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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (March 22nd)


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I don't know about you guys but I'm just looking forward to collecting mushrooms and getting owned by a low level Barroth again.


Is the demo released tomorrow for Wii U & 3DS??


That's going to be the funny thing - those first few games against creatures you used to just slaughter. Instead of it being the routine beat down, you're going to have to have your wits about you all over again!


Is the demo online and if you play the demo does the stuff you collect carry over to the main game when you get it?

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Hunting these would be great but from what I gather they're available to hunt as later quests. That means I'll have to go through endless fights against the other monsters to get myself equipment good enough for battling these monsters... it's that I really can't be doing with.


Luckily not so. Even the first single player boss monster (LVL★★) is a new monster, Arzuros.


And in online? Lagombi sitting tightly at LVL★ quests : D


So yes, looking at the quest lists, they seem to have mixed the new monsters well with the old ones. Sure you have to fight the Tri monsters as well, but at least the new / subspecies guys are there to spice it up through every stage...

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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate demo - details


- Two missions

- Easy: Hunt Lagombi

- Hard: Hunt Pleasioth

- Choose from 12 weapons

- 20 min for each mission

- Wii U demo size: 890 MB - 3DS demo size: 1615 blocks


Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - over 20 minutes of demo footage


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I've done a few hunts so far, great demo for those that played Tri on Wii, as it's 2 of the new monsters. icon14.gif

But despite playing over 500 hours of MH on Wii, I'd almost completely forgotten how to play it! :eek:


Good job the demo has 30 plays, gonna need those to get some practice in before the full game! ;)

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Ugh! Don't want to spoil my first MH3U experience on Wii U or 3DS by playing the demo, but it's soooo tempting...


MUST...RESIST...TEMPTATION!!! :shakehead

Dude, try it! :bouncy:

The game is huge, there'll be so much to see and do in the full game. Plus, playing the demo is a nice way to get back into the controls, so you're ready for the real thing! :hehe:

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But it'll make the wait harder! :cry:
Hehehe. Speaking of waiting, the load times are sooooooo much quicker now! Another great improvement. icon14.gif


I wonder if voice chat will still cut out during load breaks on this version? Even if it does, the shorter loads means it wont be as annoying as it was on Tri. :hehe:

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So having played both demos, I feel this is a much better experience on the Wii U - control-wise and the graphics are a nice improvement.


The thing is, I really can't get into the vibe of the game at all! I worry that if I buy it I'll end up bored and trading within a fortnight, like I did with Tri. I'm willing to be converted... For a start I'm rubbish at it! Secondly it seems very clunky and grindy. :hmm: Maybe if I played online with you guys I'd get into the groove?

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Ive never played on MH before. Ive downloaded both versions and played them. I enjoy the wii u version more I like the graphics and it seems easier to control. I have no idea what im doing. Im loving it though. Day 1 purchase with me. May even book the day off from work as well. Decent

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Never having played a MH before I downloaded the demo.

Wandered around killed a few mammots, raptos and thieving cats.

I'm not sure but a few things struck me: INVISIBLE WALLS... seriously in 2013? Tiny map portions with loading every section? Two annoying/pointless sidekicks. Limited moves?


I'm just not sure I 'get' this game.

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What's with the download speed. A 900mb file should take mins to download on my connection but not even 50 percent done but still says it's got hour and a half to go. It's ridiculous!!


managed to download 3DS version and castlevania while MH Wii U was still going for another hour.


these Wii U download speeds are crazy slow.


Anyway first time I have played MH and loved it on the 3DS. Graphics are sharp and it looks real nice.


Guess I will try out Wii U version tomorrow. No rush though as not planning on buying it for a good while after release.


3DS version all the way..

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I am bankrupting myself to get this, I expect everyone else to do the same...


As am i, i should be paying back credit cards and loans but instead ive orderd both the WiiU and 3DS version of the game so i can use Transfarring and keep playing the same character wherever i go. I also need to buy a thumb stick for the 3ds...

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That video of the demo @Wii posted...


Is it a bit disorientating walking between sections of the map when they don't particularly lead into one another visually like that?


Where are the enemy health meters? or do fights take place through 3 different arena's or something and you work it out that way.

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Never having played a MH before I downloaded the demo.

Wandered around killed a few mammots, raptos and thieving cats.

I'm not sure but a few things struck me: INVISIBLE WALLS... seriously in 2013? Tiny map portions with loading every section? Two annoying/pointless sidekicks. Limited moves?


I'm just not sure I 'get' this game.


The invisible walls are a VERY necessary. When you are going one on one with a beastie there are times you need to fall back and regroup. If this was a big open world then you wouldn't be able to have that opportunity to catch your breath.


The two sidekicks are there mainly for distraction purposes, but they do come in handy. A few times they healed me during the fight. In he proper game you can customise them and pick which moves you want them to learn.


That video of the demo @Wii posted...


Is it a bit disorientating walking between sections of the map when they don't particularly lead into one another visually like that?


Where are the enemy health meters? or do fights take place through 3 different arena's or something and you work it out that way.


Don't ask that, Retro. I'm trying to like you but you are asking things like that and it's 6 o clock in the morning. :D


There are no health bars and if they were it would kill a big part of the game. You have to think of the monsters as old skool bosses, where you have to learn their attack patterns and notice when things change.


When an enemy is tired it's moves will slow down dramatically and it will start drooling. When you hurt it badly and it goes into a rage mode it will move a lot faster and hit a lot harder. When nearly dead it will start limping and try to get back to where ever it nests. Other signs for its impending doom are body parts changing. Ples, for example, will drop it's dorsal fin when near death.


Anyway, I downloaded the demo ( What's up with the download speeds? Took freaking ages ) and ran through both monsters.


I tackled Ples first, as I wanted to see what changes had been made to him from the other games. I noticed the hit box has been fixed for his water beam. On the other games you didn't even have to be near it for the thing to hit you! It was also nice to be able to jump in the water after him, rather than throwing sonic bombs and using frogs to get him out.


Next was Lagombi. I decided to rock a LS for him as he looked easy and it's my weapon of choice. I took him down pretty fast, although he is a speedy little fella.


It took a while to adjust to the controls, not because it's been a wile since I played, but because I couldn't find the option to change it so my fighting moves were on the right stick. It was like playing the PSP version again. Hopefully I can change this in the proper game.


I have to say though that people should not be judging the game on a demo. It can't be done. There is soooooooo much that isn't shown in the demo and if people went in blind not knowing a thing about the game then I can see the demo having a negative effect. Playing MH is about the community that is built up while playing, cursing as you carve an enemy, only to be robbed of that jewel or plate that you need and generally having a laugh while playing.


What i'm trying to say is that if you are interested in the game then take a shot at the full release and don't be turned off by the demo. Yes, the game is hard at the start, but we have vets on this site that know the game in and out and are more than happy to give everyone a helping hand.

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I managed to kill the snow yeti a moment ago. It was my second try after it mauled me the first time. Game seems extremely cool, especially the control scheme which I'd heard was a nightmare.


I was more successful with the quick sword character. Not really a fan of slower combat, guess I'll be a lot weaker as a result. That's usually how it works with games, right? Speed sacrifices health?


I'm day one for the 3DS version of this. Wish I could afford the Wii U online glory though!

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