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Bored on train which took 30 minutes longer than they said >_< Plus playing with camera on new phone.


lol every photo of u just reminds me of JD from scrubs. Take it as a compliment though hes pretty cool if a bit of an oddball!

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its that little V shave cutting into my hair im worried about... does everyone have one?


I agree with bluey and supergrunch, looks fine, some people have v's. If your bothered go have your hairdresser (if you have one?) take a look for you :)


Ash looking cool there :heh:

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Guest bluey



my new hat ^____^ who *doesn't* need a lilo and stitch deerstalker? honestly...

i also got a stitch watch free with it :grin:

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lol every photo of u just reminds me of JD from scrubs. Take it as a compliment though hes pretty cool if a bit of an oddball!


Ashley, your hair is fantastic ^___^



Ash looking cool there :heh:


Thanks everyone. And Haden, I shall indeed take that as a compliment.


Bluey that hat is the thing of dreams, I think you should include that in your Tokyo shop.


Just getting ready after my shower and vanity lair is on in the living room and..





I do hate my fingers though :/

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duuuuude - eat something..... >.<


Ashley I love you but you have a body of 10 year old :p


I'll have you know I eat plenty. Three full meals per day. Snacks'a'plenty. I have a high metabolism (it runs in part of our family, ironically the other part are fat) and I am very active. I walk everywhere, I exercise daily. Im sure it'll pile on when im older but for now I love being the size I am.

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I do hate my fingers though :/



haha your as skinny as me :) i have a high metabolism too but i also dont eat breakfast and more than not forget to eat either lunch or tea. i dont know why, i guess i just dont get hungry that often, but when i am hungry i eat enough for two im told :)


I agree with bluey and supergrunch, looks fine, some people have v's. If your bothered go have your hairdresser (if you have one?) take a look for you :)



i do have a hairdresser, i only go about three times a year though and say, take an inch off please :)

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Guest bluey
I now love you.

...back of the queue, dude :heh:


beermonkey > it's from a legendarily weird shop in tokyo called don-kehote (don-ke for short! ^_^)

ashley > haha yeah! if anyone's interested they're about £10 ... they also do pink versions which i assume are stitch's girlfriend...


i would have gotten that one, but i dont wear pink often ~ and obviously i rather like... blue.... :grin:

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I'll have you know I eat plenty. Three full meals per day. Snacks'a'plenty. I have a high metabolism (it runs in part of our family, ironically the other part are fat) and I am very active. I walk everywhere, I exercise daily. Im sure it'll pile on when im older but for now I love being the size I am.


Lift weights. Heavy ones.


I love a bit of Shisha


Don't, seriously. Don't waste your health on crap like this. :blank:

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