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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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Wait a second... I remember that being Purple and simply reducing damage taken from hits.


Did you buy it off Zunari (the Eskimo guy)? If you didn't, that might be what you're missing.


Yeah I got it from him. That is probably what it does, I've never used it. Still seems odd to have an empty space in the inventory.

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Been playing through this a lot the last few days. It reminds me what a great game Nintendo made and I feel kinda sad that their last few Zelda titles haven't been as good. Looks sublime on my TV too.


I would really like a sequel to this with even more islands/stuff to do in the sea.

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Ahh.. my brother bought this for himself a couple of days ago and I went down to see it in the flesh this evening. It looks ridiculously good and I MUST HAVE IT :bouncy:


I knew it was going to look amazing but it wasn't until I saw it being played for real on Wii U that it really hit me how gorgeous it all is. I've been wanted to return to Wind Waker for years as I haven't really been near it for a decade. With that in mind, this is increasingly becoming a necessity :heh:

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Finished this last night. Wonderful port, that addresses most of the problems I had with my favourite Zelda, making it even better. The sailing with the fast sail makes it a lot of fun to just sail around - apart from when I needed to, I didn't use fast travel at all. The GamePad is great for menu management, and the motion control is actually pretty awesome when you get used to it - it made using the grappling hook and hookshot much faster (although sometimes I still needed to use the analogue sticks). One small problem with the controls is that I wish the A button used the selected item - so many times I pressed X for the grappling hook, aimed and then accidentally cancelled it by tapping A.


I also forgot how fun the combat was with the much simpler combat controls, dashing around enemies, making them hit each other, and generally going crazy, especially when loads of enemies are on screen (tapping the Z-targeting while swinging so you move from enemy to enemy really quickly is great). The GamePad inventory made this even better, as if you wanted to use an item you didn't have equipped, you can do a quick swipe without having to pause the game. The combat may have more depth in Skyward Sword, but I much prefer this. The animation on the enemies is top-notch, too (I love using the grappling hook to get the skull necklaces from the Moblins).


The biggest changes were with the Triforce Quest and, honesely, I think they went a bit too far. Changing the harder to reach Triforce Maps into the actual shards was right, but I felt like that translating the others was kind of pointless because they were so cheap - You had to really work to gather the money you needed in the original, but now you don't even have to try. It's still a big improvement, but it's now a little bit too easy.


Overall, a wonderful improvement to a wonderful game.

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This little beauty is now sitting in my Wii U.


To be honest, I wondered if it would live up to the memory, but it definitely does. The sea is bluer, the sky is bluer... everything is sharper and better. It's not just that it's gorgeous though (although it is) - there's something about Wind Waker that, to this day, feels more advanced than the other Zeldas. The controls, the way the islands are modelled and have height, width and depth... It's not necessarily that the others are "wrong", just that this one is so "right".


That said, I still haven't left Outset Island. Looking out at that vast expanse of blue sea, thinking of all the islands - large and small - to discover... it's just one of many aspects of Wind Waker that speaks to something deep inside of me.

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This little beauty is now sitting in my Wii U.


To be honest, I wondered if it would live up to the memory, but it definitely does. The sea is bluer, the sky is bluer... everything is sharper and better. It's not just that it's gorgeous though (although it is) - there's something about Wind Waker that, to this day, feels more advanced than the other Zeldas. The controls, the way the islands are modelled and have height, width and depth... It's not necessarily that the others are "wrong", just that this one is so "right".


That said, I still haven't left Outset Island. Looking out at that vast expanse of blue sea, thinking of all the islands - large and small - to discover... it's just one of many aspects of Wind Waker that speaks to something deep inside of me.


I am counting on you to put up some amazing artsy photographs :D

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