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Awesome fireworks/bonfire thing we had last saturday. As you can see, seconds after this picture was taken, a giant demolishing ball burrowed through the wall on the left. The question is, am I dancing or merely driving my invisible bus?




This is a prawn cracker on my head, which shorty placed there. He also took this picture with my own camera - and I didn't notice him doing either thing. Ninja 4 lief.

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Awesome fireworks/bonfire thing we had last saturday. As you can see, seconds after this picture was taken, a giant demolishing ball burrowed through the wall on the left. The question is, am I dancing or merely driving my invisible bus?



Personally I'm hoping for both.

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Aww, you guys! Thanks for the photo love, I was not expecting it and now it's well cheered me up :D! Glad my silly face and shirt(it was weird wearing a girl's shirt, the buttons are wrong!) gave some smiles :heh:

Alot of people keep telling me to straighten my hair more though(it's only ever been seen like...twice) but I have no straightners of my own nor the ability to straighten it well/without burning myself, but maybe I shall invest and change all that after xmas monies come in!


(and high five Flink for the Desmond's love)


Is it just me, or are you severely constipated in that photo?

It's my general photo face, as if I don't force my face to be silly in photos, it finds hideous ways to be silly all by itself.


Rummy you brought back the 70s. Thank you.

Looks like I'm not the only one!




Eyyy, it's the Fonz! I well love it :D


And just for Letty, I shall pimp you one of these fine ladies should you choose;





Awesome fireworks/bonfire thing we had last saturday. As you can see, seconds after this picture was taken, a giant demolishing ball burrowed through the wall on the left. The question is, am I dancing or merely driving my invisible bus?




This is a prawn cracker on my head, which shorty placed there. He also took this picture with my own camera - and I didn't notice him doing either thing. Ninja 4 lief.


Haha, Shorty is a genius. I get well annoyed when I find silly pictures of me on my own camera too! I am confused by the former picture though, what is all that mysteriously amazing light being caused by??

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It's a bonfire, burning bright on exploded fireworks :D


Yes, I think you all cracked it. I'm driving my invisible bus, stopping my invisible pokemon from evolving. The new dance move that is my personal entry to the "Five Seconds Before Crash" emotive dance competition on TV just now.

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It might also have been protecting yourself from reggie, who not only got stinging nettles all over him trying to find wood, he also threw a mirror where you were standing AND stuck fireworks in the ground too hard so they exploded on the spot.


He's mental that one.

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I would have posted some pictures from mine and Letty's flat, however all the pictures are shit. And thus will not be posted, apart from these two.








EDIT: One more picture added, and at a reasonable resolution. Lol at blurryness of the last picture...


Wow Letty, I'll pay you HANDSOMELY if you could do some arts like that on my walls.

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