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Sequels you would like to see

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Pretty simple really, are there any Wii games that you would like to see again in the future, in the form of a sequel or the next entry in that series.


I'll start off with three of my choice.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories


I can't express enough how much of a good time I had with this game. It unnerved me, whilst maintaining my interest throughout. Clever use of Wii controls and an excellent no-combat mechanic showed that their is still some life in the Survival Horror genre yet. I would love to see more of this on the WiiU.



Dead Space: Extraction


A surprise hit for me. I was unsure what I'd be getting myself into when I played this, but it surprised me in a lot of ways. It was very clean and polished, strong story, and it still somehow managed to maintain that tense feeling of the series. The sections where you're in zero gravity are really something special, if only for the wow factor. I will give my left arm for more of this.


Red Steel 3


Perhaps a bit of an odd choice. I really enjoyed 2 and I feel that the controls and gameplay were perfect. Ubisoft had finally lived up to what they promised with the original. What I'd like to see changed is the structure of the game, because that is the massive flaw in the second. Everything else, the graphics, the gameplay, the humour, the controls are all excellent.

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Excite Truck 2, Mario Galaxy 3 and Super Paper Mario 2 would be great






A sequel would be fantastic. As great as the bots look, there's just something incredibly fun about the trucks. The handling was excellent, you always felt in control of the truck. I can never hear a fire engine anymore without thinking of this game.


As for Mario Galaxy, I always thought it would be cool if Nintendo released it on the Wii, so the entire trilogy was on one system. Seems to make sense that way. Wouldn't put it past them to release a third one on the WiiU and then release it in a pack with the original 2 in HD.

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I had this day dream once which was Super Mario Universe. It used the whole Mario Galaxy format but none of the galaxies were separated. It was like a massive open world of platforms and planets and stuff and you could get completely lost finding stars and not realise you were miles away from Bowser's castle without looking at your star chart. It could also be online, so could see you friends jumping around the planets too (as cosmic Marios...)


I also think Pokémon Snap would be great with the GamePad, especially with all the new Monsters that are out since Gen 1.


And finally... Okami? Jet Set Radio?

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Pokémon Battle Revolution 2/Stadium U


The Gen V Battle Sim is long overdue and it HAS to happen. Perhaps include an RPG mode akin to Colosseum, but otherwise include loads of new bits to battle, perhaps duplicate the World Tournament feature from Black 2 & White 2. Plus, as it's coming out close to the end of Gen V, I can see them doing Nintendo style DLC for say £15 where it will add the Gen VI Pokémon to teams of various people, update others with the new moves and the new battle mechanics, add new colosseums etc. essentially making it a new game which they can then also package and sell if they do so wish

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Xenoblade -maybe not continuing the storyline but that battle system deserves a new adventure wrapped around it. Maybe Monolith could be drafted in for a Monster Hunter spin off!


Last Story - i'd really like to see more from Zael and his crew, or get to explore the world.


Disaster - this was such an under-appreciated gem, I'd love a HD remix or a sequel. Bryce was a great lead character, one I'd like to more of.


SMG 3 - I thought Nintendo would go with a third SMG for Wii U's launch rather than NSMB WiiU.


Excite Trucks - excite bots was nowhere near as fun as excite trucks, the sequel was a bit too crazy for my liking. I'd like a return to the purer racing gameplay of Trucks.


Wii Sports - nothing got family and friends off the sofa like wii sports did, so I'd be happy to see a Wii U version, with a wider variety of sports and online gaming please.

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Apart from the usual Nintendo franchises (F-Zero, Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox, Wave Race, 1080, etc)


Super Mario 64. Galaxy wasn't amazing like 64 was, I hated Sunshine. I want a Mario more like Super Mario 64. Lots of new things, obviously, and bigger worlds, but much bitter ones and no little planets (the large levels in Galaxy were miles better than the planetoid ones).


Geist. Yes, the first one was pretty poorly made, but the concept was amazing and it could work. It just needs a great developer to do it (as opposed to a team with such greats as Mary-Kate and Ashley: Sweet 16). More focus on scaring things, differences based on what you are (for example, there was a part where you were a bat, you had a squeak ability. What should be done with this is that you can't see until you squeak, and you need to squeak again to see new things) and having different ways to do it (in the first, there was only one set way to scare people). And some puzzles which require going up and down the "sentient" chain would be great.


Excite Truck. More level variation. Online. Done.

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Beyond looks to have things in common with Geist.


I would like Monster Hunter HD. I just the thing to have visuals like Dragons Dogma and an online system where I can actually talk to people rather than typing.


Skies of Arcadia 2. Never gonna happen, but still nice to wish for it. :D

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Wii Music


The most misunderstood and underrated title in the history of video games. :sad:

Those that made an effort to play it properly (and for more than 5 minutes) were rewarded with an incredibly fun and addictive experience. I know some of the N-E enlightened® :grin: had fun with the game, I played my copy for 100+ hours and enjoyed every second of that time.


Would love a sequel on Wii U. Adding DLC to increase the track list (especially for Nintendo tracks) or better yet, ability to sequence tracks yourself. Expanding on the music video creation would also be sweet.

And an option for dual Wii Remote drumming too, as alternating between the snare and toms with the analog stick / d-pad was a bit tricky.


When I think about the possibilities with Miiverse... :love:

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Conduit 3

Michael Ford: 'What the......'

George Washington: 'We're here to help'


No More Heroes 3

I'm actually still hoping for a nice trilogy pack for this franchise.


Muramasa: Blades of Extinction

Or somethig awesome like that. I'd love to have another game like it with some sort of juicy artstyle set in a particular time period of Japan.



I soooooooooooooooo hope that Capcom is working on this.



As for non-Wii games, I'd love to see Advance Wars make it to the WiiU for a change and while I'm at it, since Paper Mario is going handheld, Mario&Luigi 4 should be able to do some crazy things on WiiU.


and of coure:


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Another Code 3


Another Code: R is pretty much my favourite game of all time, but... you can really tell that they were planning to make a third game in the series (and not just because they said so themselves - the game has a couple of loose ends that were very obviously supposed to be tied together in the next game).

Sadly, it most likely won't ever happen now. I want to see Ashley(and Matt)'s story through to the end...

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Wii Music


The most misunderstood and underrated title in the history of video games. :sad:

Those that made an effort to play it properly (and for more than 5 minutes) were rewarded with an incredibly fun and addictive experience. I know some of the N-E enlightened® :grin: had fun with the game, I played my copy for 100+ hours and enjoyed every second of that time.


Would love a sequel on Wii U. Adding DLC to increase the track list (especially for Nintendo tracks) or better yet, ability to sequence tracks yourself. Expanding on the music video creation would also be sweet.

And an option for dual Wii Remote drumming too, as alternating between the snare and toms with the analog stick / d-pad was a bit tricky.


When I think about the possibilities with Miiverse... :love:


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Beyond looks to have things in common with Geist.


It's the core gameplay concept I'm more interested in seeing again, which isn't really a Quantic Game thing (I do love Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain, though).


Edit: In regards to Wii Music, there are two categories.


Those who have heard kids play the game. And RedShell.

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A few thought on your suggestions:


One of the few games I want to be remade is Eternal Darkness; let Silicon Knight re-cut their teeth on that, and then lets have a sequel (the worst part of the was the ingame menu which would be perfect as a page turning book on the tab screen).


@Fierce_LiNk I'm happy to fly with the idea of a sequel to Shattered Memories too. Continue the series as an alternate reality on Nintendo platforms.


There's been some talk of Viewtiful Joe 3, and I would definitely appreciate some more of this particular entry into the Capcom 5-4-3-2-1.


@daftada You're on the ball with Disaster. The game was not without its problems, but in my eyes its a gem in the piles of turd on Wii. Again, not sure if I would want a straight sequel, a remake or reimagining but some revisit would be nice. As much as I love Xenoblade, its going to be a good few years before I tackle another 100+hour epic (so I can wait).


@Cube I was never sure if Giest was entirely N-Spaces fault. They've gone on to port a handful of fairly well received shooters; I feel it was one of those games that would have greatly benefited from a move to Wii (better controls, more development time). Loved the premise though and would appreciate a sequel.


@FusedKing F-Zero. Yes.


And my thoughts:

Batallion Wars 3. The first two we're good fun, I would welcome a new entry, perhaps some visual tweaking with darker - but not brown - colours. And some personality to your grunts too. An expanded online component too.


Goldeneye/Perfect Dark. Hand Zoonami a blank check and ask politely "make us a shooter". Let them do what the fuck they want with it.


1080 and Wave Race. Slightly grittier visuals, online.


StarFox blend with Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2. Done.

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Pandora's Tower:

I have yet to pick it up but judging by reviews and videos a sequel could potentially be great if they refined some of the main complaints. Considering it's Gambarion's first attempt at the genre and an original IP they can only get better.


Skyward Sword:

Personally I loved Skyward Sword, probably my favourite Zelda game and I grew up with OoT. I thought that the combat added a lot to the Zelda formula. I believe the series is headed in the right direction and I enjoyed the upgrade system and the stamina bar, (though collecting tumbleweed was tedious). If the next Zelda removes motion plus it is travelling in the wrong direction in my opinion.


Rugby League 3

This won't happen since Sidhe lost the RL license I believe but my brother and I absolutely loved RL3, probably the best Rugby League game (Which isn't very hard) and was a good upgrade from RL2. The Wii mote control scheme was awful though, thankfully it offered gamecube controller support. Probably the only sport game I truly enjoy.

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Another Code 3


Another Code: R is pretty much my favourite game of all time, but... you can really tell that they were planning to make a third game in the series (and not just because they said so themselves - the game has a couple of loose ends that were very obviously supposed to be tied together in the next game).

Sadly, it most likely won't ever happen now. I want to see Ashley(and Matt)'s story through to the end...


Would be wonderful but Cing are now out of business. Cataclysmic shame :-(


I'd love some of the games that were successful on the DS make their way into the living room. I'd like to see EPIC Layton and a full standalone Ace Attorney. And put something into their design to make them have more replay value (not necessarily online or multiplayer, this isn't 2002 you know!)


I truly think that Nintendo should be going necromancer on some older genres. The RTS is screaming to have a totally new life on the Wii U. We thought the Wii might have been the place but surely the multiple screens and touch screen just say: do it now. Hell it could even be a port of some currently successful if not highly popular franchises. I hear great stuff about Command and Conquer Alliances all of the time and in a way, that's free to play! And let's face it, for the money whores like EA, the DLC pack opportunity is yuuuuuummy.


I'd like the guys from Zack n Wiki to come back and make something similar. I think they seriously mis-pitched the franchise with it being so kiddy in its humour but adult in its difficulty. Was a game I truly loved.


Agree with the calls for something ala Starfox or Rogue Squadron.


And just Metroid. Metroid, metroid METROID.

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I'd love some of the games that were successful on the DS make their way into the living room. I'd like to see EPIC Layton and a full standalone Ace Attorney.


The Wii U Pad would be great for Layton. They could have big hand-drawn sprites (not the ugly 3DS graphics) and cut-scenes from the same people who did the film, which looked gorgeous.


Also, the next Layton has a daily puzzle for a year.

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Hmmm, reading this thread got me thinking:


If NINTENDO were to throw out a poll, which of the following franchises would you pick to see in all its glory on WiiU as soon as possible?



Star Fox



A pretty hard choice, wouldn't you say?

Even though we all know F-Zero deserves it the most. So perhaps it isn't that hard of a choice?

Am I asking a silly question here?


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Perfect Dark:

Nintendo should buy this franchise and bring it back to the glory of the original. Large ammounts of cool guns, non-linear level design, great story, long singleplayer campaign and TONS of multiplayer options. Not to mention co-op and counter-op modes and cheats. Quite simply an FPS which beats Halo and Killzone on every conceivable level.



A brand new Pilotwings in the style of the N64 version. No miis, a real freeroam mode, and a plane/gyrocopter that handles like the real thing.



A proper sequel to Excitebike 64 AND Excitetruck, adding rallycars as well, hopefully resulting in something similar to Motorstorm.

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Hmmm, reading this thread got me thinking:


If NINTENDO were to throw out a poll, which of the following franchises would you pick to see in all its glory on WiiU as soon as possible?



Star Fox



A pretty hard choice, wouldn't you say?

Even though we all know F-Zero deserves it the most. So perhaps it isn't that hard of a choice?

Am I asking a silly question here?



I'd say Starfox. I think they have the most to improve on with the franchise, with it requiring a reinvention ala Metroid Prime.


F-Zero works and if they did finally bring one out again I think that it would stick to the formula and stay safe. And Metroid has been explored in several directions recently.

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Hmm as much as I love F-Zero, I ultimately preffered X over GX... so I think I would probably be more excited about seeing a new Metroid game and what direction it was being taken in; as I kinda know what to expect from an F-Zero sequel.


I'm not really fussed about Starfox.

I think I'd probably prefer a sequel to Starfox Adventures tbh over the standard version!


A Pilotwings on Wii U could be utterly fantastic!


I'd love Capcom to deliver us a sequel to Resident Evil 4, starring Leon and Claire!


And yeah, all the First Party Sports/Racing franchises Nintendo keep neglecting!


and then of course the likes of Shenmue, Jet Set Radio, Viewtiful Joe, Okami etc... etc...

Edited by Retro_Link
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