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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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The average consumer isn't so specs-driven. Hush yo' mouth.


Well some always are. The other thing is value proposition. How are MS and Nintendo doing on that front when pricing their consoles?


I Suppose predictions are MS will still be the top selling next gen console...

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Sony basically have free reign. Same price is crazy good for them. They are in a good position. They can price however they please given that they actually have a good high performance gap.


Sony could very well launch the same price, and will sell more. Better tech inside the console. I reckon it will be £399.

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Question to everyone dismissing the Xbox.


If the PS4 was converted at such a stupid rate from $/€ to £, would you be in as much rage? Or is it just more so because it is the Xbone?


If the PS4 was the same price, i don't think many would care. Same price, better specs really.

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Question to everyone dismissing the Xbox.


If the PS4 was converted at such a stupid rate from $/€ to £, would you be in as much rage? Or is it just more so because it is the Xbone?


No one is arguing about the rate here its just the value of the console given the specs. I know the rate is terrible too but that is secondary compared to their overall approach.


I have a feeling Sony will do £499 just becuase they can.

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£430 is too expensive for any console. Sny launch at the same price they'll struggle too. I personally can't see people paying that for a console. If they're over £400 the ps3, 360 and Wii u will outsell them with ease.


Sony need to be 399 at MOST

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Well I'm saying approach aside, because it has been a bit of a catastrophe from MS and that's just fact now.


For the actual price:

I can't say I'm up to date on all the specs, but does $499 look expensive for those specs then?


I just thought the fact EU and UK were getting shafted due to the exchange rate was more of a middle finger from MS really.

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No one is arguing about the rate here its just the value of the console given the specs. I know the rate is terrible too but that is secondary compared to their overall approach.


I have a feeling Sony will do £499 just becuase they can.


What do you mean just because they can? Of course, anyone can charge what they want, but if they do they will struggle unbelievably. Hope they don't have your arrogance on the situation.

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Well the PS3 launched for £425 in the UK and the PS4 will be relatively cheaper to make and, more importantly, will become cheaper much faster...so it really should be cheaper. I'm still sticking with my £329.99 price tag, super optimistic I know.

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Well the PS3 launched for £425 in the UK and the PS4 will be relatively cheaper to make and, more importantly, will become cheaper much faster...so it really should be cheaper. I'm still sticking with my £329.99 price tag.


This makes much more sense. And then, who in their right mind would pay a hundred more for Xbox?

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But COD is on PS4?


Most of the games MS have shown are. Whats funny is it will be interesting to see how games deal with the extra power but on the stream i could see clear jaggies related to lower than 1080p resolutions. More importantly the tech isnt their only problem based on today's show.


Well the PS3 launched for £425 in the UK and the PS4 will be relatively cheaper to make and, more importantly, will become cheaper much faster...so it really should be cheaper.


This is what I am hoping for. But they wont price below because you will get people who will think and even promote the Xbox One as being more powerful. Better equipped etc.


For the actual price:

I can't say I'm up to date on all the specs, but does $499 look expensive for those specs then?


Yes very much so. Think along the lines of WiiU price and tech power so far. Can MS justify the premium?


MS and Nintendo are crazy.

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Surely the Xbone has more specs/ better power than the WiiU?


Yes. So it should be higher than WiiU but lower than PS4. Problem is the WiiU had an abnormal price, as does the Xbone now.


There is practically no chance Sony will launch lower. But I hope its competitive.

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Ok well I'll throw in my price too I'm being ultra optimistic but I reckon £349.99.




Just got this from IGN - take it with a very large pinch of salt!


Rumor: PlayStation 4 Will Have Three SKUs, $399-$599


Undercutting Microsoft?


by Colin Moriarty


June 10, 2013


Today, Microsoft revealed the price of Xbox One. It appears there will be a single SKU of the console, and it will cost $499. With Sony’s conference in mere hours, speculation is buzzing about what the company intends on doing with PlayStation 4’s pricing.


A rumor posted on Games Industry International suggests that Sony may be taking a three-pronged approach, going with three separate SKUs that will cost as little as $399 and as much as $599. It remains to be seen if this is true, of course, though the rumor states that Sony intends on clearing everything up pricing-wise this evening.


We’ll have to sit tight for just a few more hours and see if this rumor ends up being true or not. In the meantime, speculate in the comments: how much would you be willing to pay for a PlayStation 4?



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