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I really liked the 98 version of Godzilla.


I don't understand this sentence.


The one with Matthew Broderick, Hank Azaria and Jean Reno. Someone referenced it earlier as coming out in 98.


That film exists??. Thought it was only a dream.


Regarding this one however, damn!!!!!!!!

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I expected a standard action film to be fair. It's a giant nuclear monster destroying (presumably) NY.


Curious how they're tying it into Castle Bravo. Without rewatching the trailer (as I'm at work), it seemed to be that Godzilla was caused by that, and they're now trying to use nukes to solve it (clever!). Just curious how its going to fit into the real world history of American nuclear testing really. There's a possibility that it could provide a good take/critique on it in the same way the original did, but obviously an American take this time.

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I seen this last night and thought it was an awful movie. It's about 1 hour and 50 mins too long, with very little happening until near the end.


I did enjoy the way the trailers tricked you into think Godzilla was the main enemy of the film but its the complete opposite. That, sadly, is where my enjoyment ended.


It reminded me of Transformers 3 in that there was far too much stuff about the humans and their story. I'm a child of the 80's and I go to these movies to see stuff getting blown up and wrecked.


I also hated it that when some action did happen it was always at night, or raining or in the fog. There was also one point where you think you are going to get to see a good fight and as they are charging in the film cuts away to the humans. :shakehead



Not a fan at all.

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I wasn't a fan either. Visually, it was pretty great, but overall a disappointment and often dull. Aaron Taylor Johnson was a generic lead and the human drama was cheesy.


Bryan Cranston's character, but he was killed off way too soon and should of been the lead, seeing as his character had a mission of sorts, and that one scene where Godzilla used his atomic breath on the MUTO.




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Seeing those 2 reactions an hour before I'd go myself, wasn´t reassuring. I wish I could report the opposite, but alas, I cannot. Although I don´t think the film was a total waste, I was disappointed.


The creature designs were good. Godzilla looked exactly how a modern Godzilla should look like. The monster battles were cool, the few that were shown. Atmosphere was cool. I don´t mind the focus on seeing the result of monsters rampaging through cities (rather than the monsters themselves), I believe that´s actually what classic Godzilla films did (but I can´t really tell, since I can´t remember anything of the one classic film I´ve seen). I wouldn't mind the drama and focus on people, if it was good. And there´s the problem.


The drama was a joke. Scripts were bad. A lot of things that involved people came across as stupid or unnecessary.

Juliette Binoche,

why even bother casting her for that one minute? That is wasted budget better spent on monsters.


Sally Hawkins, did absolutely nothing.

Elizabeth Olsen, did absolutely nothing.

Ken Watanabe, was supposed to be the expert, but did little more than gaping in awe.

Perhaps if they focussed on the father-son relationship, they could've improved the human aspects of the film.

Again, what little we saw of the monster battles, was cool, but even that could have been improved, and they needed to show more. The most baffling thing to me was the shot of Godzilla grabbing the smaller flying MUTO, only to close the door leaving us a shot of Elizabeth Olsen, not showing us the result of that battle.

Personally I thought the little MUTO was fucked, so I was pretty annoyed when it came back later.


So yeah, there you have it. There´s some enjoyment buried in there, but there´s a lot of wasted potential.

Last thing I´ll mention, again, the 3D sucked. Luckily, studios are more and more using actual 3D cameras, so I can´t wait to see X-men in real 3D.

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On a similar topic, I watched Pacific Rim last night, which is kind of like a Godzilla film. I thought it looked a bit 'meh' but I really enjoyed it. About the right length, good action, good characters - just a pretty fun film really. Would defo recommend! I was looking forward to Godzilla, but ultimately, when I see people compared it to the awful Transformers 3 - I'm worried!

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Apart from Elisebeth Olsen and her husband (can't remember his name), who were fucking awful, I enjoyed it. It was like a super hero origins story...for Godzilla. But yeah, those two are awful actors if this is anything to go by.

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Wow. I thought all the cast were superb. Aaron Taylor-Johnson I thought had a really convincing relationship with his dad, in fact I absolutely loved the dramatical/domestic story of this movie, and how it was interwoven with the big monster stuff.


SRS chills at the line that ATJ delivered "I've got a boy who'd love to see his grandpa" dat drama. So I loved that side of it.


I think the gradual progression of revealing the monsters was handled very well. The first encounter being at night was a plus for me, it was a great way to start off by showing less.


The plot was really well written, with actual reasons and circumstances for why these giant creatures are rampaging across cities.


It started off and spent a long time in Japan. Yes.


Teasers like the Mothra thing. yes.


Zilla's tail lighting up to the big fire breath reveal.


THE WAY GODZILLA KILLS (is it Rodan?!) at the end was AMAZING. I literally laugh/cry/came noised.


Elizabeth Olsen was alright but I wouldn't call her bad by any means.


Design of Godzilla was awesome and faithful.


Action was good.


Scope was massive.


Cared about the characters a few minutes into the scene, all that kind of thing was very emotional.



I am very surprised to come on here and see the hatred.


It reminded me of Transformers 3 in that there was far too much stuff about the humans and their story. I'm a child of the 80's and I go to these movies to see


The problem with this comparison is that


Transformers have fully fledged personalities that can be explored in a number of ways. Godzilla can't talk and his interactions are so limited that it would have been difficult for him to have been the focus for any large amount of time. The film can't just follow him around walking towards the enemies.


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The worst part of the film was the teenagers sat behind that laughed every time someone spoke Japanese or said "Godzilla".


Film itself was enjoyable. I don't really know what my expectations were to be honest, maybe that helped. I suppose I just wanted to see Godzilla without it giving birth.

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I cared more about the relationship with "main character" and his dad/Cranston more than "main character" and his own family. Not sure why they decided to do it this way when they had someone with the pulling power of Brian Cranston...


... maybe they wanted the shock/surprise value of him dying but that's only a temporary feeling. I feel like they built up their relationship very well and made you care for them only to have Cranston die and suddenly you're supposed to transfer those feelings to these other characters that have had one minute of screen time? Didn't work for me but I did still enjoy the film overall.


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The more I think about it, the more I remember how much I enjoyed parts of it. Thought it was probably the perfect Godzilla film, not necessarily the perfect film, but the perfect Godzilla film. Would definitely like a follow up where the world now has to deal with these kinds of events - I guess that's where Pacific Rim went.

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I cared more about the relationship with "main character" and his dad/Cranston more than "main character" and his own family. Not sure why they decided to do it this way when they had someone with the pulling power of Brian Cranston...


... maybe they wanted the shock/surprise value of him dying but that's only a temporary feeling. I feel like they built up their relationship very well and made you care for them only to have Cranston die and suddenly you're supposed to transfer those feelings to these other characters that have had one minute of screen time? Didn't work for me but I did still enjoy the film overall.


The script was written before the casting. Apparently they tried another version, but it didn't work.

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Saw it last night


Decent enough movie. I agree there was a bit too much on the human angle. Cutting scenes when they're about to fight? Please.


Though, I was rooting for the Muto through it. Two creatures, long separated, go to meet eachother and start a family, just for ants and a giant lizard to get in the way. They weren't killing maliciously or anything. Humans are the worst.


Did anyone else just feel "aww" when the Muto met and hugged? Felt so bad when their babies blew up, too. Lizards ruin everything.


Though, it truly felt like a Godzilla movie. Not a lizard going on a rampage, but one fighting another enemy and restoring balance. It seems a lot of people went in expecting just destruction and human vs Godzilla again


Edited by Serebii
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Saw this last night. Overall it was good, but I have issues with the look of Godzilla. I get that they were trying to be faithful to the original films, but in those it was a chubby guy in a rubber suit, so they ended up with a chubby godzilla. This new version looked fine from the waist up, but the lower half looked like they took it straight off Barney the big purple dinosaur. It looked ridiculous. Hopefully now he's awakened after 50 years, Gojira can start doing some cardio and slim down a bit, stop looking like a cuddly teddy bear.


Otherwise I agree with everyone else. Film good. Main cast bit flat.

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