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Sequels you would like to see

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Impossible considering the thread's title :P

And considering that everyone (myself included) is so desperate for sequels to F-Zero, Starfox, etc... :heh:


By the way, Fused King, have you played Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon?

You're really into Japanese culture aren't you? And I know you also have a bit of a wacky sense of humour ;) so you're pretty much guaranteed to love the game. :hehe:






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I still want it on the VC :cry: I never could complete it, due to missing the Memory Pak that was needed to save.


At least one of the GB games made it to the eshop, so there's hope. It was such a good, quirky game.


The SNES game is on the Wii VC. I remember RedShell telling me to get it many moons ago....I never did. :D

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The SNES game is on the Wii VC. I remember RedShell telling me to get it many moons ago....I never did. :D


It's never too late. ;)


Here's a vid of the Game Center CX guy playing through the game:


And dat music
I hear ya man, the soundtrack is legendary! :cool:

Love how the music was multilayered during the castles too. :bowdown:


Broadcast Yourself


Broadcast Yourself


Broadcast Yourself


Sorry for derailing the thread, that'll happen though when people get me talking about Mystical Ninja. :P

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Damn, this thread has just made me salty again about the lack of Mystical Ninja on the Wii VC :mad: Love the SNES game, always wanted to play the N64 ones. Ahh well, maybe on the Wii U we'll see the N64 VC get revived!


Anyway, back on topic! Sequels to Wii games that I'd love to see...


1: Wii Music




I spent countless hours and made well over 100 arrangements with this gem! Redshell knocked it out of the park when he said it was one of the most misunderstood and underappreciated games ever made! (so much fun was had making NES/DJ/Beatbox versions of classical music :laughing: )


This was a game that was unfairly doomed by its disastrous E3 2008 showing (leading the media to carpet bomb it from then all the way to launch and beyond) and nobody really gave it a chance, thinking that it should've just been a Guitar Hero/Rock Band clone.


That being said, there's a lot that could be done with a sequel. Motionplus controls for the drumkit set (which were far too complicated and completely un-intuitive on the original, which had to rely on button modifiers because the original Wiimote wasn't accurate enough on its own), more songs, a song composer, online music and arrangement sharing, Miiverse integration and more!


This needs to happen!


2: Zack & Wiki




A brilliantly inventive puzzler that took full advantage of the Wii remote. Great characters, a lovely world, great music and brilliantly designed gameplay (barring a few unfortunate blemishes - I still remember that sword fighting in the final level UGH! :shakehead )


Wii Motionplus and the Wii U Gamepad open up huge avenues for new forms of potential gameplay. Enhanced motion controls allow for new forms of interactivity (and improved typical interactions - we can have proper sword fighting now! :yay: ), while the U Pad would allow for a dual perspective on the game world (this could change depending on the stage, with some solutions only coming into focus when you look upon their differences, OR it could offer a simple zoomed out view in other stages which shows the whole level at once - ALA Pikmin 3!)


A match made in heaven!


3: Konami/M2's ReBirth series








The best thing to come out of Konami from this current generation on consoles by a country mile. Such a tragedy that they cut this series short (WHERE'S MY FUCKING LIFE FORCE REBIRTH THAT YOU PROMISED ME KONAMI!?) I want ReBirth revivals of more classic Konami IPs (Sunset Riders, Parodius, Twinbee, Rocket Knight - the XBLA game was dog shite, FUCKING Life Force and yes even Goemon ReBirth OH YEAH!!!) as well as sequels to the current ones. Let M2 do what you're not capable of anymore!

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Yeah, I remember somebody else recommending me Goemon on here as well.

It definitely looks like my cup 'o tea, as does the Game Center CX guy :D


The backlog has make note of it all.


Better yet, play it with a mate. One of THE best co-op games ever made!


It even has a version of Gradius that you can play in the game's arcade! :D



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2: Zack & Wiki



I've only played a bit of this, but I very much enjoyed it. I thought a sequel was meant to be in the works? Did it get cancelled?


Just thought of another Sequel I'd like: Little King's Story. I've not finished the first one, but a sequel on the WiiU with you being able to organise your "army" with the touch-screen...mama! I want.

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Just thought of another Sequel I'd like: Little King's Story. I've not finished the first one, but a sequel on the WiiU with you being able to organise your "army" with the touch-screen...mama! I want.


We all want that, Flinky, and given the fact that the series actually got some sort of re-imagening on the Vita after the death of Cing gives me hope for the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sequels to Wii games:


Other M sequel - fix up the shit they got wrong: the bullshit writing, awkward first person mode and crap soundtrack. Keep the general gameplay mechanics and visual style and I'm happy to see another one of these games.


Warioland: The Shake Dimension - fantastic platformer and a joy to look at.


I would also type Trauma Centre, but oh hey Trauma Team does exist, just not fucking here.

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Yeah, unfortunately LBP kinda stole that thunder years ago :-(


Whilst LBP is known for it, you can go back further and look at Yoshi's Story on the N64 - that used a bunch of different styles such as fabric, cardboard, paper, leather and wood. That game was being demonstrated a couple of years before its eventual release so the concept is much older, even if no one noticed.



Most of the Wii sequels I want to see are a shoe-in so I don't feel the need to talk about Mario, Zelda, Sonic etc.


So I'm going to echo Fused and say No More Heroes and Muramasa: The Demon Blade.


No More Heroes was a breath of fresh air, that never took itself seriously, was heaps of fun, and made good use of the wii remote. The sequel, less so, but there is still plenty of potential for the series as long as they can keep up the creative spirit. I know Suda said about a third game on the next Nintendo console but I bet he didn't bank on NMH2 tanking either after the surprise sales of the first game.


Muramasa was stunning to look at and just as amazing to listen to. And it's a good job too as the gameplay is decent, but nothing to write home about. The game swamps you in such an atmosphere though that it's easy to forgive it's short comings over an adventure that ends just before it out stays it's welcome. But it wouldn't take much to make it something special. Fix the jumping, and give it an face button, add another button for attacks, and allow the combining of blades as both a forging method, to create new blades, and in combat for special combos that draw on the power of two swords or potentially a dual wield mechanic.



And Mega Man 11. That one should be another no brainer but let's face it, it's Capcom. And now I've mentioned them, a Tatsunoko vs Capcom 2 wouldn't go astray either.

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This thread is supposed to be Wii games you would like a sequel to, right? :hmm: I must have missed out on loads of games for the Wii then! :heh:


As far as non-Wii games go though, this would be my first choice:

Superb game, absolutely superb. :bowdown: One of my all-time favourites. :love:

It's so annoying how Konami didn't create a new Mystical Ninja for the Wii. :sad: And that Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon didn't get released on the VC. :blank:


I personally don't want to see a sequel to anything on the Wii, beyond the obvious: Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Metroid and Zelda.

I don't want to see another Mario Party, Excitetruck/insect, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Music... heck, I don't want a sequel to any title with Wii in it!


Nintendo have made and supported many stellar games over the years... but very few of them are for the Wii.

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Can you imagaine a Viewtiful Joe 3 with gorgeous cel-shaded 2D HD visuals!! :o

Okami HD with it's ink outlines and beautiful colours, gives you an idea of just how incredible this game could look!


How have there not been HD remakes of the first two games?!!


(which reminds me, I need to look into Jet Set Radio HD if it's out on PS3)



Also, two more games that I've actually never played, but that could have so much potential on the Wii U, in terms of gameplay and visual style!...



Should have given this a go, it looks like fun and a game that actually uses motion controls!

I can imagine a sequel utilising a painted/water colour type engine, like an HD version of Skyward Swords.





Likewise, looking back I'd have liked to have tried this game, and a toon shaded sequel maybe? could look incredible!

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  • 2 months later...

Some food for thought:




Agree with pretty much all those choices and loads in the thread (especially Mystical Ninja/Goemon!). Graphic adventures / visual novels like Hotel Dusk and Another Code would have immense possibilites on the WiiU. Such a pity we won't likely see those franchises again. A new WiiU IP needs to answer the call!

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Sword and Sworcery was also released on the PC and that worked fine, so there's no reason it couldn't work on the Wii U.


Though I think wanting it to be released on the Wii U because the gameplay is all about tapping on things is a pretty boring reason. The gameplay isn't even good. I liked the game overall, but the puzzles were literally just about finding out what thing you needed to tap on to proceed.


I could definitely see Okami working well, though.

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