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I like all forms of beer, guiness included! Stop being such damn beer nazis! Also Dyson, in the nicest way, you have such an uncertain face. I like it though, you strike me as a fellow I wish to drink with, and come a few months time, me you and KN-EE shall DRINK!

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Guinness is nice but it's far over-rated. I prefer a proper ale. Failing that i'll have some Tiger or San Miguel, or anything really.


Yeah, it's pretty much my fall back drink.


If there's no Peroni or Alpine Larger, and assuming I haven't moved onto the spirits, then I'll settle for a Guinness. I didn't like it for ages as well.

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No offense at all but you really do have a camp face in the picture of you on the chair :heh:


I dunno. You just strike me as someone who could successfully pull off being gay :heh:


You'd think I would take offense because you think I look gay in this photo;




LOL! None taken at all. Funnily enough I have just fixed the link of the first photo...you errr...may wanna check it! :bouncy:


Bonus photos.




Additional not-gay proof.



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Just two random pics, from 5th period. One was our attempt at looking street (innit) and one was our OMG WE IZ FLYING impression. Neither worked. Miss walked in on the table one which caused me to burst into a fit of laughter. She was just like "....I'll leave you to it".





She has the best facial expressions ever, they never fail to crack me up.

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You are very attractive.


I feel sheepish now. Baaaaa.


My housemate dyed his hair two weeks ago, so it shouldn't be as light (naturally) as it is there. Add that to the red eyes, the expression and giant hand in front of camera, it makes me laugh.


Random fact: That white t-shirt I have is a "Wii Move You" t-shirt that I was given on the day/night that I picked up the Wii at Launch Night in Gamestation. I think I was the second person to get a Wii, so hurrah.


Edit: Molly: I've just been watching "What Women Want" and I find it quite funny that I made this post, and have just seen that you made a comment about the eyebrows and hair.


Personally, I don't think he looks all that great with it...but I wouldn't tell him that. I don't think he'd take it well.

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