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Hannibal is a pile of pretentious guff. It's initially passable, mostly due to Mads Mikkelson's magnetism, but Will Graham's instability grated on me so hard by the end. Repetitive as fuck.


The writers probably wank off to themselves in the mirror.

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Does anyone watch Utopia on C4?


Saw in the ad that Ygritte from GoT was in it, but didn't realise it was in its second series. I'm catching up with S1 on 4oD, no signs of Ygritte so far but it's pretty fucking cool. Check it.


Yeah I watched the first season when it was on, loved it. Currently watching season 2, more people should watch this.

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What really adds to the show and that episode in particular is the wonderful use of Explosions in the Sky. You'd be hard pressed to find better music to fit such emotion.


Too true. The scenes when it was used in combination with the guys drinking on the field at night were some of the best. I think the lesser use of their music in the last couple seasons was one of the main reasons that I didn't like the second cast so much. Came good at the end, but Smash Saracen and Riggens were the show for me.

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Hannibal is a pile of pretentious guff. It's initially passable, mostly due to Mads Mikkelson's magnetism, but Will Graham's instability grated on me so hard by the end. Repetitive as fuck.


The writers probably wank off to themselves in the mirror.


I keep meaning to watch out of loyalty to Bryan Fuller (Pushing Daisies :heart:) but also never really been inclined.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Has anyone else watched Bates Motel?


Just wrapping up season 1 and it's been a fantastic ride so far. The characters and acting is bloody superb. I was skeptical when I heard they were making a modern day prequel to Psycho but it really is fantastic.

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Hmmm, sounds intriguing. Might check that out.


I've finally hopped on the House of Cards bandwagon. 4 episodes in. YES.


The end of the 4th episode when Frank throws down his briefcase after meeting the reporter in her apartment. SO GOOD. Bet he gave her a right rogering.


Also loved when he smiles to the camera, talking about being on the edge of the picture and being there forever in the archives applauding as the president gives his speech.


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Hmmm, sounds intriguing. Might check that out.


I've finally hopped on the House of Cards bandwagon. 4 episodes in. YES.


The end of the 4th episode when Frank throws down his briefcase after meeting the reporter in her apartment. SO GOOD. Bet he gave her a right rogering.


Also loved when he smiles to the camera, talking about being on the edge of the picture and being there forever in the archives applauding as the president gives his speech.


I really recommend it. Straight onto series 2 now...I'm hooked.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Twenty-four year late to the party, but I finally started watching Twin Peaks. I'm four episodes in and I think I have a man-crush on Kyle MacLachlan. That haircut man. I think I may also start carrying a tape recorder around with me and start monologuing about every aspect of my life.

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Twenty-four year late to the party, but I finally started watching Twin Peaks. I'm four episodes in and I think I have a man-crush on Kyle MacLachlan. That haircut man. I think I may also start carrying a tape recorder around with me and start monologuing about every aspect of my life.


It's pretty awesome. Bates Motel may as well be called Twin Peaks 2. Very similar.


Currently watching House of Cards. Best decision ever.

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It's pretty awesome. Bates Motel may as well be called Twin Peaks 2. Very similar.


Currently watching House of Cards. Best decision ever.


If you've finished Season 2, you may want to consider watching the original UK version of House of Cards (it's on Netflix). It's nowhere near as well produced as the US version, but it is worth watching for Ian Richardson's acting alone.

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If you've finished Season 2, you may want to consider watching the original UK version of House of Cards (it's on Netflix). It's nowhere near as well produced as the US version, but it is worth watching for Ian Richardson's acting alone.


Noted :) Especially as I really can't stand Kevin Spacey's accent..dat deep South.


Now start watching Parks and Rec from Season 2 onwards ;) Guarantee that you'll love it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Has anyone been watching The Comeback?


I enjoyed it during its first time round, but this new season has such tight writing and feels so real. Lisa Kudrow has really been nailing it all season. Just...so good.


YES! I bloody loved the first season but this one has been better on all accounts. And I must admit I may have shed a tear or two in the finale. Such a clever show.

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Yeah the finale was great and very emotional. Not sure if I want another season (seemed like a perfect end) and if I do, I'm not sure how soon I want it. The second season may have worked so well because they had a lot of time to work on it. Maybe a few years from now? Seeing Red could run for a few years and we could pick up from the end.

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I think Seeing Red was a limited run one-off. Much like The Comeback, both seasons.


And I agree about not needing more (yet). Right up until the last episode I was yearning for it to continue but the last episode nailed it. I reckon we could use another nine-year hiatus before season 3. "Give her another take!"

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Have any of you seen Marco Polo on Netflix? I'm almost done with it and I found it quite good. It has a good story, nice pacing, and interesting characters - although they aren't quite round enough; evil is evil and good is good, only a few have motives that could be evil in some sense and good in other. The setting is quite nice and a good change - I don't know much about this part of the world and its history.


It's good entertainment, though, so you should watch it if you enjoy this kind of series.

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I think Seeing Red was a limited run one-off. Much like The Comeback, both seasons.


And I agree about not needing more (yet). Right up until the last episode I was yearning for it to continue but the last episode nailed it. I reckon we could use another nine-year hiatus before season 3. "Give her another take!"


Hmm I hadn't thought of that.


Just rewatched the car park scene from the previous episode. Oh lord, Lisa Kudrow is amazing in that. Just little things in her performance that break my heart.

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She is really underrated. When you consider the publicity Cox and Aniston get, it's weird. I think she's always tried to lead a less in-the-spotlight life, but her work since the show has ended has been pretty good and she's done some interesting movies.


You watched Web Therapy as well? Loved that for a while there were two new Lisa Kudrow episodes per week!


Hopefully she and the show will get the recognition it deserves during awards.

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Yeah I'm into Web Therapy as well. Not quite as good as The Comeback but love the fact it's basically recorded improv. And yeah she's done some great movies too.


Most people focus on the other "friends" and forget about Lisa, but considering she writes and produces a lot of her own material, in my eyes she's by far the most successful and talented out of the lot - if I had to compare them.

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Have any of you seen Marco Polo on Netflix? I'm almost done with it and I found it quite good. It has a good story, nice pacing, and interesting characters - although they aren't quite round enough; evil is evil and good is good, only a few have motives that could be evil in some sense and good in other. The setting is quite nice and a good change - I don't know much about this part of the world and its history.


It's good entertainment, though, so you should watch it if you enjoy this kind of series.


I've just started watching it, 5 episodes in and enjoying it.


EDIT - I've just finished it, enjoyed it quite a bit and I'm looking forward to the next season.

Edited by Kav
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