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Xbox One Console Discussion


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The thing that worries me is how silent Sony are about this. You'd think they'd be pushing it as a marketing ploy for the PS4...but their silence makes me think they essentially have the same thing


I am pretty sure Sony have said that they understand the state of internet stability in other countries and that you will be able use the PS4 with no internet connection at all, but PR speak and all that so who knows. I wait with baited breath for Sony to make their stance clear.


I have read in a few places, people saying that this doesn't effect them personally so why are we all complaining. This whole 24 hour check etc doesn't effect me for the most part, but I am not happy with a console that restricts gameplay and usability, therefore will not support it.

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I am pretty sure Sony have said that they understand the state of internet stability in other countries and that you will be able use the PS4 with no internet connection at all, but PR speak and all that so who knows. I wait with baited breath for Sony to make their stance clear.


I have read in a few places, people saying that this doesn't effect them personally so why are we all complaining. This whole 24 hour check etc doesn't effect me for the most part, but I am not happy with a console that restricts gameplay and usability, therefore will not support it.

It's mostly the principle. This whole thing changes game ownership to ownership of a license to play the game. Games you buy now will not work in 10 years when their servers close. You cannot lend games out to friends. It's all ridiculous

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It's mostly the principle. This whole thing changes game ownership to ownership of a license to play the game. Games you buy now will not work in 10 years when their servers close. You cannot lend games out to friends. It's all ridiculous


Absolutely, it feels like such a backwards system. They are taking the convenience out of gaming and that's what stings the most. This gen has boiled down to: "You can do this, but..."

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I don't know where to begin with just how bad this is, and if Sony adopt this too then is depressing for the entire industry



might explain the EA nintendo split some what, they wanted to block reselling their published product, and nintendo didn't want to restrict the consumer........shame average people won't recognize this and just love EA forever more

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And the shit just keeps on piling up. Yeah I'm a bit worried about Sony's silence as well, I mean people are hyping them like crazy when it could be a total bomb just like this abomination of a TV box / water dispenser. We'll just have to wait and see...Anyway, I think it's fairly safe to cross XBone of the list now, there's simply just too much stupid crap involved.

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Just before Christmas I had a minor operation, and was bed ridden for 3 days. Had my Wii U at that point, and had kept Assassins Creed aside knowing I would want some entertainment while unable to move about freely. Then the internet went down in the house for 2 of those 3 days. I was bashing through Assassins Creed 3 and having a great time, cheered me up no end. The thought that, if I had been playing on XboxOne, I wouldn't have been able to play my game after the first day and been essentially sat in bed with nothing to do, purely because the internet went down and it was out of my control, seems absolutely against any basic right as a consumer. If I pay £40 for a game, I want to play it whenever I bloody want to!


As long as Nintendo don't suddenly start with this nonsense, and if I could create gifs, I would have one from The Dark Knight Rises. The scene on the ice between Batman and Gordon, with Satoru Iwata's face under the cowl saying "Light it up!" Gordon throws the flare, and it lights up a huge 'Nintendo' sign over Gotham bridge. Then cut to Steve Ballmer in Bane get up mumbling "Impossible!".

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The whole cloud gaming concerns me in the long run too, Titanfall states that is uses the cloud to run AI for the game.

Now this is a multiplayer game so its always online obviously, but M$ have said the cloud can do this for singleplayer, so imagine if the next say Halo comes out and the single player AI is handled by the cloud....thus its always online for single player just like C&C4, Sim City etc and we know how that worked.....


but worse still if to function single player you need "the cloud" dedicated servers, then what happens in 5/6/7 years when the xboned (assuming it survives that long) is being phased out in favor of a new console...so they shut down the servers.....thus no working game.....

but then the 24 hour online check thing also would result in the same problem, a console with a specific shelf life and microsoft sat on a switch that can shut it all down




Imagine if Anon/lulsec hack the cloud and its offline for the same amount of time the psn was down....


As long as Nintendo don't suddenly start with this nonsense, and if I could create gifs, I would have one from The Dark Knight Rises. The scene on the ice between Batman and Gordon, with Satoru Iwata's face under the cowl saying "Light it up!" Gordon throws the flare, and it lights up a huge 'Nintendo' sign over Gotham bridge. Then cut to Steve Ballmer in Bane get up mumbling "Impossible!".


Someone please make that

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I think its all going to come down to how much Sony has learnt about the online needs and availability for their customers. With the publishers pushing for this so hard it seems pretty certain that Sony will also have similar stuff in place for used games so Im hoping where they will do better will be the online check times and maybe take a page from Valve's book instead.


I dont think this will be some massive thing that destroys the console market. Its been mentioned time and time again but this stuff has been like this on Steam for years and that is extremely popular. Of course its not being done as well here by any standard but I expect it will get refined over time and work a hell of a lot better the more the industry moves from physical disks to digital only.

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The big danger is millions will still buy this console because they won't even know about this stuff. The backlash from that will be bad, but the sales figures might be enough to make people, inside and outside of Microsoft, think "hey, this model works".
Yeah that's what I'm thinking... a lot of consumers just aren't going to know this tuff when they buy one I'd imagine! Man how utterly pissed will they be when they get locked out of their console and don't know why?... but would they take it back for a refund?... or are you prohibited to do so! :p


... Honestly this is all starting to sound a bit scary the fact that you are governed so much!


Also... what actually happens when you're locked out of your console?... do you phone/email them?

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I'm thinking somebody should rip a whole section of this thread into a new thread in about console DRM, especially since it seems likely the PS4 will end up having something similar (also how it compares to PC services etc.)

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This is truely horrifiying, i mean really scary stuff, i got a whiff of this when they told us the xbox live arcade stuff wouldnt carry over but this...this is punishing legitimate consumers to get at pirates and its unacceptable. If anyone supports this then they are sending Microsoft the signal that we do infact want to be controlled and that our freedom is indeed worthless. I am worried like everyone else that no one else is aware of this, ive had people in my work ask me about this and they really didnt know about the always online and disc restrictons. Are you even allowed to return an Xbox One to the store when there is nothing wrong with it because its working as intended?


Truely disgusted with the whole thing, i was willing to wait to see their E3 event before making my decision but im done, it dosent matter what they have now, im not interested until they reverse all of these stupid restrictions. Same goes for Sony who have said nothing, im willing to bet they would have tried this too but have seen the backlash and will change their stance on it. Well done microsoft, you just encouraged me to buy a PS4.


I agree with all the above, if all this stuff is true then I ain't buying one, unless they have some kind of barely imaginable ace up their sleeve for E3... and it would have to be like... "games are £20 and here's Perfect Dark 2, a Banjo Kazooie Platformer and Halo 5 on launch day and XBL Gold customers will start getting free games a la PS+". I'm not suggesting that's remotely possible, just that's what it would take to balance all the shit.



You think 300,000 servers will go down at once? :blank:


As an IT professional myself, there is no way they have 300,000 physical servers, the real estate this would take up and the power consumption alone would cost them a small fortune. Its more likely there will be a few hundred servers worldwide running VMware or something similar which allows the provisioing of virtual servers. This is a highly cost effective and efficient way to run this but, if a couple of physical servers go out a few thousand VMs do too.

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The thing that worries me is how silent Sony are about this. You'd think they'd be pushing it as a marketing ploy for the PS4...but their silence makes me think they essentially have the same thing


I wouldn't take Sony's silence as an indicator either way. They could be silent because they'll implement something like this. On the other hand, all the heat is on Microsoft and sticking it to them would be another ace up their sleeves - one that would be best saved for E3. Sony have been pretty natty with all their communications so far, so it could be either.


At the very least we know they don't require the console to be online at all.

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Plus the developers are enjoying the PlayStation fans protesting it, and seem to suggest that fans will like what they hear.


Sony are teasing us because they know we'll be speculating about it right up until they finally deliver a "hell yeah!" moment.

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Honestly this is all starting to sound a bit scary the fact that you are governed so much!


Player: "Xbox1, pause, I have to go to the bathroom."


Player: "What? I need to go, like right now!"


Player: "What the hell? You're just a machine, you can't do tha..."


Player: "This is just ridiculous, I'm calling the poli.."

*sirens blaring*

Player: "What the hell is this?"


Player: "Minor erotica collection? But I don't even have anything like that!"


Player: "You dirty, slimy bastar..."


Player: No, I can explain, I was framed by that piece of junk, FRAMED I TELL YOU!"

Police: "Yeah yeah, and my cellphone tried to rob me yesterday. Off we go sunshine."

Player: "Nooooooooooooooooo! CURSE YOU XBONE!"


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I just cant help feeling Microsoft are going to ignore all of this negativity at their e3 conference and present it as how excited everyone is and as the second coming of Christ. I just hope we have more Q and A sessions after the conference, and some journalists big enough to ask what the bloody hell Microsoft are playing at! Nothing would give me greater pleasure than seeing that arrogant prat Phil Harrison squirming in his seat while trying to evade giving straight answers to anyone, hopefully with Peter Moore getting wet sponges thrown at him in the stocks just behind.

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I just cant help feeling Microsoft are going to ignore all of this negativity at their e3 conference and present it as how excited everyone is and as the second coming of Christ. I just hope we have more Q and A sessions after the conference, and some journalists big enough to ask what the bloody hell Microsoft are playing at! Nothing would give me greater pleasure than seeing that arrogant prat Phil Harrison squirming in his seat while trying to evade giving straight answers to anyone, hopefully with Peter Moore getting wet sponges thrown at him in the stocks just behind.


Well, they have already cancelled their roundtable session and have also cancelled one on one sessions with various websites. Clearly they know they are going to get grilled off people so they are bailing.

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Well, they have already cancelled their roundtable session and have also cancelled one on one sessions with various websites. Clearly they know they are going to get grilled off people so they are bailing.


Blimey! Bottle jobs, not suprising after the PR shambles that followed the official unveiling... but still, that's pretty pathetic for gamers to have to deal with.

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I think MS are counting on the games to floor people and the core to say all is forgiven.


Gamers are a fickle bunch. It could happen. I hope it doesn't.


I hope all those people saying that they will boycott the Xbox one on my twitter feed actually stick to their guns, so often i see people exclaiming that and a few days later you see them playing the game or machine they said they wouldnt buy. If we as gamers want to send them a message we have to do it financially because at the end of the day, Microsoft dont give a damn about what we write in blogs, flame on their twitter/facebook feeds, if the sales figures are good they will just ignore it.


This may be nothing, but long time console publisher Konami has just announced ports of both Castlevania games and Metal Gear Rising for PC, maybe its nothing but i think they have realised that a lot of us are leaving the other two behind and sticking with PC/WiiU combos.

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As long as Nintendo don't suddenly start with this nonsense, and if I could create gifs, I would have one from The Dark Knight Rises. The scene on the ice between Batman and Gordon, with Satoru Iwata's face under the cowl saying "Light it up!" Gordon throws the flare, and it lights up a huge 'Nintendo' sign over Gotham bridge. Then cut to Steve Ballmer in Bane get up mumbling "Impossible!".


Ugggghhh, its not perfect...annoying.


Cannot seem to upload gif version.


Video version;


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I hope all those people saying that they will boycott the Xbox one on my twitter feed actually stick to their guns, so often i see people exclaiming that and a few days later you see them playing the game or machine they said they wouldnt buy. If we as gamers want to send them a message we have to do it financially because at the end of the day, Microsoft dont give a damn about what we write in blogs, flame on their twitter/facebook feeds, if the sales figures are good they will just ignore it.


This may be nothing, but long time console publisher Konami has just announced ports of both Castlevania games and Metal Gear Rising for PC, maybe its nothing but i think they have realised that a lot of us are leaving the other two behind and sticking with PC/WiiU combos.


I know. It's like the people who don't like EA's DRM vision. Would it really kill them not to buy anything EA for 12 months in protest? Not gonna' die are ya.


You might see more games coming to the PC anyway with the Xbone & PS4 basically being PCs and looks like next-gen development seems to use PC as the lead platform. Xbone being the Windows lead and PS4 been the Linux PC base... so more multiplat Linux games too?

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Xbone being the Windows lead and PS4 been the Linux PC base... so more multiplat Linux games too?


Valve could really cash in on this big time if they get Steambox right.


Even know Steam is a DRM platform, PC games are already cheaper to counter how you can't sell them. The Steam sales also do a really good job replacing the used games market, allowing cheaper access to games sometime after release. On top of this, the offline period is two weeks.


After E3 explains the policies for both sides, it will be interesting to see what retailers do. I don't think Amazon would be impressed with Microsoft blocking their marketplace and rental business.

Edited by Cube
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