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Neil Armstrong has died


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It's kind of strange how he's been built up into the icon of space travel etc. I mean just him alone. Buzz Aldrin is known but not revered to the same scale as Armstrong. It's only down to random chance that Armstrong was first on the moon and he even got the line wrong (though his is better).


Obviously still a great man and his legend will continue for a good long time after even we've all gone.

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It's kind of strange how he's been built up into the icon of space travel etc. I mean just him alone. Buzz Aldrin is known but not revered to the same scale as Armstrong. It's only down to random chance that Armstrong was first on the moon and he even got the line wrong (though his is better).


Obviously still a great man and his legend will continue for a good long time after even we've all gone.

The hell he's not. To quote him "Second comes right after first". Plus, he decked a guy who accused him of faking it.


They're as legendary as eachother

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They should be but in my experience he's lesser known.


I don't even know the name of the third guy who went up there with them, but I don't think he left the shuttle did he? Not that that should matter.


It's funny you should mention it. A Danish comedian talked about this, how people remember the participants in reality shows like Big Brother, but not the people who went to the moon. He jokes about the third guy (whose name I unfortunately dont't know, either) being teased by the others for not having walked on the moon's surface.

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It's funny you should mention it. A Danish comedian talked about this, how people remember the participants in reality shows like Big Brother, but not the people who went to the moon. He jokes about the third guy (whose name I unfortunately dont't know, either) being teased by the others for not having walked on the moon's surface.

Michael Collins is the third guy :p

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Well, what a life to live, what a thing to be able to say for all those years. You don't get a much longer lasting legacy than his. If we ever travel out into space, the first landers and explorer crafts will probably be named after him etc. (heck, in Mass Effect they named an entire Nebula after him, maybe even that :p). Pretty incredible really, and 82 is not a bad innings in any regard.


Rest in peace!

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