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Nintendo Direct: 5th December 5pm GMT


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GAME & WARIO! :bouncy:

The one with 9-Volt looks hilarious! :laughing: What the hell is going on in that fruit game though?... :blank:


Anyway, hope we get a release date for Europe soon. :hehe:

Basically Thief Assassin. Gamepad player is on the streets trying to steal the fruit. The other players have to work out which person the player was

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Can I ask a simple question...do people get hyped over Nintendo Directs? I mean seriously, do people expect big big announcements or something on these types of events. (Just seeing people disappointed in with what was just shown)

All Nintendo Directs have had minor reveals and just cover the next couple of months


People expect megatons every time. Hell, people expect megatons every time some higher up from Nintendo speaks.


This was ALWAYS going to be about Japanese Wii U launch. What were people expecting?

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Sadly, people always expect the earth and take the tenuous things - like pictures of fruit - and then take the leap that it must mean a new AAA game like a new Yoshi's Story!


I never get hyped for anything other than E3 and proper press conferences. For small things like Nintendo Direct I'm content with new footage of announced games or cool updates for the system or existing games.

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The EU one will no doubt be much more interesting, because they HAVE to at the very least give us some release dates for 3DS titles (because currently nothing is dated in 2013)


For what it was though (a quick pre-launch video) it was pretty good. Gave us some laughs and some surprises (Google Maps, Panorame View, new footage and info on Pikmin 3 and Game & Wario)


BTW, there's a 720p version of the Pikmin 3 footage here


:) So gooooddd

Edited by Retro_Link
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Basically Thief Assassin. Gamepad player is on the streets trying to steal the fruit. The other players have to work out which person the player was


I played that game during an event, and it's a neat little game.

I thought the other guy could easily see who I was once I'd take an apple, but all the smoke, busses and other people really help you to go about it all sneaky like.


Sadly, people always expect the earth and take the tenuous things - like pictures of fruit - and then take the leap that it must mean a new AAA game like a new Yoshi's Story!


I am quite intrigued by all these fruit and vegetables though.

If it happened one time, okay. But it's just utterly random and pretty much has nothing to do with the presentation.


I bet there's more to it.

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I bet there's more to it.


There must be!


This is probably going to continue all the way until E3 2013, where Nintendo make a massive reveal of a game that they've been developing in total secrecy....


Or, the fruits/veg actually represent an encrypted message of some sort.



nothing at all....



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Do I get hyped for Nintendo Directs? Yes. They are not usually disappointing, although I admit I am a little bit disappointed to hear the Japanese one has happened and there were no new games.


European ones are a different matter. If we get confirmations for localisations of Japanese games, that's almost as good as a new game announcement these days (what with region-locking).


I hope they don't feel the need to continue that style only on the handhelds because the Phantom Hourglass and Spirits Tracks did a reallt poor job of emulating it.


Very true. I would not like to see the Wind Waker style just on handhelds either, although I think it is the best style for them. Basically, I think this is what style works well on each type of system:



* Wind Waker style

* "Realistic" (eg. Zelda Wii U demo)



* Wind Waker style

* True 2D (Link to the Past)


In other words, I can't see them putting the Twilight Princess style on handhelds yet, although a 3rd game in the OOT engine would be very interesting... Either way, I do hope every Nintendo handheld gets an original Zelda.

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Oh god, how is possible for a developer to make his own game sound shit when in actuality, it's supposedly very good? Please, Sumo Digital, think more about what you're saying because people do understand what 'transform' means.



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