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Finally! Feels like it's taken ages for this to come about but season 2 of Final Space arrives on June 24th on Adult Swim in the US. Hopefully it won't be too long in coming to Netflix over here after that (or to Channel 4 in the UK seeing as they've got a whole bunch of Adult Swim content on the All 4 app).

Trailer looks great though.

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On 5/24/2019 at 3:31 PM, drahkon said:

Started watching Breaking Bad again.

Six days later and I'm halfway through season 3 :D 

This show is so good. Even though I know how all the major events play out, the way the scenes are shot, the acting...it's so suspenseful.

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Anybody else watching the Chernobyl tv series? Heard great things about it and I've really enjoyed it. Obviously horrible to watch in places, but just so gripping. I find myself saying to myself "wtf?!" every few moments. Hard to believe that such an event happened.

Would highly recommend.

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I've been watching it and it's been a phenomenal watch so far. I know some have got hung up on the English accents but I think it was for the best and works extremely well given the actors they have playing the parts. Both Jared Harris and Stellan Skarsgard have been fantastic (and they're both actors whose previous works I've really enjoyed, especially the latter. If you haven't, give River a watch) and Emily Watson has been superb as well.

The sound of the dosimeter at the end of the second episode stuck with me when I went to bed that night after watching, properly chilling. Really captivating stuff but also just gruesome to watch at times, especially considering the reality of it all having happened (or most of it as it embellishes some parts of the story apparently).

Definitely agree people should give it a watch as it's the best thing that's been on TV this year. It'll clean up come award season that's for sure.

While on the subject of HBO shows, the second season of Barry just finished as well as that too was brilliant. Good damn that ending though and the last couple of episodes. Some proper on the edge of your seat gripping and dark stuff before cutting to something light hearted. They really walked that thin line well this season and I can't wait to see what the third one has in store. The best show that no one is watching, as I've seen people say, but people really should give it a go.

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Sorry, I'm gonna gush some more about Breaking Bad.

I got goosebumps during the following scene even though I've seen the show twice before (MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD).


One of my favourite scenes in TV history. Bryan Cranston's portrayal of Walter White knowing he's dead is so powerful. Anna Gunn is able to convey Skylar's horror to perfection. And not to forget Betsy Brandt's phone call. She did a heck of a job hammering down that feeling of despair...

I mean, I know how this will play out and I knew that this scene was coming, but fuck me...it made my heart race again.


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The 4th season of The Good Place will be its last.
Good. I like the show, but I'm glad they're going to finish on a high, while it's still good. Too many shows keep going on while getting worse and worse. Seems like a show that will have a easily definable ending too.
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I finished watching Chernobyl this weekend with my wife. Terrbile sho.. I mean, accident. The TV-show is brilliant. Simply. It's hard to imagine a government system being so stubbornly denying everything, even to its own experts who are arguing against it. 
It's also terrbile that the accident was all due to some people getting greedy and wanting a higher position for themselves.


Handmaid's Tale season 3 has also started now and it's good. I do hope that this is the last season, they simply cannot drag it out any more without thinning it too much. I just hope for a rebellion this season that will end Gilead.


I'm trying to find some other show to watch now. Want to watch Doom Patrol but I don't think it's very good so it'll be a hard sell to my wife. Same with TITANS which I also want to watch. 

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35 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

Simply. It's hard to imagine a government system being so stubbornly denying everything, even to its own experts who are arguing against it. 

It's not hard for British people. We live with a government like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished Chernobyl last night. Excellent show. Learnt so much from it (I'm now an expert in RBMK reactors), and found the whole thing really compelling.

It's scary to think how close it came to wiping out half of eastern Europe!

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Handmaid's Tale season 3 is now 7 episodes in and so far... not much has happened. I said before watching this season that I hoped it would end the show but it seems like the writers and producers are undecided about a season 4 and 5 and thus, I can't see this show ending soon. I wanted them to have written out the story lines before starting production of season 2 in order to make it go somewhere.


As it is now, we just get glimpses of the atrocities that GIlead has and while it is horrifying, it also gets stale.

June is also getting more and more rash without ever getting punished. Like.. ever. It's getting more and more unrealistic and frustrating. 

It's also very clear that there is no overall plot or direction. During this season, basically nothing has happened. I had hoped after the first couple of episodes that June would be more committed to the rebellion groups but we haven't seen them at all. It's like they totally forgot about them.

Elizabeth Moss is very good at looking angry and determined, though. They are very good at filming her closeups when she is that.

That said, I think they have gone up a notch on the visuals. I catch myself thinking that a scene is very beautifully shot more often than earlier. I just wish the story was more dense and actually moving along.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad you're enjoying it Drahkon. Barry is a fantastic show. I remember thinking The premise sounded simple but wasn't sure how it'd take off but The first episode does a great job of setting the tone of what's to come. And Bill Hader does an amazing job with the character (Henry Winkler also puts in a superb performance). The second season is every bit as good as the first and really goes to some dark places. I can't recommend it enough as it really is a must watch and thankfully, there's more to come next year in a third season which is just as well given how season 2 ended.

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