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Bayonetta 2


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I've finally finished Bayonetta. I have done three play throughs and several medal runs. I put in around 45 hours.


My overall impressions after finishing the game:


+ Very stylish, great atmosphere, wonderful world and beautiful art and character design

+ Great performance, very little slow down and it feels very polished

+ Main character is awesome

+ Good story with some very funny scenes

+ Amazing, fast and fluid gameplay

+ Feels varied despite as each enemy provides a significantly different challenge

+ Different medals keep you coming back to replay levels

+ Easy to get into, hard to master

+ Huge feeling of achievement when you do master it

+ Plenty of secrets and collectibles extends longevity and rewards exploration


- The odd irritating quick time event which if you miss, can ruin a whole level

- Re-used levels and bosses in some stages

- Can be too unforgiving at times, may well frustrate lesser players on Normal difficulty.


OVERALL: This might frustrate some due to the difficulty (you can always play on Easy though), but if you are a competent gamer who wants a real challenge this is a must have! The game is polished, stylish and full of action. I thoroughly recommend it!


Now onto the second...

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I started up the first game having never played either. I'm maybe an hour in so far and really not enjoying it at all. Literally thrown in with a ridiculous story and seemingly just button mashing so far. Please tell me this game gets better? :(


Maybe you have got too used to games like Assassin's Creed? This game has a high skill requirement when played on normal. But if you find yourself button mashing there is a mode that Kamiya referred to as 'mommy mode' that allows you to do all the combos automatically without having to posses any skill. You just play it on automatic! The game then just plays itself and you can sit back and watch the action unfold!

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I started up the first game having never played either. I'm maybe an hour in so far and really not enjoying it at all. Literally thrown in with a ridiculous story and seemingly just button mashing so far. Please tell me this game gets better? :(


I had the same problem with it when I played it on the 360. There was too much going on the screen, the story was a bit of a mess and I found all the characters unappealing.


I tried playing the Wii U version and I'm having the same issues with it. Admittedly I only played through the first few stages on the Wii U version before shelving it. I will give it another crack when I've got nothing else to play. That's twice its failed to grab me. Maybe the series just isn't for me.

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Maybe you have got too used to games like Assassin's Creed? This game has a high skill requirement when played on normal. But if you find yourself button mashing there is a mode that Kamiya referred to as 'mommy mode' that allows you to do all the combos automatically without having to posses any skill. You just play it on automatic! The game then just plays itself and you can sit back and watch the action unfold!


Way to misunderstand me and come across as utterly condescending in one swoop.


With regards to button mashing, I meant that I had no difficulties up to the point when I posted in just button mashing my way to victory with occasional dodges (and yeah, I was on normal mode). I wanted to know if it picked up, or if was going to feel something like this for most of the game. I've left my Dynasty Warrior days behind me, you see. But if you say it has a high skill requirement then that's good, since that makes it sound like it will pick up. No need to be an ass in your response though; I'm a fan of pretty difficult games like the Souls series which I clear fully, as well as several roguelikes.


@Hero\-of\-Time yeah, that story...my thoughts so far have been 'what the fuck is going on?' I'm all for crazy stories but this has to be one of the worst opening/introductory sequences to a game ever.

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@Hero\-of\-Time yeah, that story...my thoughts so far have been 'what the fuck is going on?' I'm all for crazy stories but this has to be one of the worst opening/introductory sequences to a game ever.


It's strange as I love anime and that has its fair share of weird stories and wacky characters so in theory this should be right up my alley.

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Maybe you have got too used to games like Assassin's Creed? This game has a high skill requirement when played on normal. But if you find yourself button mashing there is a mode that Kamiya referred to as 'mommy mode' that allows you to do all the combos automatically without having to posses any skill. You just play it on automatic! The game then just plays itself and you can sit back and watch the action unfold!


I've aced the first game (very close to 100% Platinum) and unless you're going for 100% platinum you can pretty much just alternate between punch and kicks and not bother with knowing the combat system in any real depth..as long as you dodge properly you can walk through the game. There's no need to come across as an arse lol.


@Sheikah, stick with it. The first time I played it I got to Chapter 4-5 before it 'clicked' and after that it's just been love <3 It's so bloody rewarding.

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It's a tough game. I grinded my way through the first one for the purpose of reviewing it for N-E, and wondered if it was really worth getting the second one. Even though I wasn't really any good at the first one, I appreciated its quality and the depth to the combat, which I hadn't mastered. I'm enjoying the second a lot more. It's slightly more forgiving and having played the first one, a lot easier to get into. You learn that you can't just button mash your way to a combo, it's all about that bass getting your dodging right. It really is the crucial mechanic in Bayonetta.

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How anyone got through the original just "button mashing" is a mystery to me. I played on the normal difficulty and found dodging to be crucial throughout the game, as was choosing what order to attack enemies in.


Sure, mastery of the combo system wasn't a necessity to beat it, but if that's a complaint then that's a complaint with virtually every game that exists that has a combo system - you can always beat them by using basic moves and less skill, it's just that if you use that approach you'll be dying a lot more rather than mastering the game.


I'm only a few levels into Bayonetta 2 but so far I enjoyed the original a bit more because the sequel is very safe so far. Like, maybe it'll freshen up as I progress but so far I may as well just be playing more levels of the original. There are many things that are essentially exactly the same too, e.g. Rodin's bar scenes and the "alfheim" style sections (almost idential environment, just darker).


I prefer sequels that change things up a bit more than this, but hopefully it'll have more impact as I get further through.

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How anyone got through the original just "button mashing" is a mystery to me. I played on the normal difficulty and found dodging to be crucial throughout the game, as was choosing what order to attack enemies in.


Sure, mastery of the combo system wasn't a necessity to beat it, but if that's a complaint then that's a complaint with virtually every game that exists that has a combo system - you can always beat them by using basic moves and less skill, it's just that if you use that approach you'll be dying a lot more rather than mastering the game.


I'm only a few levels into Bayonetta 2 but so far I enjoyed the original a bit more because the sequel is very safe so far. Like, maybe it'll freshen up as I progress but so far I may as well just be playing more levels of the original. There are many things that are essentially exactly the same too, e.g. Rodin's bar scenes and the "alfheim" style sections (almost idential environment, just darker).


I prefer sequels that change things up a bit more than this, but hopefully it'll have more impact as I get further through.


I started the second yesterday. So far I'm loving it, however it is more of the same but just on a much grander scale. For example the dragon battle on the very first real level.


The environments are also much larger and there's much more exploration to be done. Which is very rewarding.


Overall, it is a little easier to get through, but harder to get the platinum medals I think. I'm not dying, but nailing everything is more difficult.


The graphics are a major step up though and it all looks gorgeous!

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I think I'm almost finished Bayo2, the next chapter is likely the last or 2nd last by how things have been going in recent chapters, don't want it to end.


Keep going back to replay previous levels (mainly to horde some halo's).


Love also that countinuing from Bayo1 there's still little nods to other games.


Alex the Kidd gets a mention in an early cut scene and Wonderful 101's "Diplomacy has failed" gets used at least twice (once by Rodin and once in a cutscene)..... but there's another one I'm not sure if it is a game reference? And there's a late game weapon that is obviously a reference to a Platinums MadWorld game :D


But question? Sometimes when going to the shop Rodin says "I'm playing a game I just need to sprinkle some dust on these chickens" what game is that? Eveytime I think of chickens and video games I can only see Cucco's from the Zelda games but I don;t remember ever having to sprinkle dust on them in any Zelda game?



Is there other references I missed?

Edited by Mokong
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I think I'm almost finished Bayo2, the next chapter is likely the last or 2nd last by how things have been going in recent chapters, don't want it to end.


Keep going back to replay previous levels (mainly to horde some halo's).


Love also that countinuing from Bayo1 there's still little nods to other games.


Alex the Kidd gets a mention in an early cut scene and Wonderful 101's "Diplomacy has failed" gets used at least twice (once by Rodin and once in a cutscene)..... but there's another one I'm not sure if it is a game reference? And there's a late game weapon that is obviously a reference to a Platinums MadWorld game :D


But question? Sometimes when going to the shop Rodin says "I'm playing a game I just need to sprinkle some dust on these chickens" what game is that? Eveytime I think of chickens and video games I can only see Cucco's from the Zelda games but I don;t remember ever having to sprinkle dust on them in any Zelda game?



Is there other references I missed?


What about Link's Awakening? Didn't sprinkling Magic Powder on a Cuccoo give you interesting results?


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It's a tough game. I grinded my way through the first one for the purpose of reviewing it for N-E, and wondered if it was really worth getting the second one. Even though I wasn't really any good at the first one, I appreciated its quality and the depth to the combat, which I hadn't mastered.


This is true to me as well. It will require a lot more time for me to click with this battle system, I am terrible at dodging and even though I manage to get Silver on most battles, it only happens after a few tries. Someone compared playing Bayonetta to playing music, you need to feel the rythm and this may be the reason for my difficulties: I'm very a-musical, simply can't follow a beat for the life of me even though I've had years of practice in gymnastics but I cheated here, just counted the seconds instead of the beats.


I do appreciate it somewhat, though. It feels great to have a good battle and just throwing combos everywhere. One major gripe, though, is that it is bloody hard to target the right enemy. I had this particular trouble in one specific section with three boats that lines up in a later chapter. It took me a good 15 tries before I was lucky enough to beat them.


Next chapter for me is one of the last so hopefully I can go forward to B2 soon enough.

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But question? Sometimes when going to the shop Rodin says "I'm playing a game I just need to sprinkle some dust on these chickens" what game is that? Eveytime I think of chickens and video games I can only see Cucco's from the Zelda games but I don;t remember ever having to sprinkle dust on them in any Zelda game?

What about Link's Awakening? Didn't sprinkling Magic Powder on a Cuccoo give you interesting results?
Yeah, it sounds like Link's Awakening.

The SFX are from this though:


Is there other references I missed?
Did you catch the one early on about the in-flight service being exclusive to fat Italians? :laughing: AKA Bayonetta 2 being exclusive to Wii U. :hehe:


And of course there's this gem:


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Does anyone know if the second difficulty on B2 is the same as Easy on B1? I picked it because the description made it sound like "normal" mode but it's been so much easier than B1.


I think 1st Climax, 2nd Climax and 3rd Climax are equivelent to Very Easy, Easy, Normal.


I've been playing the whole game on 3rd Climax... does still feel a bit easier than Bayo1 but only because they fixed some things and added others, such as in Bayo2 you now are no longer punished when getting hit with the loss of built up magic power, that annoyed the hell out of me in Bayo1, and the ability to do Climax moves as an alt to torture attacks when your magic bar is full is a welcome addition :D


Did you catch the one early on about the in-flight service being exclusive to fat Italians? :laughing: AKA Bayonetta 2 being exclusive to Wii U. :hehe:


OMG, I didn't even cop that, that is an awesome little nod there, well spotted Red :bowdown:


What about Link's Awakening? Didn't sprinkling Magic Powder on a Cuccoo give you interesting results?


I barely remember that, been ages since I played Links Awakening..... suddenly think I should break it out :D


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How anyone got through the original just "button mashing" is a mystery to me. I played on the normal difficulty and found dodging to be crucial throughout the game, as was choosing what order to attack enemies in.

Because button bashing is key after the dodging. Most of the enemies move so fast you don't have time to unleash all these lovely combos you can do on the loading screen. I think I only bought one or two-ish new attacks because I could see when trying them that they would be fucking useless in real battle.


As soon as I was able to get to 30k I spent it on a Witch Heart, any change went on Red Hot Shots and maybe a lolly.


The only order thing I did went as follows, blue lightning claw guy before red fire claw guy and small baddies before biggies.


Dodge, hopefully activate Witch Time, weak weak, strong strong strong.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Is PlatinumGames teasing something Bayonetta 2-related for tomorrow?


PlatinumGames posted the following message on Twitter earlier today:




It’s basically a message saying that it’s Christmas Eve, and Rodin will have a present tomorrow. Fans are advised to check Platinum Games’ Facebook page.


Platinum also shared the following English message on Twitter:




I can’t say I know what this is about. It could certainly end up being nothing, so I’d suggest keeping expectations in check!




Predictions? More alternative costumes would be my guess.

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Picked the double pack up for £30 pre-owned in GGames yesterday. Mint condition so couldn't pass it up.

Just started playing Bayonetta1. Loving it. Feels like a beat-em up (combo system) which is a nice surprise. More hyped to play Bayo2 but makes sense to tackle the first before delving into WiiU's true potential/Bayo. Surprised how good Bayo1 looks in parts though! A fab game. Utterly bonkers story and reminds me of Shadowman in parts (loved that game!)

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Platinum confirm new project in the works, says more Bayonetta could come


Info comes from a 4Gamer interview with Platinum Producer Akiko Kuroda and Director Yusuke Hashimoto...


- new project is in the early phase of development

- actual announcement is pretty far in the future

- it’s possible for something related to Bayonetta to be developed in 2015

- new project being worked on makes the devs think “I want to play this!”



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