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I am enjoying it. The AI is fantastic, graphics are good and music is great too! I like the concept of the game but I just think that its a little short.


I don't like the fact that for the price of the game you have almost like a "starter pack" with the rest of the game coming in dribs and drabs that you have to pay extra for. I'm not liking how it appears that an unfinished product has been released.


Really enjoying it though. I do love co-op games :D

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Who cares if it's 30 FPS? That's a weird reason to mark it down.


Sounding like a broken record now Choze. You didn't get the game so no idea how you can critique it, especially since the beta was such a small part of the game.


If @Serebii had said this about a Nintendo game you'd jump down his throat.

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Superior frame rate wouldn't suit it??? How on earth would a better gaming experience not suit a game?


I've never heard such rubbish in my life.


The standard of a smooth running shooter is 60FPS. In fact it's the target that developers ideally look to hit.


This was one of the few games that I actually would have considered buying another console for, however, after reading some reviews and speaking to @kav82, there's no way I would spend that kind of cash to play this.


60FPS is always better than 30FPS.


@kav82 not if they can't achieve a consistent frame rate. A locked frame rate that doesn't stutter is far more important than 60 FPS that is going to stutter (which games that are non-Indie/non last gen remaster/non racers can suffer from). It's no surprise that a lot of 1080p current gen games that don't fall into those categories are 30 FPS 1080p. You honestly think they would get this stably running at 60 FPS 1080p given the number of enemies on the screen at some parts?


Like Daft says, you'd probably notice 60 FPS initially then you'd forget about it. But if the frame rate regularly dropped then you'd notice it every time.


Also @Zechs Merquise, perhaps the reason you've never heard 'such rubbish' reflects on how little reading you do about the things you ignorantly choose to remark upon? It never ceases to amaze me how little you seem to be proud of knowing.


Here's an actual game developer (guys making The Order) saying exactly what I just said: link.


"If you push that to 60, and you have it look the way we do, it actually would end up looking like something on the Discovery Channel, like an HDTV kind of segment or a sci-fi original movie maybe. Which doesn't quite have the kind of look and texture that we want from a movie. The escapism you get from a cinematic film image is just totally different than what you get from television framing, so that was something we took into consideration.

Game developer > you, tbh.


Bungie announced they're looking to make a series as big and likely cinematic as Star Wars, so it hardly feels a surprise that they've gone with 30 FPS.


It doesn't surprise me at all that you're passing up on it because of the reviews. You're the one that had a toy-throwing meltdown when New Super Mario World got an 8/10 on here. To be fair, playing the game with friends makes the game, so perhaps you're better off passing it up after all.


If @Serebii had said this about a Nintendo game you'd jump down his throat.


I guess if you can't insult people, just make stuff up to try and make them look stupid, right?

Edited by Sheikah
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Well I'm only shitting out the truth then @Sheikah.


...also, I simply said 60FPS is better than 30FPS. I never said anything about dropping frames, don't start twisting what I say... and yes, I'd have thought/hoped they'd get this running at a steady 60FPS on the PS4 with it being as powerful as people have said.

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Anyway, I reached lvl 21 yesterday - almost 22 - when/how do I get Legendary gear? I need it.


You can get it everywhere :p Got my exotic auto rifle after a Crucible match, found a legendary engram which turned out to be a legendary helm during a strike and I got legendary gauntlets after a strike.

It just comes down to luck ;)


You could also buy them with Vanguard/Crucible marks, but you need to level up the reputation with each first.

At least to rank 2, I think.


Then there is the black market dude (who I think will only be in the Tower on weekends) who sells stuff for Motes of Light and Strange Coins.

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Well I'm only shitting out the truth then @Sheikah.


...also, I simply said 60FPS is better than 30FPS. I never said anything about dropping frames, don't start twisting what I say, and yes, I'd have thought/hoped they'd get this running at a steady 60FPS on the PS4 with it being as powerful as people have said.


Which is why you were wrong. For one, it isn't always (see article - it doesn't always suit every game). Second, going with 60 FPS can easily come at the cost of frame drops on these sorts of games. So there's 2 situations that show 60 FPS isn't always 'better'.


Did Sony ever say that their console would run every game at 1080P 60 FPS? I am looking but not finding anything. If they didn't, we can hardly expect every game to.

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This conversation isn't going to go anywhere so can you guys take it to another thread or something.



Anyway, I reached lvl 21 yesterday - almost 22 - when/how do I get Legendary gear? I need it.


That's a good point, good stealth edit on your post there @Sheikah by the way. Also, good work twisting my words again mate, round of applause for you.


Anyhoo, 30FPS or 60FPS aside, I am enjoying the game. I do wish there was more variation in things you do though.

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Anyway, I reached lvl 21 yesterday - almost 22 - when/how do I get Legendary gear? I need it.


There's a vendor that appears next to the crucible quartermaster and handler only at weekends that deals in exotics. He sells them for strange coins, which you get both as random rewards but also three for doing weekly heroic strikes (you can get 3 for each difficulty). I think you might need over 20, but the plus side is that you can see his wares to hopefully get something that you like/can use.

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@kav82 not if they can't achieve a consistent frame rate. A locked frame rate that doesn't stutter is far more important than 60 FPS that is going to stutter (which games that are non-Indie/non last gen remaster/non racers can suffer from). It's no surprise that a lot of 1080p current gen games that don't fall into those categories are 30 FPS 1080p. You honestly think they would get this stably running at 60 FPS 1080p given the number of enemies on the screen at some parts?


Like Daft says, you'd probably notice 60 FPS initially then you'd forget about it. But if the frame rate regularly dropped then you'd notice it every time.


Also @Zechs Merquise, perhaps the reason you've never heard 'such rubbish' reflects on how little reading you do about the things you ignorantly choose to remark upon? It never ceases to amaze me how little you seem to be proud of knowing.


Here's an actual game developer (guys making The Order) saying exactly what I just said: link.


Game developer > you, tbh.


Bungie announced they're looking to make a series as big and likely cinematic as Star Wars, so it hardly feels a surprise that they've gone with 30 FPS.


It doesn't surprise me at all that you're passing up on it because of the reviews. You're the one that had a toy-throwing meltdown when New Super Mario World got an 8/10 on here. To be fair, playing the game with friends makes the game, so perhaps you're better off passing it up after all.


I guess if you can't insult people, just make stuff up to try and make them look stupid, right?


Every time @Serebii justifies something Nintendo have done, he gets torn to pieces.


Obviously if Bungie couldn't get this running at 60FPS, then that's no crime. Plenty of games run at 30FPS. But trying to claim it is actually better at 30FPS than at 60FPS is the kind of thing that Serebii would be shot down in flames for saying.


60FPS is notably smoother - especially when playing shooters or action games.


The gold standard for games should be 60FPS at 1080p. That might not be achievable with every game, but it's still what developers want to aim for.


Just because some developer tries to justify why they are running at 30FPS by claiming it's an 'artistic' direction is pure nonsense. If that developer could have his game running at 60FPS at 1080p, he would have. No developer would literally gimp their game for some foolish notion of a 'cinematic' experience. Because gaming isn't a passive experience like cinema, you don't simply sit and watch, you interact with the game, which is why a smoother and higher frame rate is desirable.


Also, I'm literally smiling at your assertion that no one wants to game with me! Oh what a scything remark, I have surely been put in my place now!!!

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That's a good point, good stealth edit on your post there @Sheikah by the way. Also, good work twisting my words again mate, round of applause for you.


Anyhoo, 30FPS or 60FPS aside, I am enjoying the game. I do wish there was more variation in things you do though.


No word twisting necessary. You said it's always better, and it isn't. So hush. :p


But trying to claim it is actually better at 30FPS than at 60FPS is the kind of thing that Serebii would be shot down in flames for saying.


I don't need to claim anything. A developer, someone with more experience and understanding of the points we're both making, just made the point for me. :p

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I don't need to claim anything. A developer, someone with more experience and understanding of the points we're both making, just made the point for me. :p


Developer talking about the gold standard of 60FPS:




"We've always felt that was the standard. It doesnt really change how we think. It's good for their games. It's going to make them feel more fluid. It's always been our standard and we're going to keep it."


I'm pretty sure he knows what he is talking about!

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Haha, you say none necessary and yet you still did. The 2 examples you gave, one is an opinion on cinenatic experience (note, opinion) and the other you twisted my words (for a 3rd time). Now you're talking out of your ass @Sheikah.



On the game itself, are there any missions that make large use of the vehicles in battles etc? I've only really come across very small parts, but loved them!

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Haha, you say none necessary and yet you still did. The 2 examples you gave, one is an opinion on cinenatic experience (note, opinion) and the other you twisted my words (for a 3rd time). Now you're talking out of your ass @Sheikah.


No word twisting whatsoever. It's funny watching you trying to make an argument of this :p. You outright said '60 FPS is always better than 30 FPS'. Generalisations like that are pretty easy to disassemble.


As for the 'it's an opinion' - lol what? Perhaps the single most idiotic reply here? Of course it's an opinion! An opinion from a game developer as to why they didn't go with 60 FPS, thus showing that 60 FPS isn't always the best choice. The point isn't that it's an opinion, it's that it's an opinion from a game developer.

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Anyone else thinks this game is sorely lacking in the multiplayer deparment?


Not enough game types (no CTF or bomb-type game modes?)

No private lobbies

Special moves are ridiculous, someone shouldn't be able to walk into a room and kill everybody by pressing 2 buttons at once.

Nowhere you can view stats of all your games?

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I'd agree that 60 fps would be better if Destiny were a twitch heavy, reflex based shooter where aim is as important as managing abilities, keeping track of power cooldowns and controlling large crowds of enemies for whom a central mass aim is a better bet than aiming for the head. But it's not that type of game, so it really doesn't matter much.


That coupled with the fact that they are going for a cinematic experience, which 30fps lends itself to a lot better than 60 (compare any film shot in 24 frames compared to something like Public Enemies, for example. The latter looks like a YouTube video whereas the motion in most films is given a weighty inertia by way of the reduction in frames) leaves 30fps as a good choice for this game. Yes, I think there are differences between films and games, and some of this argument is lost from a first person perspective, especially in a game that's about play rather than narrative and animation, but that's another conversation.


To be honest though, I just don't think it's a good game, so this is a pointless conversation about some boring frame stat that's being unnecessarily fetishised.

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