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Xbox One Console Discussion


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Just to add to what you said Zechs, but this role reversal started mid last gen, where sony caught up to MS and started churning out quality exclusives, conversely MS tailed off with the exclusives (and arguably their quality), there were constant menu updates that didn't prove popular.


to me the change occured when Kinect and Move came out, Move failed so Sony reevaluated and improved because they needed to, MS saw the Kinect not really take off but as they were so successful they didn't need to change so kept pushing it, and they became a bit blinkered to consumer desires

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I totally respect that, because at the moment I too would choose the XBO, mainly because it has dedicated servers for COD


From various comments, it looks like their agreement with Microsoft is simply that they can't mention dedicated servers for non-Microsoft platforms. They won't say "no" to dedicated servers on other consoles - just that "we're having to not talk about all of it right now".

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Lol. I know it's probably difficult for some to comprehend, but I think Sony's controllers aren't comfortable. Sorry to upset.




Do we know if achievements and such are still going to be a prominent feature of live? I haven't read up much on that tbh but it's something I did enjoy with the 360. Some games utilised it really well.

Did I read somewhere a whole ago that some games would have a higher score than 1000 gamer points too?

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I've always preferred the 360 pad over the PS3 one. I just like the placement of the sticks better. I'm fine using the PS3 pad but given the option I would rather have the 360 pad layout.


That's why I think the best traditional pad is this:




Two sticks, both higher up and both more resistive!


I still haven't tried this pad yet but I really can't see me liking it due to the positioning of the buttons. I'm too used to having them above the sticks rather than below.


Do we know if achievements and such are still going to be a prominent feature of live? I haven't read up much on that tbh but it's something I did enjoy with the 360. Some games utilised it really well.

Did I read somewhere a whole ago that some games would have a higher score than 1000 gamer points too?


The achievements system is staying but it is changing in the way that they are dished out, with things like weekly and community events taking place.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Thanks Hero.


Sounds interesting. I wish the xbone was available in 2 colours rather than just black. A white one would've been sweet - even if it would look a bit like a breeze block :laughing:


Also a white controller would be mmmmm.


Ill have to check up on these community activity things. Sounds interesting.

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with regards to controllers, i think the 360 pad was the best of last gen, for my PS4 i use thirdparty controllers that have a 360 layout i couldn't stand the Sixaxis it came with, and it got gummy sticks


But the WiiU pad......you guys need to try it, i like you prefer the 360 layout and thought it would be alien using the WiiU pad.....but WOW its perfect it feels so much more natural to have the sticks in that position

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I've never understood the stick placement argument. It is a personal preference because that's what you are used to. It is simple muscle memory that is telling your brain you are comfortable where the sticks are. One is not better than the other, and neither are in the 'wrong' place.


If you had said the Triggers on PS3 sucked, or the D-Pad on the 360 were atrocious, then I would understand.

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Tbh, I don't get how a controller that's 100% symmetrical is an issue with someone with symmetrical hands. Now that's strange.


You use the left stick and the right stick with equal frequency, making it truly symmetrical? I don't. For me, having the left stick further away from the thumb makes it sore, since I use it most of my gaming time, which is why it doesn't bother me with the right thumb, since I only use the right stick for camera movements and such.


We are talking about the Dualshock, right?

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I still haven't tried this pad yet but I really can't see me liking it due to the positioning of the buttons. I'm too used to having them above the sticks rather than below.


As I've said before, it doesn't look comfy, but it is. Felt right since the first I used it.

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I keep meaning to pick a pro controller up but have heard pretty good things about it.

And of course one controller can be better than another. Saying that its all just what you're used to is a bit of a pointless argument. No one was use to a controller like the N64 one but people love that controller. I've played my ps3 loads over the last gen and I'm definitely 'used' to the controller, but I still don't like it and still think its the worst designed controller I've ever used. Personal preference. It's not just me either. Lots of people don't like it. A lot of my mates, work colleagues and even people on this forum have said they're not massive fans.

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I keep meaning to pick a pro controller up but have heard pretty good things about it.

And of course one controller can be better than another. Saying that its all just what you're used to is a bit of a pointless argument. No one was use to a controller like the N64 one but people love that controller. I've played my ps3 loads over the last gen and I'm definitely 'used' to the controller, but I still don't like it and still think its the worst designed controller I've ever used. Personal preference. It's not just me either. Lots of people don't like it. A lot of my mates, work colleagues and even people on this forum have said they're not massive fans.


Nobody was saying a controller can't be better than another. My point was the placement of the sticks on both pads is irrelevant. As one can adapt quite easily between the two after a short time.


The PS4 appears to be much better value for money, but that controller... that damn hideous, awful controller. I just don't think I could do it. I hate the PS3 controller with a passion and really didn't enjoy playing games with it, so always bought multi platform games on my 360.

The 360 controller is one of the best I've held (if not the best) so I'm already automatically drawn to XBONE just purely on that reason. Yes, it's that important in my decision making!


So your basing your decision to purchase a new console on the ergonomics of a controller that you haven't held yet, but are assuming will be just like the previous generation?


There are other things to consider. For me that's the controller as I've already mentioned. The play station controller is lol.


You have valid reasons for purchasing an Xbox One over a PS4, such as your friends will be buying one, you have some exclusive content that will appeal to you, etc.. But saying the Playstation Controller is 'lol', without giving any sort of coherent argument is not one of them. It is merely a troll comment.

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A troll argument? Did you read my posts? So my saying that I don't like where the analogue sticks are placed and that I found the controller to be uncomfortable to use because of that is a troll argument?

Ok sure.


I guess you feel a bit sensitive towards my dislike of the controller but please don't play the troll card just coz my opinion doesn't match yours.

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A troll argument? Did you read my posts? So my saying that I don't like where the analogue sticks are placed and that I found the controller to be uncomfortable to use because of that is a troll argument?

Ok sure.


I guess you feel a bit sensitive towards my dislike of the controller but please don't play the troll card just coz my opinion doesn't match yours.


I didn't say it was a troll argument, I said it was a troll comment - which it is.

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Just needed to add my 2 cents with controllers.


From what i've seen of the PS4 controller, it looks more comfortable to hold compared to the PS3/2/One controllers. The chap i spoke to said it was more comfortable to hold than the earlier PS controllers. The X360 controller is one of, if not the best controller i've used. The WiiU Pro pad feels the same as the 360 controller (in my opinion). As i mentioned, i wasn't allowed to sample the PS4 controller feel for myself, so i can't confirm what the chap said.

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