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Yeah, the quality is top notch. Really has changed the way I game. It might be a bit of a spend but it'll last you an awful long time (the last gen headset is still supported on PS4). So I thought I may as well get a good one. I had a pretty crappy bluetooth headset last gen and as a result I just never used it.


Pretty sure some other people bought it too, maybe @drahkon?

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The most unexpected thing ever is that Ground Zeroes is actually really fucking good, it's making me very excited for Phantom Pain. If only that hack Sutherland wasn't in it. What's even his pedigree? 24, which is one of the worst shows I've ever seen. It's actually kind of making me hate the character because every time he opens his mouth, I hear Sutherland's dickthroat voice.

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The most unexpected thing ever is that Ground Zeroes is actually really fucking good, it's making me very excited for Phantom Pain. If only that hack Sutherland wasn't in it. What's even his pedigree? 24, which is one of the worst shows I've ever seen. It's actually kind of making me hate the character because every time he opens his mouth, I hear Sutherland's dickthroat voice.


I was actually playing this last night as well.


Not having David do the voice really annoys me. I just don't get why the switch was necessary.


I love the game ( finished it on the One ) and it really comes into its own when you start doing the trials and going after the trophies/achievements as they require you to really learn the map and enemy locations.


I think I got about 30 hours out of the One version and hope to get around that on the PS4. Not bad for what many called a demo. :D

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I was actually playing this last night as well.


Not having David do the voice really annoys me. I just don't get why the switch was necessary.


I love the game ( finished it on the One ) and it really comes into its own when you start doing the trials and going after the trophies/achievements as they require you to really learn the map and enemy locations.


I think I got about 30 hours out of the One version and hope to get around that on the PS4. Not bad for what many called a demo. :D


I've been waiting for something like this. Most Metal Gear games are too long for me to take my time and enjoy myself, the first thing that's on my mind is finishing it for the main narrative, so I'll only end up doing each scenario one or two different ways. With this I'm totally going to play it a dozen times with different rules; don't get seen, don't kill anyone, kill everyone, use only the AA guns etc.


Hoping that Phantom Pain looks a bit more "next gen," because you can tell that there were some constraints put on this with it being a cross gen game.

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Not having David do the voice really annoys me. I just don't get why the switch was necessary.


Networking. Kojima's trying to get balls deep in the TV/film industry and he doesn't care about shafting fans by replacing a beloved voice with one that is droller and infinitely less iconic.

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Is the ps4 supposed to be sensationally loud? It was pretty loud with the fan at first, put it in standby mode and the fan was still going.


But tonight I've been playing resogun and the fan is in turbo mode it seems. It's unbelievably loud!! It's in cabinet, could this be causing it to heat up as it was hot. I had something's downloading in standby mode, could it be that?


Very surprised.


Also, is there anyway to get rid of playroom, my videos and the web browser and such from the main bar? I hate that my library is at the far end. Basically can you move the icons around? I presume you can but can't see how yet.


Kill zone and infamous haven't turned up yet. But resogun is predictably amazing.

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Also, is there anyway to get rid of playroom, my videos and the web browser and such from the main bar? I hate that my library is at the far end. Basically can you move the icons around? I presume you can but can't see how yet.


The PS4 could do with a folder system, my game bar is getting ridiculously long.

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PS4s aren't meant to be loud. Maybe it's your cabinet. If it isn't that, you should probably call up Sony. Failing that, send your machine back.


Oh I hope not. I'll take it out of the cabinet, it's a tight space and it has doors too... Hopefully that'll be okay. Was not wanting to stop playing resogun either but was getting a bit panicky... I sent a clip to @david\.dakota of it, he thought it maybe sounded a bit knackered...

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Oh I hope not. I'll take it out of the cabinet, it's a tight space and it has doors too... Hopefully that'll be okay. Was not wanting to stop playing resogun either but was getting a bit panicky... I sent a clip to @david\.dakota of it, he thought it maybe sounded a bit knackered...


Here's the video he sent me:


Maybe someone can help Darren. Personally, I think his PS4 is broken or he had the vacuum hose round his cock at the time. I don't know which is more likely.


Hilariously I actually used the Playstation camera and the voice command to find Towerfall yesterday. It kind of makes folders unnecessary...but don't buy the camera just for that.


I love the idea of voice search, much better than folders which encourage anal retentiveness in the best of us.

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Here's the video he sent me:


Maybe someone can help Darren. Personally, I think his PS4 is broken or he had the vacuum hose round his cock at the time. I don't know which is more likely.


That does seem unusually loud. Was he playing on a disc based game or a digital one? I know mine was a little louder when I booted up a Bluray movie but once it had done the initial load it when quiet again.

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@dazzybee, that seems very loud to me. I've not noticed my PS4 making noise like that. That's very distracting. Do you notice a difference in noise level when playing a game from a disc, playing a digital game, having it in standbye mode, just using the PSN store, etc. I'd be tempted to get that checked out. Maybe take it out of the cabinet, do all of the above checks and see if there's a difference.
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@dazzybee, that seems very loud to me. I've not noticed my PS4 making noise like that. That's very distracting. Do you notice a difference in noise level when playing a game from a disc, playing a digital game, having it in standbye mode, just using the PSN store, etc. I'd be tempted to get that checked out. Maybe take it out of the cabinet, do all of the above checks and see if there's a difference.


No disk. Just playing resogun. I was also downloading loads of games... must be the cabinet... which is a bit annoying having to keep it out... Plus it's pretty loud naturally so don't really want it out... :( I'll see how I get on with Destiny tonight!

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