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The Wonderful 101


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I was planning on skipping the demo and just playing the actual game so it's interesting that you'd recommend playing the demo first?


I'd recommend giving the demo a quick go if you're unsure about the controls and/or the craziness of it all. Sometimes there can be quite a few things going on at once. If anything, the demo is good at getting you used to the controls and layout of the game, without really spoiling much.

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I was planning on skipping the demo and just playing the actual game so it's interesting that you'd recommend playing the demo first?


I would recommend it inasmuch that the first time I played the demo, I found it a bit daunting and difficult to pull off all the combos. The second time I played the demo, I was much better, and the third time I felt like I could play it how it was intended to be played.


So what I'm saying is the demo is a great practice tool that I'd recommend for anyone who's concerned they don't have the patience to spend the first ten minutes of the game mastering the mechanics. A bit like Viewtiful Joe: the combat is quite deep with all the combos you can pull off.


EDIT: Basically Flink said it in a much more concise and eloquent way.

Edited by D_prOdigy
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Yeah I'd say the demo is essential in order to avoid that feeling of complete confusion when first playing the game.

Much better to get yourself accustomed to the gameplay beforehand. ;)


I'm planning to give the demo another play tonight, in anticipation of the full game arriving tomorrow/Friday. :hehe:

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Thanks guys, I'd have thought the game would gently ease you in? Would it really start out crazier than the demo does?


It's never NOT crazy, but yes, there are real-time tutorials from the get-go. Then again, there are tutorials in the demo too. I don't think anyone would seriously get too daunted going into the game without having played the demo, because I imagine anyone buying this knows to expect hectic action.

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Famitsu Awards The Wonderful 101 With A Near-Perfect Score




Famitsu has awarded The Wonderful 101 with a near-perfect score. The Japanese video game magazine gave the upcoming action game a 39/40. Despite achieving the high number, the game’s director, Hideki Kamiya, recently expressed his disdain toward review scores. Kamiya previously stated that he thinks the game will not need DLC. The Wonderful 101 will launch exclusively for Wii U in Europe on August 23rd and in North America on September 15th.



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Despite achieving the high number, the game’s director, Hideki Kamiya, recently expressed his disdain toward review scores.


What kind of bad journalism is this?


Kamiya tweeted before the Famitsu score and the two things are unrelated. It's trying to make a point out of nothing.

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What kind of bad journalism is this?


Kamiya tweeted before the Famitsu score and the two things are unrelated. It's trying to make a point out of nothing.


Yep, when someone tweeted Kamiya telling him they personally gave Bayonetta a 9/10 he said he didn't care about scores.


Good to see that Nintendo are actually marketing Wonderful 101, though I don't know how effective bribing Famitsu is these days.

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Hideki Kamiya will present The Wonderful 101 at PAX Prime.


Hideki Kamiya, of PlatinumGames, will be talking about Wii U title The Wonderful 101, and his session — called "Inside The Wonderful 101 with Hideki Kamiya" — will include an actor dressed as Wonder Red handing out free Wonder-Masks. Naturally the main prize is hearing the Director talk about the game, but there'll also be a retail space where Nintendo will sell, among other things, 101 copies of The Wonderful 101 every day on a first-come, first-served basis, which means potentially getting the game two weeks before it hits stores in North America. Spending over $25 (pre-tax) in the retail section will also earn you a printed Luigi timeline while stock lasts.


Lots of games will be playable, too. I'll post them to the Wii U -thread.

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I'm still really enjoying this after playing around four hours or so - there are some really spectacular setpieces and the combat is loads of fun. However, having just recruited Wonder Yellow, I'm definitely starting to have trouble with the drawing controls, as many of the reviews pointed out. At the moment, it's sometimes taking me 5+ attempts to make a hammer. :(

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I'm still really enjoying this after playing around four hours or so - there are some really spectacular setpieces and the combat is loads of fun. However, having just recruited Wonder Yellow, I'm definitely starting to have trouble with the drawing controls, as many of the reviews pointed out. At the moment, it's sometimes taking me 5+ attempts to make a hammer. :(


I even struggled drawing in the demo.


Im gunna be screwed then in later levels, especially when it gets frantic.

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Part 2 of the Iwata Asks is out now!




Iwata Yes. Thank you for meeting with me, gentlemen. Now that we've got the group together, could you tell me how The Wonderful 101 started? Kamiya I knew you were going to ask that question... (turning to Yamagami-san) Where should we start?


Yamagami Given where we are, why don't you just start off with how you felt when you submitted your project plan?


Inaba Then I guess we can't get started unless we talk about that project plan.


Yamagami That's true. This was the first project plan PlatinumGames ever brought to Nintendo. Iwata Yes... Kamiya It started out with an order from Minami2, saying "Think up a plan to bring together world famous characters with Nintendo characters at its center, appearing all in one game."


Iwata Well, that sure is a bold order. (laughs)


Yamagami If I could just fill in the background here, about half a year before we got this project plan, there was a period where I was very interested in PlatinumGames. Around the same time, I happened to be introduced to President Minami by an acquaintance.


Iwata Was that the first time you had met PlatinumGames, Yamagami-san?


Yamagami That's right. We only introduced ourselves that day, but a little while later, President Minami contacted me to say, "I've got an interesting idea." And this was the plan that he showed me. Sadly, we can't show pictures of that plan today.


Iwata So that's the background on the project. When you received the order internally, what did you think, Kamiya-san?


Kamiya I really loved Wai Wai World and Famicom Jump for the Famicom (NES). There are a lot of all-star games featuring characters from various mediums, and I think it's really moving and inspiring to be able to transcend the original games by having those characters interact.


Iwata They're quite intense. (laughs)


Kamiya I bought Famicom Jump for JoJo, but the main characters come and go, so you couldn't always play as your favorite character. So I wondered if there wasn't some way to please everyone by letting them play the whole game as their favorite character.


Iwata Right.


Kamiya In that way, Smash Bros. is very well done. You can play as your favorite character, and as it is, I think that's a completed form of that type of game. So when I wondered what I should do with this one, I decided "Why don't we just bring out all the characters at once?"


Iwata "All characters should appear at all times?"


Kamiya Yes, that was the start of this project. And from there we had a lot of ideas about just what we could do with a lot of characters there at once.


Yamagami The basics of the project never really changed after that.


Iwata It's amazing just how much this description written here matches the finished product. Kamiya Which is a really unusual thing for project plans that I wrote.


Inaba Yes, I think it's a first. You've got the characters, the visual concept and the core of the game. All you have to do from here is just make it.


Iwata It says Unite Morph here. You were already clear on that.


Kamiya I got hints for Unite Morph from children's books I read as a child. We Turned Into Monsters was a story about animals coming together to become a big monster. And there's Swimmy, which is in school text books.


Iwata That's the one where he says, "I'll be the eye!" and they form a huge fish, right?


Kamiya That's right. As a kid, the idea that small, separate things could join together and become strong was really exciting for me. I feel like that's where the core of this whole project came from.


Iwata That brings us back to what we discussed in the first part. Those old memories lead to inspiration.


Kamiya Yes. It's actually scary just how much of that is all laid out even in the project plan.


Inaba Most times Kamiya's thought process begins with a visual, so he doesn't often have the core of the game in his head. That usually comes later. So this project began much differently from most others.


Iwata Yamagami-san, what did you think about this project the first time you heard about it?


Yamagami Unusually for me, the moment I saw the cover, I winced... (laughs)


Iwata That is unusual for you, Yamagami-san! That must not happen very often.


Yamagami Setting the contents of the game aside, I've learned from experience that trying to squeeze in so many characters into one game to the point where they practically change shape, was impossible.


Iwata The cover certainly has impact to make even me think twice, and I was the producer working hard to gather all the characters in the first Smash Bros.! (laughs)


Yamagami Right! (laughs) So when the plan was proposed, I said "This is impossible" right on the spot. So the project was shelved for a while.


Iwata So the plan to mix different characters stopped there.


Yamagami That's right. Several months later, after many twists and turns, we were contacted with a plan that didn't use characters through our Licensing Department, which serves as the contact for third party companies. I didn't know of it, but (Shinya) Takahashi-san called me over and showed me a demo, saying, "Come see this! It's really interesting." I knew the moment I saw it that this was that idea from PlatinumGames.


Iwata You knew, "This is that thing they showed me before!"


Yamagami Yes. I explained the situation to Takahashi-san then, and said, "You need to let me do this." And that was the real beginning of everything.


Funny how it's like a reverse Kirby's Epic Yarn :laughing: You don't see that happen often at Nintendo!




Matsushita We really put in Multi Unite Morph at the last possible moment.


Kamiya Right! It was.


Matsushita I think that was in May.


Iwata What!? May!?


Inaba Yes, this May. Multi Unite Morph was the first thing in a while that made me feel like "Oh, here we go!" I really had to yell at the staff, "Don't be ridiculous," when I heard about it.


Matsushita Because this happened at the last phase of development, my first thought when hearing about it was, "Maybe I should ask them to stop it."


Iwata This was May and the product release was planned for August, so that's the period you should be boxing together the final pieces.


Inaba We took what we were boxing up and just spread everything out again.


Holy shit! That's crazy! Such a defining part of the game was added in right at the last moment!? No wonder the game's depth only became obvious right at the end when they had that TW101 Nintendo Direct!


Iwata Even with this project, where so much was decided in the very beginning and it looked like things would progress smoothly, it appears that there were a lot of things happening during the final stage of the development process.


Kamiya Around that time I found out that Yamagami-san was the one who created Tetris Attack, so in a way that was breaking news! (laughs)


Iwata Was it breaking news? (laughs)


Kamiya It was a huge surprise! I'd always loved Tetris Attack, and I used to play it a lot when I encountered some turning points for me. It was like a dream to be able to work on something with the person who made it.


Yamagami (laughs)


Kamiya I acted differently towards Yamagami-san after that. If he'd only said something sooner...


Everyone (laughs)


The man has taste! Respect +1! :D

Edited by Dcubed
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I'm still really enjoying this after playing around four hours or so - there are some really spectacular setpieces and the combat is loads of fun. However, having just recruited Wonder Yellow, I'm definitely starting to have trouble with the drawing controls, as many of the reviews pointed out. At the moment, it's sometimes taking me 5+ attempts to make a hammer. :(


I've noticed others take issue with the hammer and all I have to add is that I haven't had that problem at all. All I can advise is to use the analogue stick to draw if you're not doing already, though you probably are.

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