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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Utterly, staggeringly brilliant. I think they've finally got the visual style and the type of overworld design 100% perfect. :love:


An upcoming Zelda has never, ever looked this good from the gameplay footage, with so much (visual) assurance that it'll be a great game.

Edited by Grazza
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So people are saying the world looks sparse and nowhere near completion. Whilst I can agree, bear in mind that this is a carefully set up demo, to show how the game is coming along. If anything, this was to show off a few new features, and the scale of the game world. More of a little teaser before E3. Also, bear in mind, a lot can happen in a year, and it's likely Nintendo have a ton of people working on this, many of them probably being industry veterans. I honestly can't see it being out any earlier than next October at the very earliest, so there's plenty of time.


Personally, I think it looks stunning. It looks like they've nailed the open-world aspect, and the new gameplay features look fantastic. Definitely going to be getting a Wii U for this!

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2015 is going to be incredible for the Wii U, so many quality exclusives on the way.


Utterly, staggeringly brilliant. I think they've final got the visual style and the type of overworld design 100% perfect. :love:


An upcoming Zelda has never, ever looked this good from the gameplay footage, with so much (visual) assurance that it'll be a great game.


But that's all it is at this point, visuals and scope. Still 90% of the game to get right, that's what'll make it a great Zelda game, not nice graphics.


I wish they just called the sailcloth the Deku Leaf, miniscule nitpick but I'd much rather it retained the magic of Wind Waker than the ho-hum of Skyward Sword's "sail cloth".

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That's utter crap. Complete double standards. They said nothing like that. But of course, because they're Activision everything is some kind of evil marketing scheme or a lie whereas Nintendo are some bastion of genius.



And in any case, this stuff isn't new. It was in SotC - no one is screaming that Nintendo copied that, or course - and a pretty similar auto-drive system is in Far Cry 4. But yes, only Nintendo have an eye for these details. Yawn.


This post is utter crap.


In the video he even says they touted it. Whether he thought it was a joke or not and explains after, they still touted is as a thing because f the engine!

Nintendo and I (my post) never tout is as some big thing that they've done first or that it hasn't been done before, you're putting words into my mouth here. That's bollocks!

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It would be good if Treasure are working on Starfox..


Treasure + Starfox sounds like a perfect combo. Surely it would be amazing : peace:


As for the latest Zelda footage, it hasn't really done anything to enhance or dampen my expectations for the game but I'm certain it'll be awesome :heh:Skyward Sword is actually one of my favourite Zelda games, along with Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker, though it's still nice to see them take this game in a different direction :smile:


..disappointed that there's no Wii Remote 1-1 motion controls (yeah I expected it to be Gamepad only, but I do have to admit that I was sort of hoping for a ridiculous Wii Remote & Gamepad sword n' shield control setup :p )


Haha.. I'm getting strange visions of a modified Wii Zapper housing the Nunchuck and Wii U Gamepad in one hand with the Wii Remote free to be used as a sword in the other. As impractical as that sounds, it would be incredible :heh:

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I'm kind of getting TP/SS vibes from this new game's engine which is a shame, I wish they could have done one from the ground up like Wind Waker's. You can already predict exactly how Link will move and control.


I never played Skyrim, is there something to do all over the overworld? (apart from baddies to kill)

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Huge interconnected overworld, free camera, gorgeous, detailed anime artstyle, more open structure, emphasis on exploration... This is what I've wanted in a Zelda for a long, long time. Looks fantastic!


Dungeon designs are always steller, so no worries there. If the overworld is well designed aesthetically with enough points of interest it really doesn't need every single step of the way to be a mini puzzle like Skyward Sword (as long as the travel is engaging enough and it's not a glitchy snooze-fest like Assassins Creed III).


I thoroughly enjoyed that more concentrated, atomised approach in SS and the motion sword controls were wonderful, but we've just had a big dose of that! No issues whatsoever with them doing something refreshing for the series and using the gamepad functions.


Such a relief to have the 'beautiful-but-static-camera-angles' fears put to rest!

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So people are saying the world looks sparse and nowhere near completion. Whilst I can agree, bear in mind that this is a carefully set up demo, to show how the game is coming along. If anything, this was to show off a few new features, and the scale of the game world.


Thank you, it's like people don't realise this was, essentially, a tutorial level to show off the sail cloth, Epona, and a handful of baddies. Not the actual game! :heh:


Anyway, the game looks friggin' amazing. The only thing I don't like is the Sail Cloth's name (you're not using it to sail, guys, don't call it that!), but since it works like the Deku Leaf, I'll love the thing, it's perfect for this mountainous world.


And in any case, this stuff isn't new. It was in SotC - no one is screaming that Nintendo copied that, or course - and a pretty similar auto-drive system is in Far Cry 4. But yes, only Nintendo have an eye for these details. Yawn.


Shadow of the Colossus was the first thing that popped into my head when they mention Epona's dodging, but then I remembered that all SotC did was have Agro brake suddenly when near a tree, while this Epona actively dodges to the left and right on her own.


Also, literally nobody but you is saying this is an awesome innovation that only Nintendo thought of first. Please stop sounding like Zechs.

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I really liked the slow motion aspect, though the effect probably went a little too far, would look cooler not being quite that slow. It reminds me of the slow motion finish to the E3 trailer, I wonder if Link being able to slow down time is this game's hook via the use of some magical device or whatever. Could make for some cool puzzles.


At least we know there'll be a day/night cycle. Can't believe they ditched that for Skyward Sword.

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I never played Skyrim, is there something to do all over the overworld? (apart from baddies to kill)


Well, enemies aside, there are mines and caves to enter and explore, small villages, odd huts, enemy settlements to take on, empire/stormcloak encampments, random travellers, criminals on the run, etc. That you can harvest the flora and fauna makes a difference too as only certain plants grow in certain areas. Random dragon attacks, initially before you get too powerful at least, are good because whilst the enemy is the same, you have to be totally aware of your surroundings and look for good spots that will enable you to take them down without exposing yourself too much. Water areas have sunken ships that can be delved into and looted. So yeah, it's difficult to go far without something to do but it's all optional.


I think the big thing with Skyrim is the visual diversity. People think Skyrim must be all snow but there is so many different feeling locales that make exploring an absolute pleasure. The landscape is rarely flat so there are lots of elevation changes but the key thing is that they feel natural - they don't feel like the exist because a game designer shoved them in there which is how Zelda environments have tended to feel. I understand that's because the gameplay comes first but it doesn't always make for good world building. Just wandering the terrain is a delight for someone like me - taking in the sights and sounds is a real experience, if not exactly a gameplay one, but from an atmospheric perspective.



I thought the footage here looked ok, if a little tame for a reveal. As others have said, the land looks a little barren and plain, and the slow motion dismount felt rather out of place to me - I think I'd prefer it if is was something you set up before you jump off even if that would end up automating it somewhat.


For the landscape, a bunch of particle work to act as fairies/sprites and over sized pollen or something will make a big difference in creating a sense of a living world. As would an ambient soundtrack to play under the music. It goes a long way to making that big world feel alive.

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It does look a bit lifeless alright and some of the textures especially the rocks don't look great. I'm sure it'll be fine when it's finished. I don't think or at least I hope it won't be an empty world. They surely are aware that that was a common complaint about Twilight Princess. I don't see a castle on the map or where it's likely to be. You'd imagine it would be central. Maybe there isn't one.


You didn't see the castle in the centre because that was only a tiny fragment of the map. Yes, that huge zoomed out map was just a small portion of the map. And that small portion of THE SMALL PORTION of the map takes minutes to get across.


Bloody. Hell.

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You didn't see the castle in the centre because that was only a tiny fragment of the map. Yes, that huge zoomed out map was just a small portion of the map. And that small portion of THE SMALL PORTION of the map takes minutes to get across.


Bloody. Hell.


I think that's the whole world. The map zoomed out as far as it could go. It's ∞ bigger than Skyward Sword. I wonder if Monolith Soft are helping with this game, I bet they are.

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You didn't see the castle in the centre because that was only a tiny fragment of the map. Yes, that huge zoomed out map was just a small portion of the map. And that small portion of THE SMALL PORTION of the map takes minutes to get across.


Bloody. Hell.


If it is say only a quarter of the map then happy days, the bigger the better. Maybe you need to scroll across to see the rest of the map and if it is bigger then it's on a scale never seen before in a Zelda game. It already is. They have a mammoth task of making sure the world doesn't feel empty. I would have thought the fully zoomed out map would show the whole world.

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If it is say only a quarter of the map then happy days, the bigger the better. Maybe you need to scroll across to see the rest of the map and if it is bigger then it's on a scale never seen before in a Zelda game. It already is. They have a mammoth task of making sure the world doesn't feel empty. I would have thought the fully zoomed out map would show the whole world.




It's a prototype map, a fact that was obvious within 2 seconds of looking at the UI. Stop reading so much into everything.

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I think that's the whole world. The map zoomed out as far as it could go. It's ∞ bigger than Skyward Sword. I wonder if Monolith Soft are helping with this game, I bet they are.


Considering that Monolith Soft co-developed Skyward Sword and A Link Between Worlds and that they have already made one open world RPG (and are currently working on another), I'd be shocked if they weren't also working on Zelda Wii U...

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Well i was blown away by the scale on that carefully constructed and edited trailer - i think a lot of what could be in the overworld had been switched off for the demo, i mean seriously every Zelda game has had frequent enemies in the overworld there is no way they'd go that barren, it was obviously running with elements of the game switched off just so they could show specifically a level of the scale and some combat/horse riding


I got a very TES vibe from it and thats exactly what i've wanted in zelda ever since morrowind, if they have random caves/forests encounters added in for the release build so its atleast as diverse as skyrim then awesome! I've a good feeling about this game

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Shadow of the Colossus was the first thing that popped into my head when they mention Epona's dodging, but then I remembered that all SotC did was have Agro brake suddenly when near a tree, while this Epona actively dodges to the left and right on her own.

Which Epona did in Ocarina of Time. Except she then did some nice rearing up to take the piss even further.

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Which Epona did in Ocarina of Time. Except she then did some nice rearing up to take the piss even further.


Oh yeah, she did suddenly stop immediately near the obstacle, didn't she? And then she'd walk back automatically.


So, did Agro in SotC do the same thing, but better animated, or was I confusing things? I remember he wasn't bothersome during fights that required him, so I guess there was something more going on in there, that I can't remember right now.

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Oh yeah, she did suddenly stop immediately near the obstacle, didn't she? And then she'd walk back automatically.


So, did Agro in SotC do the same thing, but better animated, or was I confusing things? I remember he wasn't bothersome during fights that required him, so I guess there was something more going on in there, that I can't remember right now.

No idea. Haven't played Shadow of The Colossus. But if the horse didn't dodge trees (which you said it didn't) I don't think I'd be reminded of it (which some of you somehow were)


To be honest I'm a little with Daft, I've never seen this before in a game and it did "sound" like they were claiming it had never been done before.


HOWEVER! I put that down to the absolutely cringeworthy dubbing. So smug it ruined it for me.

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They took their time with Twilight Princess and it was a great game. Skyward Sword was a rush job and it shows, that's why it stinks. Nintendo didn't care enough or try hard enough at that point with the Wii dying. This site is still having fart attacks this morning.


It would be good if Treasure are working on Starfox.


You wouldn't think Skyward Sword was in development for any length. I think they banged it together, threw it out the door and kept the good ideas for the next home Zelda. Only they weren't expecting Wii U to perform so badly. There has to be an explanation why SS is so bad. Nearly everything was bad about it right down to the minigames, they're the worst of all the 3D home console games.


Skyward Sword had a three year development cycle. Possibly the longest in the history of the franchise. They even did a complete overhaul of the visuals to create a unique look later in the development cycle.


The game wasn't small by any means and the dungeons were plentiful, Skyloft was large and hid plenty of secrets and although it wasn't a free flowing overworld, the different areas had plenty to do in them.


Calling it 'so bad' is laughable. You are (unintentionally) hilarious. I also like the way you manage to write every post like a screaming 12 year old!

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Skyward Sword had a three year development cycle. Possibly the longest in the history of the franchise. They even did a complete overhaul of the visuals to create a unique look later in the development cycle.


The game wasn't small by any means and the dungeons were plentiful, Skyloft was large and hid plenty of secrets and although it wasn't a free flowing overworld, the different areas had plenty to do in them.


Calling it 'so bad' is laughable. You are (unintentionally) hilarious. I also like the way you manage to write every post like a screaming 12 year old!




Mine is that Skyward Sword was a turd sandwich as far as Zelda titles go. Who's screaming like a 12 year old? Every post, really? You're laughable but so not in a hilarious way.

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Personally I think it looks good. I have a few of the same concerns as other people here but this is the kind of Zelda I've wanted for the past decade. As long as the game doesn't take an age to actually start like Skyward Sword did, I can't see how this could be bad. We'll see.


Agree, but:


Anyway, it looks like if you were looking forward to Zelda you'll still be looking forward to Zelda and if you weren't, you probably still aren't fussed. There was really nothing to win anyone over in that video.


Agree with you, there, too.

Haven't been really interested in the new Zelda and that trailer has changed nothing.


And I also kinda agree with everything else you said (those double standards). While this trailer and that Fish AI thingy weren't particularly the best examples to use, I certainly can see where you're coming from.


But Nintendo is God @Rummy Nintendo is God @Rummy Nintendo is God @Rummy




Anyway, until there's more news I won't get excited.

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