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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Good session on this yesterday. I done 20 shrines to get my stamina to what I want it to be.


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I also activated all but 3 of the towers. I haven't seen any more shooting stars though. :(


Today's objectives:


  • Activate the rest of the towers.
  • Find all the Korok seeds on the Great Plateau.
  • Start adding to my hearts by finishing another 30 shrines.
  • Save spam to get my OOT outfit.
  • Find and awaken at least 2 Great Fairies.



I better get cracking...

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lol I've been playing it for approx 20hrs!! Define VERY early?

I have no idea how long I've been playing, but I only opened up 4 or 5 regions. But I did a few of the main quest thingies, and I already got it, though I'm not using it currently. Basically, if you simply do as you're asked right from the start, you get it very quickly. If you just go out and explore the world, yeah, than it'll take longer.


I'll update later with my progress.

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Can you defeat them all just by reflecting their beam with a Guardian Shield? I did that outside Akkala Lab and it worked a treat!



Also, when I've beaten the final boss, can I go back to my save file in true Zelda style and 100% it, even it I've saved my game?

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I see the Jimquisition got hit by a DDos attack yesterday due to his review of BOTW. He gave it a 7/10 and having read the review I pretty much agree with most of what he said. He makes the same complaints ( weapons system, respecting players time, rain etc. ) that a few of us on here have mentioned and he marked the game accordingly. Sadly, this has brought out the worst in people and they attacked his website.


I put a bit more time into this yesterday. I got my OOT set, activated all the towers, freed 2 Great Fairies and finished another 20 shrines. I then went and started to hunt down the Korok only to find that the official guide doesn't actually list them. You get a map of where they are and even though the map is huge, the icons on the thing are tiny. I figured I would give it a go anyway.


I spent around half an hour looking for one of them. I was right where the map told me to be but I couldn't see the Korok. I searched the area high and low but still couldn't find it. I then decided to search the internet for answers and it turns out a few people are having issues with the map. It looks as if it may not be that accurate. No way am I putting up with this for 900 seeds.


At this point I was...




I ejected the game, turned off my Wii U and then packed it away ( no point keeping it set up now that this has been finished ). I feel this task could have been handled better by simply having a beacon on the Shiekah slate and by having a counter on the map telling you how many you have left to find in the region you're in.


I've been playing this alongside Ghost Recon Wildlands. Both open world and both have a crazy amount of collectibles. What GW does though is that it allows you to gather intel to show the items on the map or you could just leave the intel and find them naturally. You then get a counter appear when you hover over a region of the map that tells you what collectibles are left to pick up. Something like this would have been perfect.


I've enjoyed my time playing the game a second time and even found a few new shrines that I didn't discover on my first attempt. The game still has many issues though and it doesn't even break into my top 5 Zelda games, despite the things it does right.



Also, when I've beaten the final boss, can I go back to my save file in true Zelda style and 100% it, even it I've saved my game?


Yeah, you are taken back to just before you fight the boss.

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People are way too invested in the scores a game gets. It's just the 8.8 from Jeff Gerstmann for Twilight Princess all over again. People want their reviewers to honest and able to freely speak their opinions but only when it lines up with their own.


The whole Horizon vs Zelda on the user Metacritic was a fine example of how idiotic people are and how invested they are in the score of a game.


I don't understand why people get all up in arms if a score or a review doesn't reflect how they personally feel about the game. If i'm enjoying a game but the reviews are terrible I simply say I don't agree and move on. I'm not grabbing the pitchforks and looking for blood. It's baffling.

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People are way too invested in the scores a game gets. It's just the 8.8 from Jeff Gerstmann for Twilight Princess all over again. People want their reviewers to honest and able to freely speak their opinions but only when it lines up with their own.


I don't care about his score, but as someone who also does reviews I find some elements of his review distasteful and unprofessional.


You should never let other scores sway your view, or even mention it in the review and he did. He also had a few factually inaccurate things in it. Plus the way he treats others with differing opinions is a bit wrong.


He's entitled to his opinion, and I'm not angry, I just find his review..odd. However, based on his recent statements regarding Nintendo it's not surprising.

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Well i'm about 25 hours in and so far i've


left the plateau (hardly spoilers)


since then i've meandered around doing about 15 shrines so i now have 6 hearts and an extra bit of stamina.

found a bandana that reduces stamina use when climbing, or was it improves climbing? same effect.


I've just loved exploring its everything i imagine zelda to be as a kid and more, randomly came across a sleeping Hilox and kicked its ass! (aim for the eye)

Found another over a suspension bridge, only to get knocked down to the river just as i was about to kill it (using up about 10 bomb arrows) and when i got back up its health was 100% again -reloaded the save and rolled before falling

Then i encountered something horrible! a Lynel! i thought i could be sneaky and sneak strike it, only it didn't give me the option. It did give me the option to mount however, so i wondered could i tame the beast?

the answer was no it promptly bucked me off ran off then came back full gallop with what looked like a giant stone club and well it was like getting hit by a giant in skyrim


I promptly respawned and finally made my way towards Kakariko the main objective.......until i got side tracked by a Zora asking me to go see his prince - thunder enemies be that way and it was not easy so i went back to aiming for Kakariko


and switched off for the night, my console was powered down

this morning it went in my work bag, so at lunch whilst people chat about football or have an argument between the tories and labour members of the office, i'll be in Hyrule


Man i love this game and the switch for it

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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I see the Jimquisition got hit by a DDos attack yesterday due to his review of BOTW. He gave it a 7/10 and having read the review I pretty much agree with most of what he said. He makes the same complaints ( weapons system, respecting players time, rain etc. ) that a few of us on here have mentioned and he marked the game accordingly. Sadly, this has brought out the worst in people and they attacked his website.


Just read the review and he is spot on. I don't particularly enjoy his writing style, though.


I never could put my finger on what's wrong with the difficulty in BotW (maybe because I found it too easy), but Jim Sterling nails it:


[...] the main way in which this game tries to be tough is to make most enemies highly absorbent and more than capable of dropping Link in one or two hits.


Rather than fully mimic the Dark Souls combat it half-heartedly aims for, Breath simply pumps up the monsters’ ability to do damage, resulting in a lot of one-hit kills even once Link finds and upgrades some decent armor or puts a lot of shrinework into gaining heart containers.


Like I said in the Nioh thread once: Enemies/bosses that can one-shot you get drahkon's bad-game-design-stamp :p



Oh and a big L-O-L at the DDos attack...the gaming community is stupid.

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I haven't actually encountered a boss that does an insta-kill. I've seen ones that, if they do enough damage to insta-kill you, it takes you to 1/4 of a heart instead.


I imagine if you fight the more advanced regular enemies without upgrading your hearts, they could one-shot you, but the bosses don't seem to be able to.


One disappointing thing about the game: cool environmental effects fade away if you complete the shrine related to them (except for the dark area, oddly).

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I haven't actually encountered a boss that does an insta-kill. I've seen ones that, if they do enough damage to insta-kill you, it takes you to 1/4 of a heart instead.


I imagine if you fight the more advanced regular enemies without upgrading your hearts, they could one-shot you, but the bosses don't seem to be able to.


One disappointing thing about the game: cool environmental effects fade away if you complete the shrine related to them (except for the dark area, oddly).


I just eat a meal that trebles my defence and i've been upgrading my clothes. These monsters now take about a heart off. Its all about preparation really.

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