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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Trying to look for some deals on PS4s right now, but it seems Amazon is our best bet at the moment. Does anyone know anywhere else we could get a good deal?


I've found a 1TB model with Star Wars Battlefront (we would need the game to both play online I guess?) for £269.99: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B015MSRACU?refRID=7VKZFM6ZYCC5D19APG6H&ref_=pd_ybh_a_2


Or the 500GB model with Star Wars Battlefront for £234.99 on GAME:



I think the 1TB model might be better to get so we won't need to upgrade anytime soon. Just not sure if there are any better deals out there?


Also, would we need to get Plus for the second console or can we just use the one we already have on there too?

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The Amazon deal sounds like a fair enough price for the console, that size hard drive and Star Wars Battlefront. :)


As for Plus... not sure, I think you can share it on the same console... that might be Xbox Live Gold though... pass. :heh:


If you're going to be playing the PS4 a lot more in 2016 which I'm sure you both will be then... go for eeet! : peace:


It's either that or buy an Xbox One for the same price in order to play Rise of the Tomb Raider early plus play some other exclusives but really... Tomb Raider will be multiplatform soon so if Playstation is your main platform then you really can't go far wrong with each having your own console. :awesome:

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The Amazon deal sounds like a fair enough price for the console, that size hard drive and Star Wars Battlefront. :)


As for Plus... not sure, I think you can share it on the same console... that might be Xbox Live Gold though... pass. :heh:


If you're going to be playing the PS4 a lot more in 2016 which I'm sure you both will be then... go for eeet! : peace:


It's either that or buy an Xbox One for the same price in order to play Rise of the Tomb Raider early plus play some other exclusives but really... Tomb Raider will be multiplatform soon so if Playstation is your main platform then you really can't go far wrong with each having your own console. :awesome:


Apart from Tomb Raider, there isn't really much that interests us on the XBox One to be honest. We can wait for Tomb Raider to be released on PS4. :)


Not sure if we will be playing more in 2016 than we did this year, as we have already been playing a lot more than we had been doing before when we only had our Nintendo consoles! The thing is that now only one of us can play, while the other just has to sit there and watch (or check the internet). :P

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It's crazy how expensive these things still are and that model is just the basic one! I know lostmario is waiting to pick one up as well but the prices are just stupid. Hopefully they will plummet next year, now that the last gen consoles are pretty much dead.


@Fierce_LiNk just get another one. You both clearly play on the PS4 enough to warrant a second purchase.


Leaning towards getting it. :heh:

We both play on it a lot and we've got a backlog that's getting larger and larger. It's only going to get larger since only one of us can game at a time.


Don't do it! :shakehead


Get this instead:



Extra PS+ titles, and the opportunity to get into the Yakuza series! ;)


I do want a PS3, mainly for Ni No Kuni. But...that price is extortionate. Considering that for 50 quid more you can get newer hardware with a bigger HDD, it just seems like I'll be waiting longer to get a PS3.


It is?


...Damn, it is! :o


Yeah, @Fierce_LiNk, don't get that one. :heh:


Ok. :D


(I do want to play Yakuza, though)


Keep it simple.




(I don't know what you mean, but ok)


The Amazon deal sounds like a fair enough price for the console, that size hard drive and Star Wars Battlefront. :)


As for Plus... not sure, I think you can share it on the same console... that might be Xbox Live Gold though... pass. :heh:


If you're going to be playing the PS4 a lot more in 2016 which I'm sure you both will be then... go for eeet! : peace:


It's either that or buy an Xbox One for the same price in order to play Rise of the Tomb Raider early plus play some other exclusives but really... Tomb Raider will be multiplatform soon so if Playstation is your main platform then you really can't go far wrong with each having your own console. :awesome:


Getting an XboxOne isn't an option really. We'd have to start up a whole new catalogue, which seems daft considering that the reason we'd be getting a console is because we have too many PS4 games we're not playing atm.


I think, when it comes down to it, we need to get a second one. When we were living apart, we both had our separate consoles. 2 GameCubes, 2 Wiis, etc. It may also give us an extra option considering that most multiplayer games these days are online. So, suddenly, we've got more multiplayer options. :D

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Also, would we need to get Plus for the second console or can we just use the one we already have on there too?


You can set one PS4 as your primary console. Then on the other console, make sure that is the one that is logged in with your PS Plus PSN account. That way your console that is designated as primary can always play online/Plus content, while the other console can play online/your Plus content as long as you are signed in as your Plus account.

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Now to open the box and install that hard-drive! :D


Yeeeeees, brah.


Play The Witcher 3!

Give us your addy! :D


Ok guys, I think we're getting there...@Eenuh and I are about to buy a white PS4 500gb edition.




We'll have one white PS4 and one black. The black one is the one that we currently own. Let's say that we both want to play something like...Star Wars Battlefront. I've read somewhere that if you buy the game digitally, you can both play the game online (with each other) at the same time without needing to buy it twice. Is this true?


Secondly, we're going to upgrade the HDD. @Shorty, I think you bought this one. Can you (or anyone else) confirm that you can use this hdd? All that you'd need to do is take the casing off, correct?

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Yeeeeees, brah.


Play The Witcher 3!

Give us your addy! :D


Ok guys, I think we're getting there...@Eenuh and I are about to buy a white PS4 500gb edition.




We'll have one white PS4 and one black. The black one is the one that we currently own. Let's say that we both want to play something like...Star Wars Battlefront. I've read somewhere that if you buy the game digitally, you can both play the game online (with each other) at the same time without needing to buy it twice. Is this true?


Secondly, we're going to upgrade the HDD. @Shorty, I think you bought this one. Can you (or anyone else) confirm that you can use this hdd? All that you'd need to do is take the casing off, correct?


Yeah, that HDD is a thinner model so will fit in the PS4. Just got to take it out.


And yeah, playing a digital game that was purchased only once online with 2 accounts on 2 different PS4s works using the method I mentioned in my previous post. The person who didn't buy it and doesn't have PS Plus must log in on the PS4 that is assigned as the primary console. The person with the Plus account who bought the digital game then logs in to their PSN account on the other PS4 and they can play it too.

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That's not the exact model I bought so I wouldn't like to say for certain. But yeah that's the gist of it.

Eurogamer updated their hard drive upgrade guide to mention 2015 drives, including this one. Apparently it's a bit harder to get the drive out of the newer models but is still the same drive. In the Amazon comments people have said they used their to upgrade their PS4 hard drive too.

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We ended up going for the Samsung hard drive instead:



I think that is the one we bought before. Some of the comments we read about the case being difficult to remove on the other hard drive put us off purchasing that one. I had a £30 voucher on Amazon though so I guess it wasn't too painful buying this one. :P


Our plan is to buy Battlefront digitally (if it is still cheap by then) so we can play it on both consoles, then just try and sell our disc version of the game. Hopefully this will all work out ok! :)

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Yeah, that HDD is a thinner model so will fit in the PS4. Just got to take it out.


And yeah, playing a digital game that was purchased only once online with 2 accounts on 2 different PS4s works using the method I mentioned in my previous post. The person who didn't buy it and doesn't have PS Plus must log in on the PS4 that is assigned as the primary console. The person with the Plus account who bought the digital game then logs in to their PSN account on the other PS4 and they can play it too.


That's awesome. Thanks for that!


I found some videos on youtube related to that.






Delighted with all of that. I guess that's another big plus about buying digital. Rather than paying twice with two discs, you can just buy one digital copy and both of you can access it. Should come in quite useful!


That's not the exact model I bought so I wouldn't like to say for certain. But yeah that's the gist of it.


Eurogamer updated their hard drive upgrade guide to mention 2015 drives, including this one. Apparently it's a bit harder to get the drive out of the newer models but is still the same drive. In the Amazon comments people have said they used their to upgrade their PS4 hard drive too.


Yeah, I read that article and a few others that mentioned it being a pain in the arse to get into the casing. I went for the same drive as I previously owned, which didn't cost all that much more and we had the voucher (Eenuh mentioned earlier) which softened the blow.


There's been quite a few moments this Christmas where I've wanted to play one game (want to start Uncharted 3) and Ine wanted to play Battlefront. (she's really addicted) Would've been quite handy to have 2 PS4s then. Now, we're at the stage where we don't watch an awful lot of tv and would rather game instead. This will come in reeeeeally handy.

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That Samsung drive is literally the drive that's in those Seagate externals :p so you paid £30 to save you the effort of prying open some plastic....


We've just cancelled the order and bought the Seagate one instead. It better not be too difficult to pry open!

Also some of the reviews say the new casing now is metal instead of plastic, which is what makes it harder to open (plus part of it being glued to the casing I think). We'll see how it goes!

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We've just cancelled the order and bought the Seagate one instead. It better not be too difficult to pry open!

Also some of the reviews say the new casing now is metal instead of plastic, which is what makes it harder to open (plus part of it being glued to the casing I think). We'll see how it goes!


I found the most difficult part of transferring not the removal or installation of the drive but the fact that basically none of my games would copy back across from the temporary storage I used in between. So I had to redownload them all. Save games backed up and moved over fine. Bear in mind once you back up game footage and screenshots to USB, you're converting them from RAWs and can't put them back again (but can put them on a PC).


Don't damage the external drive because you can put your 500GB drive back in, format it and then you have a 500GB USB3 drive spare :)

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I found the most difficult part of transferring not the removal or installation of the drive but the fact that basically none of my games would copy back across from the temporary storage I used in between. So I had to redownload them all. Save games backed up and moved over fine. Bear in mind once you back up game footage and screenshots to USB, you're converting them from RAWs and can't put them back again (but can put them on a PC).


Don't damage the external drive because you can put your 500GB drive back in, format it and then you have a 500GB USB3 drive spare :)


When I swapped over my hdd into the current PS4, I redownloaded all of my games and think I must have left the system on overnight. Can't contemplate doing it now...it would take aaaaages! Think it would take me a week to get everything back if I were to do a swap now.


I'll try my best not to damage the casing. Although, based on some of the videos that I've seen online of people showing how to remove the casing, I think that's going to prove to be very difficult.

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Mildly annoyed I saw some cheap indie/small games going in the sale that I wanted, so I went and spent my nectar points on £20 of credit and now...they're not on sale anymore -.-

Nothing I'm noticing in the January sale is particularly taking my fancy either, but I'm sure something will come up one day, just need to keep the credits somewhere safe! Do they expire at all if you don't cash them in within a certain time etc?

On a plus side though, I finally took the plunge for this bad boy...


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Not sure I can say - it feels quite similar to my white one, but a bit more new(sticks actually clicking still, more grippy) but that might easily wear with time. I've definitely given my white one a lot of use already, so until the gold one's caught up I couldn't really say! Doesn't feel particularly different to me, but maybe I just don't notice these things.


In unrelated - got a bit irked/annoyed yesterday about the PS messages app. They've actually wholly separated it from the PSN app, so now I need a whole different app to actually message/get messages through my phone it seems. I was under the impression they were going to make it as an optional for those who want just the messages and not the whole thing, rather than separate it wholly.

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After all this time, I finally played a PS4 tonight :smile:


My brother treated himself to one this afternoon, along with FIFA 16 and Drive Club, so I called down to help him set it up. I played one race of the latter and despite it playing well enough, it's not really my sort of racing game.


A second controller meant that we could play FIFA 16 together so we sat down to a couple of games of that, after customising the controls :heh: First impressions of that were that it was slow and cumbersome, criticisms I've levelled at the series for a few years, but it definitely had a touch of polish compared to previous entries on PS3. It wasn't too bad!


I certainly didn't come away feeling any great desire to go out and buy a PS4 (if anything, it increased my hype for seeing what Nintendo can offer with NX) but I did want to comment on how good the controller is. It feels really well built and is mostly comfortable. My only problem with it so far is the indents on the analogue stocks as I prefer an entirely convex surface on top. I'm sure I'd eventually get used to it but I never liked it on XBOX and my opinion hasn't changed here. Hopefully Nintendo won't go on the same way :eek:

Edited by nekunando
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