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  Fierce_LiNk said:
It is surprisingly good, isn't it? Ine's playing it a lot. I'll be on that at some point.


Super good brahstafarian, only knock against it would be that for a Metroid style game the environments aren't very memorable, to the point that they have to make up for it with a waypoint. If they get to do a sequel I'd love it if they worked on the world a bit more, the action and abilities and feel of the game are great.


Also, I ordered The Last of Us from Gamestop. Apparently it was dispatched last Wednesday and it still hasn't arrived. Anyone have any experience with these fuckwads? Don't think I'm ever going to buy from them again.

  Hero-of-Time said:
I take it that it didn't arrive today?


It said next day delivery then when I got the confirmation email, "next working day delivery" so should have it set up for Monday night.


Popped into Game this morning with a few games to trade with the intention of getting Last of Us which after waiting in the queue for 10 minutes (woman in front was trading in 20-30 PS3 games), I was told it was out of stock.


Ended up trading £31 worth of games for Knack & Killzone Shadow Fall with nothing to pay.


I know they aren't the best the PS4 has to offer but they'll keep me busy for a couple of weeks.


I'll also have Fifa 14 which I'm borrowing off my brother.


Going to hold off on getting Last of Us and wait for it to drop in price, couple of weeks it should be down to £25 hopefully.


Got 12 month Playstation Plus ordered for £32 as well.

  Blade said:
Isn't Knack a bit crap though?


Yeah from what I've heard but then I played the demo instore and really enjoyed it.


Reminded me of the Lego games in terms of the gameplay.

Way I see it I've traded in 4 games just sat there gathering dust on my shelf for the last year for two games to play on my new console.


I played a bit of Battlefield 4 last night (until 5am, haha), man I was terrible. I have to stop playing like I would CoD, it's been a long while since I played Battlefield. At this point I'd safely say, the analogue sticks on the DS4 are completely in the wrong position and the WiiU pads are better for FPS games, but still, no Battlefield on WiiU.


One thing I did try, the Turtle Beach NLa headset. The sound comes through very nicely as it did on the WiiU but I don't think it picked up my mic at all (no, it wasn't muted). I could hear my squadmates but they couldn't hear me, we'll have to verify sometime guys. I may have to pick up another headset!

  kav82 said:
I played a bit of Battlefield 4 last night (until 5am, haha), man I was terrible. I have to stop playing like I would CoD, it's been a long while since I played Battlefield. At this point I'd safely say, the analogue sticks on the DS4 are completely in the wrong position and the WiiU pads are better for FPS games, but still, no Battlefield on WiiU.


One thing I did try, the Turtle Beach NLa headset. The sound comes through very nicely as it did on the WiiU but I don't think it picked up my mic at all (no, it wasn't muted). I could hear my squadmates but they couldn't hear me, we'll have to verify sometime guys. I may have to pick up another headset!


I've been using the standard one while playing Last of Us with Cooky and it works great. I can hear him and I assume he can hear me alright.

  Hero-of-Time said:
I've been using the standard one while playing Last of Us with Cooky and it works great. I can hear him and I assume he can hear me alright.




Just kidding - I can hear you perfectly.


'I assume he could hear me all right, still not sure though because he didn't respond when I asked if it was OK.'


LOLZ. When gaming and using a headset, people talk AT each other. I bet it would be gut-wrenching to play it back.


P.S why is 'alright' still not in the dictionary?

  The Bard said:


Also, I ordered The Last of Us from Gamestop. Apparently it was dispatched last Wednesday and it still hasn't arrived. Anyone have any experience with these fuckwads? Don't think I'm ever going to buy from them again.


My only ever order with them was for a pair of headphones which took 3 months to arrive and their contact was crap when I asked them where it was. There's a facebook comment section below each product on the product page, people were pretty mad about it and all being told different dates when they'd have the headphones in.


Basically, cheap prices and good when you get it in the end but totally awful experience up to that point.


Yeah this is bawls. The extra tenner or so from Amazon was probably worth it for release date delivery.


Also, anyone played the F2P games, specifically Blacklight and Warframe? I remember having a decent time with Blacklight on PC a little while ago, it's pretty much mechanically Call of Duty with weapon renting.

  Blade said:
Do I need to buy a new headset or will the Wii U one do?


The WiiU Turtle Beach NLa headset works. When I first tried it for some reason the mic wasn't working but it worked fine last night.

  Blade said:
Do I need to buy a new headset or will the Wii U one do?


You've also got the option of the standard PS4 headset which I think looks a bit poverty. But, it works fine, tbh. According to Kav and Cookyman, it worked alright last night. All that matters.


Oh shit, I forgot that the PS4 version of Planetside 2 is due to release some time this year. @Fierce_LiNk, considering you were impressed by BF4, you're going to have your face melted by Planetside. Each map contains the equivalent of about 80 Battlefield maps and over 2000 players. One of the few games that you can call epic in its original meaning.


I took a break from The Last of Us multiplayer over the weekend and cracked on with some single player games. I ended up playing and finishing Contrast and Soul Suspect.


I really enjoyed Contrast. The controls were a bit too loose for my liking but I managed to get used to them. The whole shadows concept was very interesting and I only wish the game was a little longer to explore this mechanic further. The whole setting reminded me of Gravity Rush for some reason.


Soul Suspect was average. The story was pretty decent but the gameplay was really lacking for me. There wasn't much to it to be honest and it essentially felt a really simplified version of a point and click game. Ghost Trick did everything this game has done already, only a million times better in every aspect.


I enjoyed Soul Suspect, it was hit and miss, some parts where great others just annoying. It is basically just an updated point and click though and i felt it had enough about it to make it "above average". If you can get it for under £20 then buy it ^^

  somme said:
Yeah I heard/read that Soul Suspect was a bit naff. One to miss? Or pick up when it's dirt cheap?


As it's been said, it's a hit and miss. It could have been so much more, but it wasn't. Just an updated "point and click" style game, can do it in an afternoon and collect everything for a few hours more. I'd get it if you can see it for £20 or less.


I watched the Two Best Friends Play walkthrough of Soul Suspect. The game's dialogue was dreadful, really, really shit. Of course those guys like to take the mick out of everything, but by fuck does it hand itself to them on a comedy platter.


In no other medium would you get away with the kind of dialogue found in Suspect (broadly speaking). Why do people give give it such a free ride? £20 seems a stupidly high amount to pay for something that isn't even close to being a good example of its genre. Save the money for a game that's worth the money.

  somme said:
Yeah I heard/read that Soul Suspect was a bit naff. One to miss? Or pick up when it's dirt cheap?


The story is decent but you may get bored of the gameplay. I've read opinions from people who absolutely adored it, while most of us on here just class it as average. Guess it's a bit of a marmite game.

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