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Is it quiet in here? Or is it just me?


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Come on guys, we're not exactly going to attract new members by wallowing in self-pity. I think we all just need to take some personal responsibility in generating more debate and discussion rather than moan that things weren't as good as they were back in the day. (I do realise I'm not exactly the biggest contributor either, but I hope to improve the more I settle into my new working lifestyle.)


Our strength is that we have some fantastic members on here and that we're far more mature than the average internet forum (we barely need moderators because we're that well behaved). This obviously stems from the fact that a lot of us have grown up. At the same time, our once boisterous enthusiasm for all things Nintendo has mostly disappeared and the majority of discussion now takes place in the general board. When I first joined, I was a nerdy 16 year old who loved the Gamecube and couldn't be more excited about the prospect of a new Nintendo console. Now I'm a nerdy 22 year old with a full time job and I'm not exactly a huge fan of Nintendo's output in recent years. Most of my posts are in the general board (and the playground) so if it wasn't for general I don't think I'd be still around.

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I read this thread the other day and posted a thread about the recession (as gloomy as that was) to try and spur on conversation but it has just been bumped down down down.


I agree with Zell though, we should all do our bit to be pro-active and create more threads/ more posts!


Long live N-E.

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Only been here 2 years, so can't comment on how busy this place was in the Cube days, But I was a member on another Nintendo Forum (Which funnily enough has changed to an entertainment forum / website now) And during the Cube days Nintendo was that much more exciting...


I don't know how it was here for you guys, but the capcom 5, Resident evil exclusivity deal, Special treatment in Namco titles like R Racing (hello pacman) and Soul Caliber 2 as well as getting Baten Kaitos, Special treatment from EA games (SSX & NBA Street) ... It was good because Nintendo were bouncing back from the N64 Era, with these great new exclusives from developers that we weren't used to seeing so much on Nintendo consoles. And revisits of F Zero, Star Fox... finally getting Animal Crossing... these were all .... aahem *Megatons!!*


Massive stories such as the sale of Rare to Microsoft at the time sent shockwaves through the Nintendo board I was on, and the 'console wars' conversation was alot more exciting and fun in that generation.


Nintendo actually competed in the console war that time round, and threw so much into making the fans happy that forums were always going to be full of hype.


Wii era was good due to the shock factor of the console itself, but the move away and Nintendo themselves saying they weren't really competing in the same area as Sony & Microsoft changed meant alot of the discussions from the Cube days were irrelevant.


Not to mention growing up, as I said... the capcom 5 really had me hyped up and I loved talking about them, keeping up to date with them, now if Nintendo said that Capcom were announcing 5 games exclusively for Wii-U... yeah I'd get them, and monitor them, but don't think I'd have the same enthusiasm as I did previously.


Agree with you Murr.


Most of us as kids lived off magazine articles or playground rumour when it came to games. I'd never heard of Final Fantasy until it spread across school like a plague.


The Cube era very much was the beginning of the information age, news from conferences broke the next day, not 2 months down the line in a magazine.


There were so few outlets and that drew crowds. These days there's so many places to find information it's harder to keep up the numbers.

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Kinda relieved that I'm not the only one who noticed. This is good, it was sorta an elephant-in-the-room topic no one was discussing -- this might help. I definitely don't post like I did for whatever reason, I'm unsure why.


The biggest clause I would predict is social networking. Many members here are connected on sites like Twitter & Facebook etc. In a sense, N-E has sort of grown bigger than the website itself. I frequently see members interacting across different sites, which is pretty nice (: activity here slows down as a result but "it"'s still there.


The pulse remains beating, just less conspicuously.

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It's hit me that some of the biggest members have all but disappeared recently. Where's ReZ, where's Paj, where's chair?


Winning Medals at the Olympics, where else






I know I've mentioned this a ton of times now but I'm tired and was the best I could do


And I know the screenshot is of a semi final race and not his medal winning race but I don't have a screen of that one

Edited by Mokong
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Kinda relieved that I'm not the only one who noticed. This is good, it was sorta an elephant-in-the-room topic no one was discussing -- this might help. I definitely don't post like I did for whatever reason, I'm unsure why.


The biggest clause I would predict is social networking. Many members here are connected on sites like Twitter & Facebook etc. In a sense, N-E has sort of grown bigger than the website itself. I frequently see members interacting across different sites, which is pretty nice (: activity here slows down as a result but "it"'s still there.


The pulse remains beating, just less conspicuously.



Oh my god! It is as it was foretold!

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However, there is still so much to be done here. I'm going to come out and say that the place took a massive dive in many respects since we made the switch from Cube-Europe to Revo/N-Europe. Joining AdvancedMediaNetwork was meant to herald a new era for the place, but we suffered countless problems. At one stage, I joined another Nintendo forum due to being so pissed off with the downtime and errors.


In fairness Conor decided this and then vanished off the face of the Earth. It was a difficult situation to be in and Tom did a fantastic job at handling it :)

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It's hit me that some of the biggest members have all but disappeared recently. Where's ReZ, where's Paj, where's chair?


Paj is shooting the new Twilight film and Chair is busy embracing life during the summer.


ReZ had a big curry and has been in the bathroom since.

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As much as many of you may try to deny it, N-Europe is a Nintendo site :heh: There may have been a trickle of great releases late in its lifespan but the Wii is basically dead; some would say it was dead years ago (not me, though :eek:)


With that in mind and the lack of killer software (that we know of, at least..) coming to Wii U means that there isn't much in that regard to get excited enough about to discuss! You still get the enthusiastic members such as @Mokong X\-C that talk passionately about their achievements in the latest games but many of us haven't got the games in question to be able to offer any great discussion or debate.


Nintendo could have us excited about their latest console due this year but they keep their cards so close to their chest and made such a mess of E3 that there is very little for us to go on right now. The 3DS may be a year into its life but there hasn't been a steady stream of exhilarating software since launch to get everyone talking.


Hopefully things will improve towards the end of 2012 in all regards as the forum could do with some extra vitality! Maybe the Vitality Sensor will return to save us all :indeed:

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Speaking of join dates, why does every early member say Sept 2005, and nothing earlier? And how did ReZ get his to say 1978?


What's going on here?


Because we moved from C-E to N-E (or R-E more specifically) in Sept 2005.


The ReZ thing was some admin or some shit.

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I agree with what @Ville said about tournaments. I really got into the whole Brawl tourney when it first came out (even though I got caned) and the level of organisation was impressive. I don't have a forum on my own site, nor do I have the great community that n-europe has (unfortunately, my traffic is mostly those passing through) so it's a shame that more isn't done to promote the community here - e.g., tournaments and prizes!


I've only recently started returning here because I wanted to play Nintendo games online again and @lostmario's MK7 league is the best one around. The stats, the organisation, the themes - all brilliant! Especially because it's got some great, positive members such as @RedShell taking part and helping to promote the fun nature of it all. This site/forum should really capitalise on that in my view! It creates shared stories through gaming, thus promoting discussion, and people love winning, especially where prizes are concerned.


Hell, I'd happily sponsor a prize here and there. That or steal @lostmario for my own wicked needs (yes, read that as dirty!).


As for the general side of things - I've voiced my complaints in the past, so I won't badger on but I can see why some newcomers might be put off - it feels (perhaps inadvertently) quite exclusive because the most established members are all quite close and there's a lot of long-running in-jokes, talking about stuff most people haven't the foggiest about. That can't be helped, but then most Nintendo fans don't join a forum to talk general, they want to talk Nintendo. If that side of things were given a boost, it may encourage people to switch between the two more regularly.


Lastly, in my own experience, there is a slight downturn in Nintendo news, but certainly more than enough for people to be talking about. Tons of sites such as MyNintendoNews are bustling with comments on their news stories every day!


Also, @Ville - we need to get our Brawl on, muthatrucka! I owe you a few KOs...

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Because we moved from C-E to N-E (or R-E more specifically) in Sept 2005.


The ReZ thing was some admin or some shit.


I actually can't believe that was 7 years ago now. I remember it really well - it was the night the Wii's controller was shown for the first time and everyone was blown away by it.


Goes to show how things change. 7 years ago I was mesmerised by the prospect of a new Nintendo console. Now if it wasn't for coming on here and going to the main page by accident a few times I wouldn't even know there was one coming out.

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It's hit me that some of the biggest members have all but disappeared recently. Where's ReZ, where's Paj, where's chair?


I just have more of a life now.


(I realised that sounds like I'm saying one had to have no life to post on here before, which is obviously not true, but rather I'm much busier in my real life with...just bits. I have a boyfriend, about to go into third year of uni, etc etc.)


My internet use has changed - I am actually a member of loads of forums for various things, but now only visit a few and rarely post, as I'm usually just going to them for information/news/opinions. I only visit a few now - N-Europe, a big Madonna forum, a kinda random but major Tori Amos fan forum that is quite the community but the members are kinda sick of Tori Amos in any case, and sometimes (but I usually forget) a Heroclix forum where I first met ReZ (<3), but again my interest in that is gone.

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