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I can definitely see the appeal with trophies. I do get a bit of a yeah "fuck yeah" moment when I get another one. It has given me an extra push in Watch Dogs to do certain tasks (like doing some of the mini-games, the shell mini-game/cup mini-game). It's good if you're that sort of gamer who wants to do everything. Takes me back to the N64 days a little bit with that, where I used to want to unlock everything and complete everything/see everything available.


I finally got my first Platinum trophy the other day :heh: (DoA5), although technically it should be my second, how Tokyo Jungle has no platinum I'll never know.

But yeah, trophies be a pretty nice feature. It's cool being able to see the progress of your friends too. :)


Two quick PS4 questions...


Firstly, when recording game footage on PS4 (to copy to a memory stick), would it also record footage/audio of myself for let's play videos?


Secondly (and stupidly), is it a bad idea to stick anything to the shiny part of the PS4 (basically, the bit that comes off to replace the hard drive)? I've had a kind of awesome idea...


Trophies are infinitely better in my view. Gamers core is just a random figure that doesn't have any qualitative value. But trophies do, you have 5 platinum tropheys tells you exactly how good they are. Having 500000 gamer score could mean you've played a few games a lot and got everything, or a lot of games a little. It's meaningless.


I personally don't care for either too much in general, a lot of games just give you them for doing nothing. But games I've loved and force you to actually do something a bit different I've gone for it (escape plan, ssd etc).

  dazzybee said:
Trophies are infinitely better in my view. Gamers core is just a random figure that doesn't have any qualitative value. But trophies do, you have 5 platinum tropheys tells you exactly how good they are. Having 500000 gamer score could mean you've played a few games a lot and got everything, or a lot of games a little. It's meaningless.


I personally don't care for either too much in general, a lot of games just give you them for doing nothing. But games I've loved and force you to actually do something a bit different I've gone for it (escape plan, ssd etc).


Not really. I mean you could have 5 platinums that are off very easy games.


Gamerscore and Trophy levels are the same in that you could have a high trophy level without ever getting a platinum. All a platinum does is give you more points towards your next level, just like getting 1000/1000 gives you more points towards your gamerscore.

Posted (edited)
  Hero-of-Time said:
Not really. I mean you could have 5 platinums that are off very easy games.


Gamerscore and Trophy levels are the same in that you could have a high trophy level without ever getting a platinum. All a platinum does is give you more points towards your next level, just like getting 1000/1000 gives you more points towards your gamerscore.


I don't think anyone cares about trophy level, it's all about platinums. Most people also don't care enough about trophies to buy crappy games to get trophies, and if they did do that then they'd look a bit silly/ like they cared too much if you saw lots of those types of platinums in their history.


I agree with dazzy, since platinum trophies require you to do everything (including the hard stuff), whereas breezing two games casually might net you more gamerpoints than doing one game fully.

Edited by Sheikah
  Sheikah said:
I don't think anyone cares about trophy level, it's all about platinums. Most people also don't care enough about trophies to buy crappy games to get trophies, and if they did do that then they'd look a bit silly. So I actually agree with dazzy, since platinum trophies require you to do everything (including the hard stuff), whereas playing two games casually might net you more gamerpoints than doing one game fully.


You don't know what platinums someone has unless you look at their games list, just like you don't know if a person has got 1000/1000, again unless you look at their games.


Still, they are both the same. A meaningless score that goes alongside your profile and yes I enjoy them both. :)

  Hero-of-Time said:
You don't know what platinums someone has unless you look at their games list, just like you don't know if a person has got 1000/1000, again unless you look at their games.


Still, they are both the same. A meaningless score that goes alongside your profile and yes I enjoy them both. :)


No because in the case of casual players, they don't bother getting platinums or buying games for platinums. They simply don't care.


In fact I'd be pretty surprised if anyone had money to waste buying games just because earning a platinum was easy. That's pretty darn tragic.

  Hero-of-Time said:
You don't know what platinums someone has unless you look at their games list, just like you don't know if a person has got 1000/1000, again unless you look at their games.


Still, they are both the same. A meaningless score that goes alongside your profile and yes I enjoy them both. :)


It's not the same at all, I can't believe you can't see the difference. They may be easy platinums, but it's still a platinum, completing everything. Though, I don't care about enough to debate it too much :)

  Sheikah said:
No because in the case of casual players, they don't bother getting platinums or buying games for platinums. They simply don't care.


In fact I'd be pretty surprised if anyone had money to waste buying games just because earning a platinum was easy. That's pretty darn tragic.


  dazzybee said:
It's not the same at all, I can't believe you can't see the difference. They may be easy platinums, but it's still a platinum, completing everything. Though, I don't care about enough to debate it too much :)


Meh. Agree to disagree I guess.


The trophys do sound a lot better than CoD exp or the score on online MK8 which require no skill whatsoever to increase just a lot of play time.


Trophies and Gamerscore are about as dumb as wanting your mum to be by the pool when you do a double flip off the springboard or by the sidewalk when you ride your bike down the street with no hands. Do that shit because it's fun, not because you want the imaginary watcher there to prove that you did it.


I was planning on waiting until the slim version gets released next year, but since there's no guarantee of that, coupled with my love for AC and those awesome trailers, the console currently being 40 punds off, and lack of impulse control when it comes to games :p I decided to order it online. No games though, I'm interested in Infamous and Tomb Raider, but nothing must have. Next gen games sure are expensive. I have had ps plus since the ps4 was released except for June so I think I'm good until AC.

  The Bard said:
Trophies and Gamerscore are about as dumb as wanting your mum to be by the pool when you do a double flip off the springboard or by the sidewalk when you ride your bike down the street with no hands. Do that shit because it's fun, not because you want the imaginary watcher there to prove that you did it.


Yeah, but when you do that double flip, it's always nice to have a memento for it, like a photo...or a trophy.


And who doesn't want to be challenged to do a double back flip?


Yeah, see. Trophies have their merits.

  Tales said:
I was planning on waiting until the slim version gets released next year, but since there's no guarantee of that, coupled with my love for AC and those awesome trailers, the console currently being 40 punds off, and lack of impulse control when it comes to games :p I decided to order it online. No games though, I'm interested in Infamous and Tomb Raider, but nothing must have. Next gen games sure are expensive. I have had ps plus since the ps4 was released except for June so I think I'm good until AC.


And another one joins the party.


Shall we just rename the site Playstation Europe and just be done with it? :D

  Hero-of-Time said:
And another one joins the party.


Shall we just rename the site Playstation Europe and just be done with it? :D


Haha I thought about suggesting that the other day. : peace:

  Daft said:
Yeah, but when you do that double flip, it's always nice to have a memento for it, like a photo...or a trophy.


And who doesn't want to be challenged to do a double back flip?


Yeah, see. Trophies have their merits.


Sure but while in real life you get a personal snapshot of you doing a kegstand, with the Trophchievement model you get the same lame postcard from the giftshop that everyone else got. Secondly, if the thing you did wasn't cool enough for you to remember without a trophy, isn't that enough evidence that it isn't worth remembering in the first place?


Good point about the challenge, but if the only purpose it serves is as a memento or incentive, why the squabbling over whether trophies or achievements are better?


I realise I've contributed far too much to a conversation that I just said is pointless so I'll stfu.


Hmm, a lot of people are getting PS4s but I reckon that the "situation" is a little out of perspective. It's a bit coincidental that it just so happens when Nintendo fuck up their current console, but I think many people who are getting PS4s also had PS3s last generation. There seems to be one or two exceptions (myself being one, Blade and Kav being others I assume), but on the whole, I see many people just following through with last gen. If they enjoyed the PS3 last gen, they're pretty much nailed on to get a PS4. Why wouldn't they? Makes sense.


Still, I have noticed my PS4 friend's list/who is online section growing and growing since I got it. It's a bit mad. But, it's also nice. I had a nice little feeling the other night when I was about to play The Last of Us and saw about 5 or 6 others also doing it.


Not so sure about that. Nintendo and Microsoft have both dropped the ball this generation. So many people are moving from being devout 360 owners to the PS4 without giving the Xbox One a second thought. A huge number of my 360 friends list have vanished and popped up on Sony's side.

  Shorty said:
Not so sure about that. Nintendo and Microsoft have both dropped the ball this generation. So many people are moving from being devout 360 owners to the PS4 without giving the Xbox One a second thought. A huge number of my 360 friends list have vanished and popped up on Sony's side.


I don't know about XboxBrahs, only Nintendo folk. I saw that many people on here last gen had a Wii + at least one other system. There seemed to be loads of PS3 owners at the end of the last cycle, so it seems natural to see the same faces then pick up a PS4, too.


Can definitely see 360 owners not going with the One, though, so you're probably right there. Don't know that many 360 owners in real life.


I never had a PS3 until feb 2013 and I barely played it, 360 was my main and I jumped that ship because Microsoft went from pioneering great shit like their XBLA summer releases and great multiplayer titles to being all about Netflix and sports coverage. A lot of people I know are doing the same.

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