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The Wonderful 101


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How do you unlock those secret characters?


I'm still on my Hard mode play and not paid any attention to acheivements... I suppose I should try and see which I've not done yet and make note of what level there are on?


Only finished Op 1 on Hard so far, make a go at 2A later




One thing that has dissappointed me a little on Hard mode so far was how you don't get the intro cut scenes for when new Wonder Ones join (like Green in 1B) as you've of course already got them on your team.


Is there a movie player that unlocks at somepoint so I can relive those intros?

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How do you unlock those secret characters?


One thing that has dissappointed me a little on Hard mode so far was how you don't get the intro cut scenes for when new Wonder Ones join (like Green in 1B) as you've of course already got them on your team.


Is there a movie player that unlocks at somepoint so I can relive those intros?

Secret characters are unlocked by collecting bottle caps. You can check which bottle caps you need to unlock a certain secret character by looking at your bottle cap collection. If you want to unlock all of the characters, you have to pretty much collect everything in the game, which is a pretty demanding task considering how much there is to collect in this game, some if which are hidden pretty deviously.


And no movie player to my knowledge, sadly. I'm sure they'll all show up on YouTube though, heh.


Boooh, my post is on the previous page. What a blunder(-Red).

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So I finally got around to finishing this most wonderful game last night! :D


I can honestly say that I loved every moment of it... :)


I knew there was something about Luka's backstory, the way it all played out at the end was - as Wonder Green might say - 'cest fantastique! It worked really well brining everything together nicely.


Platinum Robo! 'dem shooting stages... :cool: the final stage, the final battle... the final Final battle and of course the 'final' final Final battle, they were all amazing, particularly as it was like fighting Mother Brain from Metroid AND Andross from Starfox! :grin:


Then the credits, fanservice... the bit after the credits...




It was almost too much. :weep:


So yeah to say that I enjoyed this game is something of an understatement. :p



I'm almost sad that it's 'over' now :( of course I'll go back to it one day but not for a while, so good while it lasted though. :heart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

HOLY COW @ the VJ reference! That's amazing! :o


I can't believe how many of these there are! Seems such a shame that almost nobody would see most of these in a normal playthough...


Oh well, that's what Youtube is for! :D


Edit: Oh wow! On

you'll notice that the shots with Nelson actually keep a running tally of all of your QTE fails you've made with him watching so far! AWESOME! :D Edited by Dcubed
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OMG those are awesome, never consider there would be such things for a failed QTE!


How the hell did anyone even find that Viewtiful Joe easter egg?


Gonna have to start failing QTE's when I get back to this to finish Hard Mode haha (after I'm done with Wind Waker ;) )

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I had no idea the unite QTEs had a unique fail animation. This game is so fantastic, Augh. It frustrates me to no end that only a small percentage of gamers will play it.


Also, that Joe one. So great. Please, please let there be a third.

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Think I'm at Operation 007-B and this game has turned into a real chore to finish. It's just too frustrating to enjoy, huge boss battles especially, but even things like taking on two of the larger enemies at once, I just feel like throwing the console out the window.


Also the levels are way way way too long. I enjoyed it at first going through levels, exploring solving puzzles etc but now I just can't wait to finish this so I can move on to Zelda.

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Game breaking fatal error in what I assume was the very last cutscene, long beeeeeeeep after the final "punch" + messed up cutscene graphics.


EDIT: And now having completed it a second time, fantastic ending. Love how OTT they went.

Edited by Ronnie
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  • 2 weeks later...


It should be available now.


It is, my Wii U d/l'd it and installed all on its own while I was playing Wind Waker last night.


Only noticed after I finished and pressed the Home button to close the game and got a message saying "Data Finished Downloading" so checked to see what it was and was this and said it was installed already :)

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  • 1 month later...

Being a huge fan of the Viewtiful Joe series I was pretty interested in this before release, but after giving the demo a go I wasn't too sure on what to think so I didn't get it straight away.


I got it today 'cause I saw a mint condition copy (which came with VIP points!) in CEX for just £22 and my GOD. I feel so silly for waiting this long now.


This is by far one of the most exciting, interesting and fun titles I've played all year! I feel utterly stupid waiting this long to get it and almost guilty that I didn't buy it first hand! But yeah, I haven't been this pumped for a game since Viewtiful Joe 2! If it wasn't for the fact I have work tomorrow I'd still be playing now :p


But seriously, if you have a Wii U, do yourself a favour and GET THIS GAME.

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  • 1 month later...
I'm in the opposite situation...I HAVE the game but I can't play it for another week or two! :(


You're in for a treat. It may be confusing and not grab you at first but stick with it to experience one of the most unique and crazy games you will play in a long time.


I finished it months ago but I still can't get over how wacky, epic and hilarious the last few stages were. :D

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You're in for a treat. It may be confusing and not grab you at first but stick with it to experience one of the most unique and crazy games you will play in a long time.


I finished it months ago but I still can't get over how wacky, epic and hilarious the last few stages were. :D


If it's half as good as Bayonetta....



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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Can any one tell me what the multiplayer is like on this?


I'm finally seeing the light (as is my bank balance) and picking up Mario Kart, and either this or Sonic will be my free game...just interested to know what it's like with two players as I want to pick up a game that me and my girlfriend can enjoy together!


While we are here if any one can give me a heads up on Sonic too that would be great, or I'll dredge up that thread as well :)

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Can any one tell me what the multiplayer is like on this?


It is very limited, with only 6 playable shorter levels. Each multiplayer area is more like a large arena, rather than the much longer linear levels of the story mode. The multiplayer is good fun for a short while, but don't expect much.


Why there was no co-op story mode, I don't know. That would have been awesome.

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