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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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The PSN speeds really are a joke. I don't have a great connection as it is but if I leave a game downloading overnight on Steam I'll usually have about 10 gigs done by morning. I left Transformers downloading on my PS4 and got 4.5 gigs done.


Agreed. They are really weird. I left the CoD beta on downloading overnight and awoke to find it still had a couple of hours to go. I reset the console ( people have suggested doing this ) and then the thing finished downloading in about 20 mins upon reboot. Strange.

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I find it odd that the download speeds are so inconsistent. Just like H-o-T my speeds range from fast to snail-pace. :blank:


Sometimes it's annoying when you buy a 2 GB game and it could be ready in 20 minutes but it takes 8 hours :hmm:


On my Vita, though, the download speeds are always the same. Quite fast.::shrug:

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I find it odd that the download speeds are so inconsistent. Just like H-o-T my speeds range from fast to snail-pace. :blank:


Sometimes it's annoying when you buy a 2 GB game and it could be ready in 20 minutes but it takes 8 hours :hmm:


On my Vita, though, the download speeds are always the same. Quite fast.::shrug:


That's because you're the only person in the world using a Vita ;)

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Don't know if you guys are aware but pretty sure if you play a game or use a service with online features, your downloads will be throttled so as not to affect service.


Also speeds are obviously affected by the number of people doing that download at the moment, so on new games and patches it's unsurprising that it would be slow.


That said, since PSN used to be free and now gets £30-40/yr per customer you'd think they'd be able to make it a bit more stable.

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I wouldn't know what was quick or slow. They are noticeably slower than Wii U games but then they're five times the size so I would expect them to take longer.


The one thing that makes me want to throw the PS4 out the window more than anything else is that at least half the times I boot the PS4 it has no sound and I have to restart. It obviously has something to do with my son using a headset, but I wish they would fix this glitch.

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I wouldn't know what was quick or slow. They are noticeably slower than Wii U games but then they're five times the size so I would expect them to take longer.


The one thing that makes me want to throw the PS4 out the window more than anything else is that at least half the times I boot the PS4 it has no sound and I have to restart. It obviously has something to do with my son using a headset, but I wish they would fix this glitch.


When this happens is a headset plugged in? If so then he's probably set it so all audio goes through the headset and none will come through the TV. If not then that is a very weird glitch.

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I've had a strange audio problem two or three times where I'll boot up the PS4 and I receive no sound. Turning the TV off and then back on again seems to restart it. Can't tell whether it's the tv, PS4 or cable, but it's not frequent enough to become annoying. Just more of a "huh, strange" kind of moment.


With regards to download speeds: I can't tell whether mine are slow or not. I don't do an awful lot of downloading, so I don't really have anything to compare it to. It's never taken me days to download anything, so I don't get annoyed by it.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I've had my audio delayed before but it's also being passed to a soundbar so turning it all on at once can confuse them all talking for a couple seconds.


As for download speeds all 3 consoles are pretty much shit in my opinion. I could get on steam and download something 3 times the size of a given game about 2-3 times as quick.

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I've had my audio delayed before but it's also being passed to a soundbar so turning it all on at once can confuse them all talking for a couple seconds.


As for download speeds all 3 consoles are pretty much shit in my opinion. I could get on steam and download something 3 times the size of a given game about 2-3 times as quick.

So 9 times faster...?

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Oooo, my turn.


What makes me want to throw my PS4 not just out the window but into the fucking sun, is my controller lagging out. Badly. I'm not talking about how the DS4 is built, but I have an issue with my PS4 where my controller input will suddenly lag massively. Meaning if I'm turning left in a FPS say, it'll keep turning after I've released the stick for a split-second or so longer. It only ever happens during online games, from what I can tell. It used to just effect Destiny. And unplugging the Mic would fix it for a couple seconds before all bets were off again.


Yesterday it started happening in Overwatch. And I wasn't in any party chat.


I literally have no idea what it is and it drives me mad. Destiny can become unplayable. A few other people have this problem but not enough for it to be noticed by Sony and I am not sure if there is a solution.


I am praying the ability to plug the new DS4 directly into the PS4 will be a workaround. Because it ruins any gaming session nd it seems to pop up randomly.

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That's a weird one, not had that.


Does it only happen when the microphone is attached in the first place? Perhaps it's some issue with signal interference....


And what do you mean by the ability to plug the new DS4 directly into the PS4? How's that different to now?

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I'll get one packed in with my Pro so I'm good, just waiting.


It used to only happen when I was in a party chat, until yesterday when it happened in Overwatch. I wasn't in any chat session.


If you remember when we played Destiny and my voice chat used to drop out (or crackle really badly), that was when my controller would lag out, too.


I think there's something borked with the Bluetooth receiver in the PS4 but I can't be sure.

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I really struggle to fault anything with the PS4 in general, except for the light bars and general poor battery life on the controller, and the thumbsticks which I had to cover. Also I'm a bit annoyed by the fact you can't customise "customise" in the new quick menu :p


Otherwise I'm still constantly in awe of how astonishingly fast and reliable it is. Yeah downloads and PSN connections hit the odd speedbump, but they're nothing compared to how often it runs seamlessly.


I can't say it's the best console I've ever had, because nostalgia for Nintendo's bestest games give the top spot for that to N64 and GC, but it's an incredibly complete system.

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Oooo, my turn.


What makes me want to throw my PS4 not just out the window but into the fucking sun, is my controller lagging out. Badly. I'm not talking about how the DS4 is built, but I have an issue with my PS4 where my controller input will suddenly lag massively. Meaning if I'm turning left in a FPS say, it'll keep turning after I've released the stick for a split-second or so longer. It only ever happens during online games, from what I can tell. It used to just effect Destiny. And unplugging the Mic would fix it for a couple seconds before all bets were off again.


Yesterday it started happening in Overwatch. And I wasn't in any party chat.


I literally have no idea what it is and it drives me mad. Destiny can become unplayable. A few other people have this problem but not enough for it to be noticed by Sony and I am not sure if there is a solution.


I am praying the ability to plug the new DS4 directly into the PS4 will be a workaround. Because it ruins any gaming session nd it seems to pop up randomly.

I've had that a few times - I've always thought it was when I leaned back and something slightly blocked the signal (e.g. the edge of the sofa near me).

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