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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Anyone play Battlefield 4? Just realised that some of the earlier multiplayer DLC packs are available for free, and earlier today I got a notification that 2 of the later map packs (China Rising and Naval Strike) are free if you download them this week. Pretty neat that you get notifications for this kind of stuff now (only got back to the PS4 recently so perhaps it's not a new feature)

Wasn't a huge fan of the game but will definitely give some of this a go if the DLC lobbies are popular.

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I just had a quick glance at the Xbox 360's sales figures and apparently by May 2010 it had sold 40 million units worldwide. That's about 3 1/2 years into its life cycle and it ended up selling 80m units so the PS4's numbers are really impressive. The Xbox One probably isn't all that far behind what the 360 was at 4 1/2 years into its life considering it was estimated to have sold at least 30 million by the end of 2017 it just pales in comparison to the numbers Sony are posting, the PS4 will surely exceed 100m units soon which as far as I'm aware only 5 consoles have managed to do. This generation will surely be one of the most successful console generations in terms of units sold across Switch, PS4 and Xbox One.


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9 minutes ago, killthenet said:

I just had a quick glance at the Xbox 360's sales figures and apparently by May 2010 it had sold 40 million units worldwide. That's about 3 1/2 years into its life cycle and it ended up selling 80m units so the PS4's numbers are really impressive. The Xbox One probably isn't all that far behind what the 360 was at 4 1/2 years into its life considering it was estimated to have sold at least 30 million by the end of 2017 it just pales in comparison to the numbers Sony are posting, the PS4 will surely exceed 100m units soon which as far as I'm aware only 5 consoles have managed to do. This generation will surely be one of the most successful console generations in terms of units sold across Switch, PS4 and Xbox One.


Sony has been incredibly successful with their home consoles. Even the PS3, which was classed as a failure, still managed to sell 84 million. PSOne and PS2 both crossed the 100 million mark and the PS4 looks set to do the same. None of the other console makers have been able to achieve multiple home consoles selling this amount.

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10 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Sony has been incredibly successful with their home consoles. Even the PS3, which was classed as a failure, still managed to sell 84 million. PSOne and PS2 both crossed the 100 million mark and the PS4 looks set to do the same. None of the other console makers have been able to achieve multiple home consoles selling this amount.

Yeah, PlayStation’s sales numbers are just outright crazy: take away the Vita, and all of their console platforms have sold in excess of 80 million units.

As far as I know, from reading up on gaming’s past, there hasn’t been a period where more than three home console platform manufacturers have had sustained success at the top of the market. I’m curious as to which of PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo would step down, then, in the event that another major platform (Apple or Google, I guess?) managed to squeeze their way into the top, because I think very strong arguments could be made for all three of them sticking around. 

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1 hour ago, Julius Caesar said:

As far as I know, from reading up on gaming’s past, there hasn’t been a period where more than three home console platform manufacturers have had sustained success at the top of the market. I’m curious as to which of PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo would step down, then, in the event that another major platform (Apple or Google, I guess?) managed to squeeze their way into the top, because I think very strong arguments could be made for all three of them sticking around. 

In fairness taking gaming - as we know it now - as starting from the NES that's only a 30 year history of which one major (as in multiple consoles up until that point) manufacturer has gone out of the hardware game unless I am forgetting something?

The industry is still young.  Three may not always hold out, but I don't think that's because 'the industry can't support three' and more because the company itself made mistakes.  Sega didn't drop out of the hardware industry because there wasn't a place for three hardware manufacturers, they dropped out because they made a lot of dumbass decisions.

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I see that Sunless Sea is getting a PS4 release later this year. Very happy with this as I'd been meaning to check it out, and even have it on a list of games to pick up at some point for PC but I've never gotten around to it as I need to get myself a new rig that doesn't creak just using Firefox.

 A few decent looking indie games coming in the next couple of weeks. Donut County looks like it'll scratch that Katamari itch, Death's Gambit for those wanting some Castlevania style action (before Bloodstained arrives), Planet Alpha which looks like Another World mixed with Inside/Limbo, State of Mind which looks like a more story oriented Deus Ex minus the combat and of course Guacamelee 2 to name but a few. I've been trying to iron out my game purchases for the next couple of months and it's fair to say there are a fair few indies with the ones that are being announced/given release dates as of late.

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Today we’re proud to announce the PlayStation 4 Pro 500 Million Limited Edition, a special console limited to 50,000 units globally that celebrates a phenomenal milestone in our history. This release marks PlayStation surpassing an incredible 500 million system sales worldwide.

It’s a huge milestone. One only reached because of you, the players. So, whether you first joined us with the original PlayStation, PS2, PSP (PlayStation Portable), PS3, PS Vita or PS4: thank you. You’ve made PlayStation the best place to play since it first launched back in 1994.

And in recognition of such a remarkable milestone, we’re proud to announce a remarkable console design. There’ll be chances to win the PlayStation 4 Pro 500 Million Limited Edition as well as purchase it from select retailers across Europe* from the 24th August, at an RRP of €499.

Packaged in a special translucent collector’s box, you’ll find a translucent dark blue 2TB PlayStation 4 Pro, which, with the blue power light on, lets you glimpse into the illuminated interior of the super-charged PS4. Each console has a commemorative copper plate on its front, with its unique limited edition number etched on. Take a closer look below in the console’s unboxing video.


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Alright. Sundered got its much needed PS4 patch some time ago so I decided to give it another go. 

Started a new file and just reached the point where I last left off. This time without dying since the patch fixed the stutter problem. Those frame rate drops could really throw you off during fights. Now the game runs smoothly :peace: 

It's a Metroidvania alright. Certain points of the map are set in stone and provide new skills, throw you into a boss fight or open up shortcuts. However, the connecting areas are procedurally generated with each new attempt. So far it seems to be a great blend between linearity and randomness. 

I'm cautiously optimistic. :hehe:

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After my successful first run last night I decided to crack on with it.

The game rocks my balls. Sweet Jesus. The miniboss I need to fight owns me :laughing: And he's not even that difficult. He basically has one attack that should be easy to avoid but I'm a moron. It also doesn't help that at one point during the fight other enemies spawn.

I love this. Finally a game with a real challenge. Haven't had this experience in quite some time.

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Just fought and beat the first real boss in Sundered. Holy shit what a great fight. 

I was immediately hit by a fucking barrage of attacks because I'm stupid, causing me to use both of my available Health Elixiers. I had to rely on no health regeneration for the remainder of the fight. Thankfully I managed to stay alive slowly chipping away at its health.

There are several things about this fight that makes it fucking amazing.

First of all: The boss is HUGE. Once you reach him the screen zooms way the fuck out. It really makes you feel like you're fighting something superior to you in every way.
Secondly: you have to use every tool at your disposal. Jumping, evading, shooting, attacking. Mindlessly pressing buttons doesn't work, you have to be observant and react according to what is thrown at you.
And lastly: Once the boss reaches critical health he goes nuts. It felt like he was going into panic mode. He was mindlessly pressing buttons :D But it didn't work :p 

I have to say: One of the coolest and most fun fights I've ever experienced in a video game :peace: 

If you want to see the last 50 seconds of my fight, take a look. SPOILERS obviously.


Can I just say that I'm proud of that little drop at 45 seconds? That sealed the victory for me. If I got hit there I may have died. Not immediately but probably because I would've lost my shield and my position at the crystal which in turn would've opened me up for follow up attacks.


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I picked up Sundered last year when it was release and I've tried a few times to get into it but I don't like the horde wave mechanic that it uses and the procedural nature of the rooms. Backtracking was just made irritating because of that and the last time I played, I think it glitched on me as the horde wave of enemies was never ending despite me defeating however many of them that I did.

I may go back to it again later in the year or in the new year but I think it's more that that style of play doesn't work for me too well. It's why despite the glowing reviews for Dead Cells, I've not picked it up.

That being said, I did pick up Death's Gambit yesterday before the pre-order price disappeared. Downloading it now and hopefully get a go later this afternoon but really interested to see how it all comes together. I'm not the biggest fan of the Souls style gameplay but I do love a good Castlevania game so hoping it plays more like the latter. Also hoping I can turn perma-death off to start with to get to grips with things otherwise it may end up going a similar way to Sundered. I'm optimistic though as it looks great and will be a nice challenge before Guacamelee 2 hits next week.

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Just now, Ganepark32 said:

 Backtracking was just made irritating because of that and the last time I played, I think it glitched on me as the horde wave of enemies was never ending despite me defeating however many of them that I did.

Well there are areas that give you a warning that "Endless Hordes" appear :p 

But yeah, if you don't like procedurally generated "levels" then this is not for you.

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10 hours ago, drahkon said:

Well there are areas that give you a warning that "Endless Hordes" appear :p 

But yeah, if you don't like procedurally generated "levels" then this is not for you.

The weird thing is, that warning didn't appear on screen. I just an onslaught of enemies for 20 minutes as I was trying to progress through the second area before they got me. Was playing it in the midst of a slight gaming funk so I'll probably go back to it at some point.

Anyways, managed to get a few hours in on Death's Gambit and although I wasn't sure if it'd click with me because of the similarities to the Souls games, I've found myself really enjoying it so far. Managed to take down 4 bosses, the last two of which were really close calls but strategic use of healing and letting the timers run down on some debuffs meant I prevailed.

There's a nice level of challenge; it's not too difficult to be off putting but gives a good enough push back to make you learn the enemies attacks and how to exploit them best, all the while conserving stamina.

You get to choose from 1 of 7 classes at the start, with each having a particular focus on their stats. I ended up going with the class known as Acolyte of Death, which gives you a scythe weapon and focuses more on finesse and your use of weapons like that. Don't do high amounts of damage but can combo well. You can, however, equip pretty much any type of weapon you come across, you might not be able to use your skills though as they look like they're attached to the class weapon of choice (in this case, my scythe).

I'm kinda undecided on whether the pixel art style is good or not. I think a bit more colour count would've helped to solidify the look but even then, some of the enemies and the locations look great. And the soundtrack is awesome too, really gets you pumped in those boss fights.

Really looking forward to digging into it more. Never thought I'd end up enjoying a Souls-esque game but I guess I just needed to find my one and this seems to be it. Well worth picking up for those who love that style of game.

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13 minutes ago, Ganepark32 said:

The weird thing is, that warning didn't appear on screen. I just an onslaught of enemies for 20 minutes as I was trying to progress through the second area before they got me. Was playing it in the midst of a slight gaming funk so I'll probably go back to it at some point.

Hm, maybe they added the note with a recent patch, who knows.

Made some progress. Managed to beat all three minibosses of the second area. Also had a go at the second large boss. Needless to say he wrecked me. :D 


Keep them posts about Death's Gambit coming @Ganepark32. Sounds like a game I'd enjoy. Too many indie games coming out these days...Dead Cells, Death's Gambit, Guacamelee 2...

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Been feeling a little down the past few days but the last three games I've started to play are bringing much needed joy back to me.

Sundered - a tough as nails Metroidvania with some rogue-like elements. Games like this are what I'm living for :D 

Guacamelee 2 - quirky humour, great platforming, Metroidvania at its best so far. 

Celeste - lovely little game but it rocks my balls from time to time (only two chapters in). The best part of it, though: It's always your own damn fault if you die :laughing: 


Gonna be a little tough juggling all three but playing these games is just pure fun. :) 

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