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How to get you hyped again?


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So, there's a different thread about whether people are hyped or not. There's no denying that a lot of Nintendo fans are disapointed.


But rather than another negative thread, I want this one to focus on what Nintendo SHOULD do. So: what should Nintendo do to make you hyped for the Wii U?


My personal list is the following:


1) Full fledged Nintendo games

Nintendo are already starting off quite well with Pikmin 3. What Nintendo need to do is to start churning out core games at a higher pace. One or two per year just won't cut it. F-Zero, Starfox, Pilotwings, 1080, Excitebike and Waverace are just a few franchises which didn't show up for the Wii U.


2) Non-typical Nintendo games

Yet again, Nintendo have started off well with the Bayonetta 2 reveal, now they just need to get going and do more. When I got an N64, I only ever had second thoughts for ONE reason: Gran Turismo. Next year i'll have been waiting for fifteen years. Beyond that, it'd be great for a Nintendo console to once again have a great FPS. The N64 had Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, let's hope the Wii U has something equally good.


3) Visual showcase

The Wii U is more powerful than its current gen competitors. Nintendo need to create a game that shows how supperior it is. This would satisfy fans, make graphics lovers interrested in the console and of course: it'd set the bar for what other developers do for the format.

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I'd like to see Nintendo take a risk and try to launch a new IP with new characters to kick off another franchaise. I know people say that there's only x amount of Franchaise A per generation but I can only handle so much Mario, Smash Bros etc before I want to see something different.


Edit: to be a bit more positive seeing a tease of Wave Race, F-Zero in HD would do no harm. Getting more 3rd party support as well - hopefully GTA 5 and Watch Dogs will make it to Wii U. There is so much potential with the Gamepad and the fact its the first HD machine by Nintendo but its the games which are the bread and butter of what makes a console great! :)

Edited by Rowan
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Good thread, Hogge. Here are my suggestions:


1) eShop Details

Right now we don't know if GameCube is going to be on the eShop. We don't know if NES and SNES will have any advantages over the Wii (such as 60hz versions). We don't know if N64 and GameCube will be in HD. We don't know anything!


Remember that Europe never got the Progressive Scan versions of GameCube games (you could play them in 60hz, but not Progressive Scan). Imagine if Nintendo confirmed that a best-yet version of Wind Waker (preferably 720p or 1080p) would be available on Day One... I honestly think I might pre-order one just for that.


2) Graphical Showcases

What I wanted to see at E3 were lots of games that showcase the Wii U's power as a 3D games machine - F-Zero, WaveRace, 1080, Pilotwings. I'm pretty sure an online, 60fps F-Zero HD would have people throwing their money at Nintendo right now.


3) Big 1st-Party Games

Not much to say about this, other than I'm sure that 3D Mario and Metroid are a big factor in whether people buy a Nintendo console. They're some of the company's very best games and a great chance to see what kind of game engines the machine can pull off.


4) Zelda!

Yes, so important it gets its own number! I know people like Reggie get exasperated at Nintendo fans wanting to see Zelda every time they launch a console, but there is a good reason for this! Whatever the sales say, no other series inspires so much. No other series makes Nintendo fans look forward to the type of escapism Zelda offers.


Not that they should have a Zelda game at launch - that would be a pretty bad move, in my opinion - but let's say they've been working on it for a year... It could reasonably be released for Christmas 2014 (and probably should). Now I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather see something than nothing. Just the sheer pleasure of seeing something like the E3 2011 demo, or the reassurance that it will use the GamePad (after all this misguided talk about there being no way back from motion control) would tide me over until the game is available, and would transform the Wii U from merely being an agreeable new piece of technology into an absolute, undisputed must-have.

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I'd like to see Nintendo take a risk and try to launch a new IP with new characters to kick off another franchaise. I know people say that there's only x amount of Franchaise A per generation but I can only handle so much Mario, Smash Bros etc before I want to see something different.

Edit: to be a bit more positive seeing a tease of Wave Race, F-Zero in HD would do no harm. Getting more 3rd party support as well - hopefully GTA 5 and Watch Dogs will make it to Wii U. There is so much potential with the Gamepad and the fact its the first HD machine by Nintendo but its the games which are the bread and butter of what makes a console great! :)


This is what I want.


Nintendo innovate with hardware, which is fantastic. But, what sells the hardware is the software. I want to see Nintendo innovate with new gameplay mechanics, new ideas, changing formulas, offering new things that we haven't seen before, or putting new spin on old things.


Pikmin was fantastic and we don't see enough of that from Nintendo. Animal Crossing (DS in particular) was excellent, but then they stopped innovating with it and the Wii version looked stale. I'd really like to see them push themselves and create something that makes people think instantly "this is a classic." They only really seem to push the boat out now with Mario and Zelda (also Smash Bros), but really they should be doing more to create new franchises.


1. New ideas from them, complete with new characters to create a new franchise.


2. More time innovating the older franchises that are a bit stale. E.g, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing


3. What about an adventure series from them to rival their own Zelda? It might even give them a creative licence to do something extremely different, whilst not being "tied or tethered" to the Zelda name.


4. We don't see enough racers from Nintendo. Nowhere near enough. Why haven't we had an F Zero this generation? No WaveRace either. ExciteTruck was a blistering start, and then they stopped. For all of the different varieties and genres on the system, the lack of racers is such a massive oversight.


5. Give us more information about how things work. For example, the details regarding online capabilities. Which ties me in to the next point...


6. USE THESE ONLINE CAPABILITIES IN YOUR GAMES. WiiConnect24 was such a supreme idea at the beginning and the forums were going berserk with ideas. But, it was so criminally underused. Monster Hunter Tri proved that there is a fanbase on the Wii who do go online, and that these people want to use features such as WiiSpeak and keyboards. So, why not actually respect these people and include features in games for them? Again, ExciteTruck was a brilliant game for the Wii, but that should have been online. It would have been a statement of intent from Nintendo.


I'll stop there.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I agree with pretty much everything you guys have listed. For me though that would be the difference between being hyped and totally sending me over the edge! :laughing: Perhaps I have a lower hype threshold or just tend to assume that Zelda, Metroid etc will be coming? Graphical showcases aren't as important to me as they used to be, but I wouldn't say no.


Part of the excitement of the launch for me is having the chance right from the off to try a few things which aren't the usual suspects (minus NSMBU). The eshop is already shaping up really well with gems like Chasing Aurora, Nano Assault Neo and TokiTori2. I'd also love to see Owlboy get a release on the service- I know the team are impressed with the WiiU.


So yes, Owlboy. That would get me hyped.

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3. What about an adventure series from them to rival their own Zelda? It might even give them a creative licence to do something extremely different, whilst not being "tied or tethered" to the Zelda name.


This would be so good. It's obviously what a lot of people want. Furthermore, they could have many different teams working on them, putting less pressure on EAD 3. There could be a cel-shaded "Wind Waker" series, a more realistic "Link" series, Kid Icarus (but not like the 3DS game) and (what you were suggesting) new characters.

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I'd like to see Nintendo take a risk and try to launch a new IP with new characters to kick off another franchaise. I know people say that there's only x amount of Franchaise A per generation but I can only handle so much Mario, Smash Bros etc before I want to see something different


From this last year alone in EU...
















This list would be even longer if we stretched it just 6 months more and/or included non-character driven new IPs... (not to mention that there are even more new IPs that are coming out over here shortly - including Nintendo Land, Sing, The Wonderful 101, Denpa Men and Harmo Knight)

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Half the time when new IPs do come along people don't even bother to give them a chance or say "they don't count".


Well, from my point of view, I want grand adventures: worlds to explore, challenges and a lore to dig in to. Or I want to experience things I can't/wouldn't do in real life, like racing a high performace sports cars worth over a milion Euro or save the earth from invading aliens. So when I ask for new IP's, I want more immersion, more freedom, more vivid and amazing worlds, better graphics. I want new IP's to do things that weren't possible when the old ones came to fruition.


So of course I get disappointed when for example the amazing concept behind Disaster: Day of Crisis gets ruined by being a light gun game, rather than a third person shooter.


Nor can I help being pissed off when Nintendo use their amazing talents on doing trash like Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Music, Wii Fit etc. I could understand it if Nintendo used the money they earn from doing these cash cows, to develop more and better core experiences. But unfortunately, I feel that Nintendo have chosen to churn out these cash cows INSTEAD of doing cool new games.

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Good point. We all want that to a degree. There is a fairly big question mark over the "huge expansive adventure" genre on the WiiU. Certainly from a 1st party point of view.


You're right that they are far too willing to milk certain things as well that ultimately don't add up to a lot. Wii Fit U for example strikes me as completely redundant. Even as a 'cash cow' I doubt it'll perform as well as the previous instalments and probably hobble along like Nintendogs+Cats.


Essentially what most gamers mean when they say "new IP" is an AAA single player adventure with an Uncharted-level budget. But we do see a lot of that on other consoles...

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From this last year alone in EU...








Pushmo is awesome, but it's not really what's missing from Nintendo's line-up. It's a very good game but not something that you really empathize with, in it's essence it's shovelware. Shovelware done right, but it's still shovelware.




Same as above.




How exactly is a Ganbarion game Nintendo? In name only, that shit doesn't count. This game isn't Nintendo. And honestly? It looks absolutely mediocre.




Just like Pandora's Tower. Outsourced games don't count. This may be awesome, but it's not a Nintendo game, in feel.


This list would be even longer if we stretched it just 6 months more and/or included non-character driven new IPs... (not to mention that there are even more new IPs that are coming out over here shortly - including Nintendo Land, Sing, The Wonderful 101, Denpa Men and Harmo Knight)


You don't seem to understand the problem.


People want a propper game (not stuff like Rythm Heaven or Wario Ware) developed by EAD that feels like Nintendo but pushes the big N's repertoire in new directions, while retaining that incredible touch of perfection they lend to their games. The last big IP we got from Nintendo was Pikmin, and that came out in 2001. 11 years ago.


I don't want a Mistwalker RPG, I want something new that feels like a damn Nintendo game! If you can't understand why people would complain with the games you listed as a counter argument then you're in denial.

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I just don't want Nintendo to get stucked into the foggy mess that Xbox 360 and PS3 gamers are in right now.


There's a slow but gradual move towards more online game play where the single player is slowly being erased or played down. Where a game isn't a game without a patch or DLC bolted onto a game or worse still features removed or keys added that have to be downloaded at an extra cost in order to enjoy the game that everyone else is enjoying. Currrently, I can play a game on my wii without any worries but with my PS3, sometimes I feel I'm not getting the whole story.

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1) Price Cut. Premium model closer to £200 than £300.


2) First party games. Pikmin looks decent, but for me...that's it it terms of 1st party Wii U games. An announcement of stuff like Metroid, Zelda, F-Zero, Star Fox, Kid Icarus, Smash Bros etc or a new 1st party franchise would help a lot. And I don't mean them saying "we're working on it" - there is a Smash Bros, Metroid and Zelda in production - but actually showing it.


3) Third party games. I'll let the "Up to March" games past. After that, The Wii U needs to consistently get the majority of multiplatform games. Yes, I have a 360 and PS3, but if it doesn't have those games I'll lose a lot of confidence about the future of the console. I'd also like the choice between three (or four) versions. A few exclusives would be great, too - Rayman Legends, LEGO City Undercover and Bayonetta 2 are a really good start on that side.

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This is what Nintendo needs to do in order to please people - they better do these things or they'll be doomed and confined to producing iPhone games and F2P Facebook titles for eternity.


1) They need to make the Wii U cheaper!! Despite it being one of the cheapest console releases of all time (adjusting for inflation) and containing 4 times the RAM of the 360 and a dedicated tablet and already being sold at a loss Nintendo need to go further. After all, the PS3 at launch sold at a loss of up to $307 per unit. Let's say Nintendo are making a $50 loss on each unit, there's still a further $257 they could shave off the price! Wii U for $93 is where Nintendo should be right now!! If Sony can move dangerously close to insolvency why shouldn't Nintendo? Those greedy corporate WHORES!


2) They need to make more first party games like Zelda, Mario, F-Zero, Metroid and Starfox. However these games must be both different and the same as always and must natively display in 1080p at 60fps. If they are not sufficiently different, there will be complaints. However when anything is changed another group will complain. Nintendo must solve this paradox!


3) Nintendo should make new IPs. However when new IPs are made they can't appeal to anyone other than people defined as core gamers. We certainly don't want any 20 million selling Wii Fit or Wii Sports new IPs. Nintendo should focus huge development costs on these new IPs and make them mature, hardcore and entirely focused on the minority of gamers who infest forums. The wider public should NEVER be engaged in the production of new IPs - EVER!


4) Nintendo need to get third parties on board. But not with games like ME3, AC3, Black Ops 2, Arkham Asylum, Need for Speed, Sonic or Monster Hunter. Nintendo need to get third parties on board and bribe them to produce third party exclusives for the Wii U. These third party exclusive must all use the gamepad in an interesting and totally different way to the last.


5) Nintendo's online structure is awful. No one has actually seen it, or used it and the public haven't a clue about it. But it's bad, we can all be sure of that. What's more, what kind of company allows the use of a standard 3.5mm jack for a gaming headset? Where's the proprietary connector and first party headset? What a farce! Also, with online play and DLC being a large factor the premium console only has 32GB of memory!!! Nintendo might be the first company to allow ANY external hard drive to be used to expand memory to up to 3TB, but that's not what gamers want. Proprietary memory needs to be bundled with the console - and in vast and expensive amounts. This should not however cause the price to rise to anything more than $99 (that's a $6 increase remember - a deal for LAST GEN TECH!!!!)

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Correlation does not imply causation. You could say "people like the colour green", it's true but doesn't mean people who don't are not people. Duh.


I just want some great Nintendo games and what's been shown so far is not good enough. I'm not a pikmin fan, and the 2D mario games feel cheap. PS1 had more games than N64, PS2 had more than Gamecube. What did I tell people was my reason for having the Nintendo console? The games man, the exclusive games are just better. Whilst that hasn't changed, there just hasn't been enough of them.


Edit: You want to get me hyped? Just give me Metroid, F-Zero or a new, totally in-house IP. I'll pre-order my Wii-U today.

Edited by Shorty
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This is what Nintendo needs to do in order to please people - they better do these things or they'll be doomed and confined to producing iPhone games and F2P Facebook titles for eternity.


1) They need to make the Wii U cheaper!! Despite it being one of the cheapest console releases of all time (adjusting for inflation) and containing 4 times the RAM of the 360 and a dedicated tablet and already being sold at a loss Nintendo need to go further. After all, the PS3 at launch sold at a loss of up to $307 per unit. Let's say Nintendo are making a $50 loss on each unit, there's still a further $257 they could shave off the price! Wii U for $93 is where Nintendo should be right now!! If Sony can move dangerously close to insolvency why shouldn't Nintendo? Those greedy corporate WHORES!




5) Nintendo's online structure is awful. No one has actually seen it, or used it and the public haven't a clue about it. But it's bad, we can all be sure of that. What's more, what kind of company allows the use of a standard 3.5mm jack for a gaming headset? Where's the proprietary connector and first party headset? What a farce! Also, with online play and DLC being a large factor the premium console only has 32GB of memory!!! Nintendo might be the first company to allow ANY external hard drive to be used to expand memory to up to 3TB, but that's not what gamers want. Proprietary memory needs to be bundled with the console - and in vast and expensive amounts. This should not however cause the price to rise to anything more than $99 (that's a $6 increase remember - a deal for LAST GEN TECH!!!!)


You cannot be serious!


Sony was dumb releasing PS3 at GBP 650 (launch price in Norway), and losing vast amount of money on it! And now they have serious financial problems.


Microsoft was a bit smarter, and Xbox 360 was earlier and cheaper, at GBP 400 (launch price in Norway), and still today runs multiplatform titles better than PS3. I do not know if Microsoft lost money on it the first year or so.


And now you expect Nintendo to take a loss Sony-style to be able to 'please people'?


I am pleased with the current price, even when we in Norway have to pay a lot more than the rest of Europe (Wii U Premium Pack: NOK 3199 / GBP 340).

Edited by are1981
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@Zechs Merquise


You can't use the "Wii U is now selling at a loss argument" as to why it suddenly represents good value because up until 24hrs ago, Nintendo had been happy in stating it was selling at a profit. The retail price hasn't changed so something else has and Nintendo have decided to absorb it. But given they've been advertising this thing at those intended prices, to suddenly shift the price would mean compromising all their advertising and annoying a lot of people who suddenly have to fork over an extra $50 so Nintendo don't lose money. Likewise, you say it has 4x the RAM like it's impressive or a big contributor to cost. It isn't. Assuming it's GDDR3, and knowing Nintendo it will be, the cost of increasing from the 512 to 2GB is negligible - if they are using GDDR5, then you would have point. RAM is at an all time cheap again to the point that Nintendo could ship with just 1GB and the production cost would barely budge. The reason people want to see the Wii U cheaper is because the world is in the biggest global recession for the last 80 years and maybe, maybe they don't feel like spending that amount of money on an unproven console right now when they have other, more pressing concerns.


The vast amount of people have been happy with Mario's 3D outings on the whole. Some people prefer the openness of 64/Sunshine and others prefer the focuses Galaxy games but they population that likes one way and despises the other is ultimately inconsequential to sales figures - as long as it has the tight controls and imaginative design, without having to resort to recycling it's own content and padding (my biggest issues with Sunshine and 3D Land), people will be happy as Mario has the freedom to change his game as he sees fit without recourse. Most people who played the last two console F-Zero games loved them, GX just didn't sell many - no one has ever stated to wanting anything different out of that series other than adding online play. Starfox... everybody just wants them to get back to StarFox64 - the fan base it unanimous in this that. All people want is to StarFox to stop changing and straying away from why people bought it the first place. Metroid is little bit iffy but they sold more copies of Prime than they did Super so they must have been on to something - sales for Echoes were a bit weak but Corruption faired well, more so than Other M. There wouldn't be too many complaints from another first person title. Zelda is the only really diversive one of that list you mention.


People like the games to stand on their own merit and not just because they are part of the series. What this means is that they can't be different just for different's sake if it leads away from what made the game special in the first place. In those instances where the change is drastic, make it a new IP and free yourself on the pre-exiting notions tied to the franchise. 5 years ago, Pullbox would have stared Yoshi and he would have been rescuing baby Yoshi's from baby Bowser - it would be the same game but it's just not necessary. So if they feel they want to make big changes to big IP why not kill two birds with one stone and make something new - it can serve as new IP and test bed for features to be shared amongst existing games. Then if it tanks, you've not tarnished the reptuation of the existing IP. It's how they sold the DS as a replacement for the GB and have now fed it back to the home console.


With a $300 - $350 console, Nintendo aren't going to have any 20million selling titles based around exercise or mini games. Look at Nintendogs on the DS and then compare it to Nintendogs on the 3DS. One sold 20+million and a DS machine to every purchaser whilst it was at it and the and the other... not so much. It was lightning in a bottle and not something you can ever plan for. NSMB 2 is doing ok but will it hit as many as the original? I very much doubt it. Likewise, NSMBU won't do 30 million units unless they start to pack it in with the machine like they did with the Wii at which point, sales start to get a bit skewed in terms of what they represent. You can't make comparisions to the last gen spending habits when the world is in a totally different place. You far more inclined to buy a game for a machine you already own than to go out and spend money on a brand new piece of hardware - more so when money is tight.


Some fans will complain about everything, we get that. But often, the noisest ones are the noisest because they represent such a small group they have to try and get their voice heard. But some fans defend against everything as well and I don't believe your respsone comes close to justifying why everybody who claims different is so wrong.

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You cannot be serious!


Sony was dumb releasing PS3 at GBP 650 (launch price in Norway), and losing vast amount of money on it! And now they have serious financial problems.


Microsoft was a bit smarter, and Xbox 360 was earlier and cheaper, at GBP 400 (launch price in Norway), and still today runs multiplatform titles better than PS3. I do not know if Microsoft lost money on it the first year or so.


And now you expect Nintendo to take a loss Sony-style to be able to 'please people'?


I am pleased with the current price, even when we in Norway have to pay a lot more than the rest of Europe (Wii U Premium Pack: NOK 3199 / GBP 340).


I wasn't being serious! I was joking - the post was sarcastic!


I'm actually really happy with the price of the Wii U and would have probably paid more if I'd have had to. I think it's great value at £299 considering you get a game, a tablet and the console - also the inclusion of an HDMI cable is pretty awesome too.


I would never want Nintendo to end up like Sony and be in severe financial trouble.


I'm also very hyped for the Wii U and happy with pretty much everything I've heard so far. I think the only two things I'm not happy with is I'd have liked Nintendoland to be online and think the microphone and speaker on the pad should be used for voice chat in game.


So to clarify, my post was a joke. I was parodying the numerous angry Nintendo haters that pop-up on sites like N4G and Kotaku.

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