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Game & Wario (June 28th)


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Or the fact that you know it could actually be a very average game?


Could well be, but I'm sure that it's in no way shape or form a 5/10 POS game... (Come on, everybody knows how review scores work here. 7-8/10 = Average and anything below is a horrible crapfest)


I reckon that there's a bit of confirmation bias in play here from disappointment over it straying from the Warioware formula (the "I KNEW it would be a crap game" syndrome) and general disappointment over Nintendo's direction with the Wii U (with this game being somehow representitive of everything that is "wrong" with Nintendo).


Just an inkling feeling I have. I'm not expecting it to blow me away here, but I'm sure that it's not a bad game at all. These reviews all seem way too harsh...

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Well from the reviews it just sounds like some of the games aren't very good.


I always thought that snowboarding one looked terrible from last year, and that arrow shooting one is bound to tire, likewise the pirate one etc... I don't know I think it's probably just an average game.

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Could well be, but I'm sure that it's in no way shape or form a 5/10 POS game... (Come on, everybody knows how review scores work here. 7-8/10 = Average and anything below is a horrible crapfest)


I reckon that there's a bit of confirmation bias in play here from disappointment over it straying from the Warioware formula (the "I KNEW it would be a crap game" syndrome) and general disappointment over Nintendo's direction with the Wii U (with this game being somehow representitive of everything that is "wrong" with Nintendo).


Just an inkling feeling I have. I'm not expecting it to blow me away here, but I'm sure that it's not a bad game at all. These reviews all seem way too harsh...


At the end of the day if even RedShell can't get hyped for this then something is wrong.

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Why do I get that feeling that half of the reason why people are being so harsh on this game is down to the fact that it is not a Warioware game?

I think it's a combination of factors, that being one of them, the other being it being mediocre

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Here's another review from Destructoid




Game & Wario is kind of like Nintendo Land in reverse. Where Nintendo Land takes the gameplay concepts of various Nintendo franchises and condenses them all into a Mii-sized caricature, Game & Wario takes the micro-game sensibility of the WarioWare series and tacks it onto a variety of modernized Game & Watch-style arcade games. It's a fusion of one of Nintendo's oldest, arguably most simple game series and one of its most strange, surrealist franchises. It's a new combination of old ingredients, not unlike the Wii U itself...


...I'd advise any fan of the WarioWare games to try to block out any expectation of getting that feeling from Game & Wario. Just as it wouldn't be wise to go into the Zelda Battle Quest portion of Nintendo Land expecting the next Ocarina of Time, you're setting yourself up for disappointment if you think of this as the next WarioWare. The art direction and music are fantastic, and fit perfectly inline with the established style. There are even a bunch of Rhythm Heaven cameos to further drive home the quirk for those familiar with that strange corner of the Nintendo universe. That said, the pacing, level of depth, and the humor are very different from WarioWare about 80% of the time. It's a slower-paced, deeper, and often drier experience than fans are likely used to...


...Sadly, a lot of the other games here felt a bit too familiar. Disco (mutliplayer) is just like the Rhythm Fighting game in Rhythm Heaven Fever. Islands is a whole heck of a lot like Monkey Target from the currently hibernating Super Monkey Ball series. Ski is almost identical to the F-Zero game from Nintendo Land. Kung-Fu is a whole heck of a lot like the under-appreciated iOs title Rocket Fox. Finally, Bird is just Birds and Beans from the original Warioware (also available as a stand alone title on DSiware) with a Game & Watch make over on the Gamepad and a beautiful, clay-mation style re-imagining on the TV screen. All these games are fun, but their comparative lack of freshness had me less tempted to replay them than the others...


...Game & Wario is the most "normal" game in the WarioWare series (assuming it's officially a part of the series) which is part of what makes it so weird. As a whole, it's all over the place, sometimes original, sometimes derivative, sometimes dry, sometimes funny, sometimes simple, sometimes complicated. It's clear that Nintendo just wasn't sure what to do with some of these games, so they threw them in the Game & Wario package whether they fit there or not....


...Regardless of originality, all these games are well polished and fun, though none of them are going to please everyone. Considering the budget price and the amount of content here, you could do a lot worse. Just don't go into it expect Nintendo Land-sized production values or that frantic WarioWare feeling


This seems more in line with what I'm expecting from it myself. It probably won't change anyone's mind here, but I'm sure that it's a solid game that makes good use of the Gamepad - but disappoints in its scope and with some of its games not reaching their full potential.


Although it's interesting (and perhaps really telling) that everybody's favourite game seems to be "Gamer". It's even Yoshio Sakamato's favourite!


And yes I do realise the irony of displaying my own confirmation bias here... Besides, everyone's mind is already made up, so it doesn't really matter anyway :p

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I was never hyped for this. It always looked a little 'meh', so not surprised it's getting low scores. I also felt it was a 'filler' title that Nintendo were pushing out as if to say 'we've got something coming', but really this 'something' is for most people as good as 'nothing'.


I've never really liked the WarioWare series - however for my two cents, I think a large part of the failing on this game's part may well be down to the gamepad. I played WarioWare on the Wii and it was crazy and fun due to the Wii Remote, I highly doubt they will be able to replicate that craziness with the gamepad. However I might be wrong on this one as I never played the Wii version extensively and may be missing the point completely!

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Well, my ShopTo order has been posted so I should be playing this tomorrow with any luck. :)


I decided to keep the pre-order as the release date is pretty damn close to my birthday and it seems like a real party type game, so it should be enjoyable at least. :D

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How the hell did they screw up this Wario game? It should have been amazing on this system.


I can design a better one: A handful of new microgames and an improved WarioWare DIY mode. Done.


They can port a load of microgames from the DS versions and Twisted (as they would work well on the GamePad), include the GameCube multiplayer modes with some additions.


With little effort, this could have been so much more.

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Started playing GAME & WARIO... :smile:

After about 30 minutes... :blank:

Unlocked a few more games... :zzz:

Unlocked and played Gamer... :laughing::bouncy::yay: FANTASTIC!

After about an hour... :hmm:

Beat the game*... :smile:


So yeah, Gamer is without question the star of the show. Absolute genius actually. icon14.gif


Oh man, when the cat opens the door instead of the 9-Volts mum...

:D I completely lost it at that point! Bloody hilarious. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

My experience playing Gamer has already justified the purchase of G&W, but I don't think that'll be the case for many.


Overall G&W seems to be very light on content indeed. Extra stages unlock within the main games (including Gamer) but apart from those, a handful of multi-player games and the collectable WarioWare style toys, there's not very much on offer.


G&W has a very interesting/cool way of doing this. icon14.gif Actually I won't spoil it, even in a spoiler tag. :hehe:


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I've just read some more on 'Gamer' and have to say I'm really looking forward to playing this game. Not sure if dropping £25 on it is worth it alone, but i'll be doing it anyway as I'd like a new Wii U Game.

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I can design a better one: A handful of new microgames and an improved WarioWare DIY mode. Done.


They can port a load of microgames from the DS versions and Twisted (as they would work well on the GamePad), include the GameCube multiplayer modes with some additions.


With little effort, this could have been so much more.


Exactly it's so easy to make and come up with this concept, it's not even funny. First time they've had all the required inputs touchscreen, dual screen, motion control, and button inputs all on one console to make an awesome game. I loved the Gamecube version so much fun need to get back to that.


Is this the first time Wario has been in a bad game?

Edited by flameboy
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Man, this is worse than I thought it was gonna be. Most of the mini games are flat out boring, some are simply terrible.


There's one where the game tells you to draw a line at a certain length, then a triangle, then a circle and thats it! What the hell!?


I personally think the Wario characters were just shoe horned into this mini game collection, with only the Gamer section actually resembling the older games.


You get the likes a Reggie/Iwata spouting how Nintendo are protective of their IPs and have high standards for the games they release. What happened with this then? The good name of Wario is being dragged through the mud here!

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I personally think the Wario characters were just shoe horned into this mini game collection, with only the Gamer section actually resembling the older games.


They were, it wasn't originally a Wario game.


Gamer has been the best so far but that's as far as I got (Gamepad battery was dying). The disclaimer on Gamer was pretty funny.


But yeah agreed, most of the games have been pretty boring. They might improve once you unlock the additional stages so I'll wait before judging them too much.


Patchwork doesn't seem to be my kind of thing and Kung Fu was a bit hard to control due to moving the Gamepad and seeing what's going on on the screen. Arrow, Ski (although it's just Nintendo Land's F-Zero) and the Camera One were pretty decent.


I like the presentation of the game, the title screen, the menus. The save select is pretty cute (the save icon) and the cut scenes.

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I personally think the Wario characters were just shoe horned into this mini game collection, with only the Gamer section actually resembling the older games.


That's because that's exactly what happened. Most of the games in this collection are tech demos from E3 2012 that have been spuced up and given a WW skin. Pretty much exactly like Wii Play (Nintendo Land also did the same thing with a few of its games, like Mario Chase) - actually, that's how Nintendo make most of their games anyway; they come up with prototypes and then fit them into existing series (if they can't fit in, they make a new IP out of it).


Started playing GAME & WARIO... :smile:

After about 30 minutes... :blank:

Unlocked a few more games... :zzz:

Unlocked and played Gamer... :laughing::bouncy::yay: FANTASTIC!

After about an hour... :hmm:

Beat the game*... :smile:


So yeah, Gamer is without question the star of the show. Absolute genius actually. icon14.gif


Overall G&W seems to be very light on content indeed. Extra stages unlock within the main games (including Gamer) but apart from those, a handful of multi-player games and the collectable WarioWare style toys, there's not very much on offer.


Pretty much how I feel. Though there are quite a lot of extra stages and stuff to check out in each game, it feels really content light in general. By contrast, Nintendo Land was bursting with depth and content - but that seems to be lacking here. It's not bad, in fact Gamer and Taxi in particular are actually pretty brilliant, but it does feel like it's not enough. Also there are a few games (Ashley, Patchwork, Bowling) which don't really need the two screens at all and others like Ski and Arrow which are both very similar to two games from Nintendo Land (Captain Falcon's Twister Race & Takamaru's Ninja Castle), so they're pretty disappointing really.


It's a real mixed bag. You've got some really great stuff (Gamer, Taxi), some good stuff (Camera, Kung Fu, Pirates) and then some disappointing stuff that's merely OK (Ski, Arrow). Hopefully the game will reveal a bit more depth once you get into the extra stages and unlockable stuff (I haven't had much time, so I've only played through each the once).

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Hopefully the game will reveal a bit more depth once you get into the extra stages and unlockable stuff (I haven't had much time, so I've only played through each the once).
Hopefully, but I've already been disappointed with Ski in that regard. The endless mode doesn't seem to increase in difficulty at all! :nono: I played it for around half an hour, before getting bored and falling off the course on purpose just to end the game. :hmm:


I'm hoping the Miiverse artwork mode will be fun/add a bit of longevity to this game. That's the only mode I'm yet to try.

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