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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Yes its worth getting fibre. As speeds increase your pings will fall. I think BT/Virgin offer higher top speeds(and good routers?) but other providers will also sell nice packages (EE, Sky etc.) with other benefits.


Many people here will have trouble spreading a full Fibre speed around their house till Wireless AC and the new homeplugs come end of the year. Personally I am tempted to use Cat6 wiring somehow with a switch or two. My Wireless N router works well with full speed in 80% of the house.




I find it sad that my connection is faster than 99% of the country...


Tempted to move over to BT for PS4?



Would be awesome. Easy youtube/movie uploading as streams are already video?

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Really hope the console has an SSD integrated. Once you've had an SSD you never go back.


Definitely needs to be an option. Limited in terms of space and cost though. But as an option its perfect.


For pc gaming you don't need a SSD but it helps a lot with games like Planetside 2 which have very aggressive streaming.

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Yes its worth getting fibre. As speeds increase your pings will fall. I think BT/Virgin offer higher top speeds(and good routers?)


We got BT Infinity at work. The router kept cutting out. The solution: the newest BT hub can't handle more than a couple wireless connections. So we had to buy a new router.


And you can use a SSD in the PS3. The smaller slimline (12GB) is a SSD.

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We got BT Infinity at work. The router kept cutting out. The solution: the newest BT hub can't handle more than a couple wireless connections. So we had to buy a new router.


And you can use a SSD in the PS3. The smaller slimline (12GB) is a SSD.


Yeah but it doesn't use it effectively, game loading times aren't always cut by much and as far as I know the general OS and interface isn't really as fast as it could be (I'm not sure what tech the internal memory uses).


On our new computers we connect our SSDs via SATA3, maybe the interface isn't the same on the PS3.

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We got BT Infinity at work. The router kept cutting out. The solution: the newest BT hub can't handle more than a couple wireless connections. So we had to buy a new router.


And you can use a SSD in the PS3. The smaller slimline (12GB) is a SSD.


Haha. I thought they give you a better router. For work you definitely need something heavy duty and reliable.


The problem with SSD is that the PS3 is ancient nowadays. While speeds were respectable back in the day its super slow now. Just go for capacity unless you have money to waste. You do half your times using a sata 600 SSD but the PS3 is just so slow now (half speed is still slow considering the cost and space).


Not to say the PS3 hasnt been awesome. Its a 2007 device packing a Gigabit ethernet port for example lol.

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I haven't been keeping bang up to date with rumours, but is there a general consensus as to what. We can expect?


- how powerful will it be?

- what new console features will it have?

- what games are expected to be announced?


Didn't Sony say its more about changing the way we play games than technical power? Or have I made that up?

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Because it's fun - what would make the ideal conference/system?

(Orange font fuck yeah)

<= £300


Slightly chunkier controller with the rumoured move functionality built in (scrapping the wand altogether), implement a universal share feature, give it a touch-screen keyboard and keep the damn charge cable.


PS+ same price as it is currently but with added Gakai service thrown in.


The Last Guardian, Dark Souls 2, Uncharted 4, new Eidos racer and new Sucker Punch game released in launch window.


Keep the XMB but streamline it further.


Not too bothered about this, but make Home something worthwhile - give the avatars the pace/freedom of Cole in Infamous and flesh out those projects like Xi, remove load times and have background downloads for new in-world locations. Cram in more text adventures and weird indie stuff. Maybe integrate it into a chat room when Friends are waiting in an online lobby. I don't know, but make it interesting and not shit.


Offer a reasonable backwards compatibility work-around e.g. PS3 disc recognition and download option (one use only).


Make a pledge to back more developers that produce games like Journey, and take more risks.


Pedant's desire - Make the PSN tag more customisable and allow people to flesh it out with a profile


(roughly 2% of this will actually happen)

Edited by dwarf
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My thoughts:



I don't think it will be that much more powerful. For the first few years I think we'll get third parties taking advantage of the current generation (and Wii U), and releasing ones with better textures/models/effects for the PS3/neXtbox. Then, as people learn the hardware (and sales increase), it will slowly drift into stuff that simply can't be done.


It will be impressive, just not absolutely amazing.



- Gaikai for PS3 backwards compatibility. Plus users will get either demos of the "first hour free" playtest of some games though Gaikai (they had a similar thing for Plus in the past, but it was old games and you needed to download the entire game).

- The controller will be as previously shown in this thread (but nicer)

- Integration for Tweet/Facebook/Google+ (not just for trophies, but also screenshots) as well as YouTube for the "last 15 minutes" as well as simple APIs for developers to link the service to in-game replay features.



- New Media Molecule game. First they'll introduce LBP3, but developed by Sumo (as rumoured) then reveal their new project. No idea what it could be.

- New Sucker Punch game. It will be a "spiritual" sequel to InFamous, but not directly related.

- Killzone 4. Some kind of Vita link-up with Mercenaries.

- Mentions of Destiny and Watch_Dogs.

- As both Sony and Microsoft are both rumoured to be working on similar projects, Sony will announce their PGR-esque game. May not have footage.

- I think Uncharted will be announced at E3, along with a new FPS from t

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OK I'd add two small things that Sony should do/should've done:


Kill Killzone franchise, lay off the boring/talentless people at Guerilla and tell them to make something that isn't dull.


Don't let David Cage talk on stage. I don't need him to tell me that videogames don't need guns. Again.

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- New Sucker Punch game. It will be a "spiritual" sequel to InFamous, but not directly related.
Can't see that. Infamous was a 'spiritual successor' to Sly Cooper... I know they don't look after that franchise anymore, but they're not gonna do a third variation.


It'll be Infamous 3 or something entirely different.

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£300 would be nice. Adding gakai to plus woud be great too, though I wouldn't actually mind paying a little more for plus, it's an a bargain, but it better let me play all my current games.


That touch panel is weird, personally, I'd actually like them to go the whole hog and just whack a full screen in there, I think the potential of that kind of gameplay is great so it'd be good to see Sony do it.


As for games. Uncharted 4, starwars 1313 would be my main 2 I'd want this year!

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I would like if Sony had an equivalent of the stars catalogue. Will never happen but it'd be cool. When you get a game you can register a one time use code slip but instead of instantly earning 'stars' you'd unlock the stars through trophies. Then you could cash your stars in when you had loads for cool real stuff. That would add an extra incentive to get the most out of games and would probably encourage people to buy more games.

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