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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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I keep thinking I'll wait for it in a sale but that's probably because I'm spoilt by Steam/digital distribution. I don't even boot Steam anymore due to the sheer amount of money I kept spending on games I never played - thinking I'll get Stardew Valley eventually but with Zelda on the horizon and Overwatch still keeping my fancy quite well I've got no particular urgency about it atm. Maybe one for the summer!

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In my opinion it's better than animal crossing and harvest moon. There is such a huge amount of things to do it's difficult to get bored. I was massively surprised by the combat element, which is great fun and could be a small game on its own.


You can choose to do whatever you want, be a fisherman, raise animals, grow crops, go hunting.... And the game changes with you. It's subtle but at first all you want is money and you have no energy so everything is time management. I'm currently in year 4, I have more energy than I could use in a day and money rolling in :)


In my opinion it's better than animal crossing and harvest moon. There is such a huge amount of things to do it's difficult to get bored. I was massively surprised by the combat element, which is great fun and could be a small game on its own.


You can choose to do whatever you want, be a fisherman, raise animals, grow crops, go hunting.... And the game changes with you. It's subtle but at first all you want is money and you have no energy so everything is time management. I'm currently in year 4, I have more energy than I could use in a day and money rolling in :)

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There is no thread for Rock Band 4 so I'll put this here.


Rock Band 2 DLC has just been added meaning:


If you owned any of the Rock Band games on PS3 you can now get


Rock Band 1

Rock Band 2

Rock Band Blitz


tracks for Free!


Sadly you have to pay a bit for Rock band 3 but that's some good free tracks right there!



Edited by Cookyman
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I was thinking of picking up Horizon for the week off I'd booked when Switch releases... but I've just thought about my backlog...


Witcher 3 (still on Act I, haha)

Uncharted Collection

Uncharted 4


Tearaway 2

Infamous Second Son & First Light

Batman Arkham Knight


Guess I'll pick up Horizon at a later date! Haha

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Surely Zelda's going to be enough to keep you busy for that week?! I'm planning to do nothing but play Zelda and sit on PS4 chat in all my gaming time, possibly dipping into Overwatch from time to time for a break - but I think for the first time in possibly ever I'm planning to smash out BotW as fast as I can to avoid falling off/getting bored etc. As for your PS4 backlog you've certainly got enough to dip into with The Witcher alone! Admittedly I feel off as I found it a bit overwhelming - but surely something like Second Son is pretty pick-up-and-play-esque?




His face keeps bothering me and it's completely topic-irrelevant but is that Mac DeMarco?

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Shame on you @Rummy for not recognising Jim Morrison! :o


As a brown kid I've never been too big on my knowledge of older music - though I know Jim Morrison and The Doors's names, I don't know faces too well to recognise them! I wondered if it was some old and famous folk, but my mate keeps going on about Mac DeMarco in the last few years and maybe he took some heavy inspiration from Jim(the Morrison kind, not the Flink kind). Ofc I've seen a lot more of the latter than the former due to YouTubes etc...he does look rather similar to that gif/pic though!

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As a brown kid I've never been too big on my knowledge of older music - though I know Jim Morrison and The Doors's names, I don't know faces too well to recognise them! I wondered if it was some old and famous folk, but my mate keeps going on about Mac DeMarco in the last few years and maybe he took some heavy inspiration from Jim(the Morrison kind, not the Flink kind). Ofc I've seen a lot more of the latter than the former due to YouTubes etc...he does look rather similar to that gif/pic though!


Braaaaah, I grew up as a semi-brown kid, (Dad was a darkie) and I know who Jim Morrison is. In fairness, I've always been reeeeally into music.

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I know there have been posts about this before but i need some help with upgrading my PS4 HDD. I'm sick to death of deleting stuff. I imagine its still worth upgrading? There is no PS5 around the corner right?


What HDD shall i go for?


The next version of the OS will allow use of External HDDs. So best bet is probably just wait a bit for that.


Otherwise the typical suggestion is to get one of these: http://www.argos.co.uk/product/2489935

And pry it out of the enclosure.

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