that sits in the middle of the field speaks to you, subconsciously. It's an oasis of calm. When you are through the gates, you feel like you are getting an insight into a family business, with the father, daughter and dodgy worker! You meet what is to become your steed and your most loyal friend.


Going up the mountain to meet the Gorons actually feels like climbing to a significant height. Lake Hylia feels like somewhere out of the way, where a scientist is doing his experiments. All this stuff was designed this way for a reason.


Now as for items, I've been accused before of wanting "every game to be the same", but the truth is, items were designed to enable valid gameplay ideas. The Hookshot has been brilliant since Link to the Past, letting you get to distant targets, so of course it's in most Zeldas. Power Gauntlets allow you to get into holes you couldn't previously. The Mirror Shield lets you deflect light. Fire Arrows allow you to light torches, even if they're not within reach.


The Biggoron Sword allowed you to increase your attack if you were willing to sacrifice defence. Cuckoos (and in later games, the Deku Leaf), allow you to glide from up high. It's one reason Kakariko Village was by far the best town in Twilight Princess.


I very much disagree with people saying Zelda has become stale and shouldn't use the same items and ideas over and over again. Because it should remember its best bits, and why they were invented in the first place.

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I'd like to it to go back in the medieval direction. ie. no robots / trains !!


Yeah, that era serves it well. Although, the robots were pretty awesome in Skyward Sword. Wouldn't mind seeing them again in the future.


One aspect of Skyward Sword I hope they keep is the way you can upgrade weapons. Very fun. I'd like them to go a bit further with it, so maybe you had ways to improve your armour. You could have more hazardous conditions and the different types of things you equip help you deal with it.


I'd also like to see more weapons. Maybe they're not necessarily needed to defeat an enemy, but they could help a great deal. The ball and chain needs to come back at some point, as does the spinner. Quite enjoyed using the beetle in SS.

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This time however, there are the capabilities to turn this into a Skyrim sized Hyrule ripe for exploration! :D

I've argued for a long time that I wanted a bigger, more vibrant, accessible, believable Hyrule for link to ride through. Yet at the same time I would never want anything on the scale of Skyrim. Loved Skyrim to bits but a world like that is just not Zelda. Zelda requires a balance of size and immense attention to detail. The design, incorprating character, magic and fantasy that brings a small town to life. Skyrim's design is spread too thin to make individual aspects as memorable as those in Zelda.


Skyward Sword was leaps and bounds in the right direction for me, it was just disappointing that there were no more NPC villages on the surface.

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Come on Rummy, all I'm saying is that it got a lot right. If we fail to acknowledge the good bits, the series will fluctuate wildly in all sorts of areas. I agree that Zeldas should be held up to high standards, but TP and Skyward Sword didn't fall short by equal amounts. TP is significantly better.


It's not like Twilight Princess hasn't received any flak over the years! :heh:


I thought SS was better, if only because I didn't like the TP wolf sections and the waggle attacking.

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One aspect of Skyward Sword I hope they keep is the way you can upgrade weapons. Very fun. I'd like them to go a bit further with it, so maybe you had ways to improve your armour. You could have more hazardous conditions and the different types of things you equip help you deal with it.


Yes, I did like that.


My general feeling about WW/TP/SS is that none of them built on each other. WW built upon OOT, but the three GameCube/Wii games are so very different. Mainly, I'd like them to build upon Wind Waker, but Twilight Princess had a thing or two to teach about environments and Skyward Sword had great NPCs and, as you say, an upgrade system.


I'd also like to see more weapons. Maybe they're not necessarily needed to defeat an enemy, but they could help a great deal. The ball and chain needs to come back at some point, as does the spinner. Quite enjoyed using the beetle in SS.


I loved using the Darknuts' swords in Wind Waker, and climbing onto the hogs in Twilight Princess. It's a long-time fantasy of mine to have a Zelda with lots of non-mandatory things to play with. Eg. You can pick up not only enemies' swords, but all sorts of weapons. You can operate battle stations and turn them against the enemy. And you'd be able to ride hogs, dragons, griffins etc when you'd knocked the enemy off them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's something somebody said to me today when I was showing them the Hyrule Historia that got me thinking, and I wondered what folks here might think:


What if one of the future zeldas was done more in an anime/manga art style? Could it work? Would it ruin it? I have yet to actually read the manga in the back of HH, but from a quick flick I do like the look of it(not that that's saying much, it isn't a groundbreaking art style).

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Here's something somebody said to me today when I was showing them the Hyrule Historia that got me thinking, and I wondered what folks here might think:


What if one of the future zeldas was done more in an anime/manga art style? Could it work? Would it ruin it? I have yet to actually read the manga in the back of HH, but from a quick flick I do like the look of it(not that that's saying much, it isn't a groundbreaking art style).




No i think it will work for real, an anime style like naruto. i always pictured legend of zelda in a way like that. or at least an anime zelda movie lol

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Here's something somebody said to me today when I was showing them the Hyrule Historia that got me thinking, and I wondered what folks here might think:


What if one of the future zeldas was done more in an anime/manga art style? Could it work? Would it ruin it? I have yet to actually read the manga in the back of HH, but from a quick flick I do like the look of it(not that that's saying much, it isn't a groundbreaking art style).

Seeing that manga at the back of the Historia shows a Link before Skyward Sword, t'would be interesting to see how that came about. Even if you know how it ends.

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  • 4 months later...
Aonuma Talks New Zelda Wii U And Wind Waker HD


The Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma has said that they have a shared team working on both The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD and the brand new Zelda title for Wii U. Aonuma says that as they have tried converting other console games to Wii U such as Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess. The problem was, they only got semi-realistic versions of each title – which presumably wasn’t what Aonuma was looking for. Here’s what Aonuma had to say about The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD and the brand new Zelda game for Wii U.


“But it’s a shared team working on both of those projects, Wind Waker HD and the new Zelda for Wii U. Every day, they’re learning something new. As we develop the controls for Wind Waker, they’re learning how to apply those controls in the Wii U version. There’s a feedback process where when something’s discovered in development for Wind Waker, all that information is fed to the Wii U team. So we’re working on those things, polishing as we go, and all of those things — it’s a learning process, it’s a test case almost, and we’ll apply all of those learnings that we’ve acquired in developing the Wii U game.”


“When we looked at creating a Zelda for Wii U, there were so many possibilities given the HD graphics. But rather than starting from zero, we actually ran a few tests. We tried converting other console games to Wii U. We actually did this with Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. And the result of that was, hmm, those are semi-realistic representations of the Zelda world so we weren’t really surprised with what we got. But with Wind Waker, when we converted that to HD we were really surprised at how great it looked.”



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Wind Waker sequel then?!!! :)


I hope not. Yes I loved Wind Waker but Zelda is the perfect franchise for showcasing the power of the Wii U. I want a Twilght Princess style HD game just like the Wii U Zelda demo. They need a powerhouse showpiece to wow a large portion of the market. I'd like remote/nunchuk controls as well please with a combo of gamepad integration if possible. It's just my opinion before anyone gets offended.

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Considering Wind Waker is my favourite Zelda, I wonder why I want a Twilight Princess style Zelda so much? Probably just because the demo looked so good... but still, I'd be more than happy with another WW style game.


The thing that's most important to me (and I'm glad Aonuma mentions it) is the controls. Whatever the graphical style, I really hope it controls the same as Wind Waker. Right-analogue camera control, R-trigger shield control, the Mirror Shield... drool.

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Hasn't there been enough cartoon? We're getting Wind Waker HD, we've had Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. Weren't some if not all of these partly due to hardware limitations? It's time to shine and use the hardware to it's full potential.

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