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Nintendo Conference (5.00pm - 5th June)


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It's not nearly as bad as some are saying, but it wasn't as good as it should have been either.


It lacked the Metroid, Zelda, Smash Bros. or Mario Kart that it sorely needed. Pikmin 3 looked great and I do enjoy Pikmin, but it's hardly up there with the biggest franchises.


I thought intially that if they were starting with Pikmin they'd be following it up with bigger titles - I was wrong.


I realise an E3 presentation has to be about everyone that plays games - so the Just Dance crowd, the Wii Fit crowd and the shareholders too, but that that did leave me cold.


E3 2010 was amazing, DKCR, Metroid Other M, Zelda SS, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Goldeneye and Epic Mickey. Then 2011 was brilliant too with the WiiU reveal and the HD Zelda. But this was just a little bit of a let down.

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Titles that have garnered my interest so far are Tomb Raider, Splinter Cell, The Last of Us and Watch Dogs. Where the hell are the WiiU games for the "core" gamers?!

Nintendo, you sold me out!


The one third party that Nintendo does have a great relationship with still doesn't announce two of their big games (Splinter Cell & Far Cry 3) for the console.


The question is, why not?

Edited by lostmario
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I really wish games journalists were brave enough to say to reggie that there was barely anything for gamers, all casual crap and where are the 3rd parties.

I liked the part in the interview after the conference when they were discussing Arkham City and the interviewer told Reggie that $60 is a bit much to spend on replaying a game.


Of course, Reggie seems to think that tacking on a few new features makes it a whole new game. You can't argue with someone like that. :indeed:

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The one third party that Nintendo does have a great relationship with still doesn't announce two of their big games (Splinter Cell & Far Cry 3) for the console.


The question is, why not?


Very good point! I ran out of 'Thanks' so I had to quote you and do it in person.

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I liked the part in the interview after the conference when they were discussing Arkham City and the interviewer told Reggie that $60 is a bit much to spend on replaying a game.


Of course, Reggie seems to think that tacking on a few new features makes it a whole new game. You can't argue with someone like that. :indeed:


Reggie went into marketing mode in an interview? WELL THIS IS JUST THE LAST STRAW

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Pikmin 3, NSMB U and Lego City looked great to me, and as far as the console itself goes, its got tons of potential.


But other then that, there was nothing for me. Batman AC is a great game but I already own it and the new features the Wii U adds isnt enough for me to buy that game again. I probably won't get getting a Wii U at launch.

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watching their youtube channel is arguably better than the actual conference.

the line up reals and in depth views of the announced games are much better put together.


If they announce something else, and have an awesome 3DS line up then i'll be much happier.


Still wish we'd got a Zelda WiiU, but we'll probably get a zelda dose on the 3DS since a long time ago they announced they were doing one

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Looking at the actual launch video. The lineup doesn't look that bad. It's the conference that made the lineup seem underwhelming, but it's still not enough for me to get a wii u on day 1.

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I remember when every 5 or 6 years you'd get new games consoles with better graphics and new games, and that was enough. The people who were interested would buy them. Fast forward to today and it's all about buzzwords and inventing solutions to problems that don't exist. "Together. Better." Ugh. Nintendo have convinced themselves there's this massive problem where people sit in rooms not talking to each other! They're obsessed with it!


It makes me furious when people slate the GameCube approach of having powerful hardware, a perfect controller and spectacular games. I bought it, I loved it, I bought loads of games for it. I'm entitled to defend that approach. Nintendo didn't make huge losses then either...


I ask you, who the heck is going to buy a Wii U?!! Though I do not believe motion control helped gaming, it was at least amazing as a toy. I do not use the word "toy" to be derogatory, just to emphasise it as a single-purpose idea, just for fun. I for one didn't know technology allowed you to swing a remote and it be translated on screen. As much as I disliked it, it was impressive. Who, though, is going to be excited about a controller with a screen?


I tell you, they've become obsessed with buzzwords and focus groups and, in the process, completely forgotten what gaming is about at its best.

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Some details from the Japanese website:


Wii U controller takes roughly 2 and a half hours to fully charge. Play time expected to be around 3-5 hours on maximum charge, can be played whilst charging.


Although the main output is HDMI, all the old Wii cables can be used, including the component cable.


4 USB 2.0 ports, two in the front (presumably under the flap), two in the back.


Internal flash memory again (no specifics), SD card input under the flap again. You can also use USB storage.


CPU by IBM, GPU by AMD (No specifics, same manufacturers as the Wii)


Controller weighs 500grams. Console 1.5kg.


Console measurements are 4.6cm by 17.2cm by 26.8cm. For comparison, the Wii is 4.4cm by 15.7cm by 21.5cm

Edited by Debug Mode
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..as far as the console itself goes, its got tons of potential.


I certainly had that opinion on Sunday night after the Pre-E3 Nintendo Direct but ultimately the console will only be as good as its games.. and Nintendo didn't deliver at their conference. In fact, other than games we already knew about, such as Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and Paper Mario: Sticker Star, I don't think I've seen a game from ANYONE to get me excited :sad:

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Can't believe people were expecting a Zelda to be shown for WiiU already.


I'd put my money on a 3DS Zelda coming first before we hear about a WiiU one. I'm sure one is being worked on right now but likely at a very early stage and we all know Nintendo these days aren't likely to show off things till its almost finished.


I enjoyed the conference, (of what I saw anyway....crying, sick baby caused some distraction but I'd say I saw 75% of it)


Only thing I found odd was EA missing, as they said they had helped sort out the online stuff I expected them to appear and talk about the online but neither EA or the full online system was touched on.

Oh and lack of mention of Retro is a surprise too.


That said I did enjoy the show more than both Sony and MS.


And dispite the likely lack of Wiimote/Nunchuck control options ZombiU has certainly caught my attention.

Edited by Mokong
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Seriously, what are retro doing now? Since dkr they have added a few tracks to mario kart..... Surely there shold have been something to show.


With that and pikmin it would have turned a bad conference into an ok one.

Edited by peterl0
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It lacked the Metroid, Zelda, Smash Bros. or Mario Kart that it sorely needed. Pikmin 3 looked great and I do enjoy Pikmin, but it's hardly up there with the biggest franchises.

Not to mention the Retro Studios reveal, F-Zero, Starfox, 1080, Waverace, new core IP...


Heck, Nintendo had the potential to blow everyone out of the water, yet their conference turned out with bupcus. ZombiU was shown yesterday, New Mario Bros, Assassins Creed, Aliens and a few other games were shown no better than last year.

I thought intially that if they were starting with Pikmin they'd be following it up with bigger titles - I was wrong.

Exactly. Pikmin made me think that this was going to be a text book "E3 done right". Reggies talk about not displaying hardware, because of a focus on software felt like a confirmation of this. But everything that followed was a major let down.

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The Nintendo games will come, Retro clearly isn't ready for launch so why show it?! Though to bring SOME excitement would have been SOME reason.


The biggest fear is the disastrous 3rd party support. It's unbelievably crap. It's way worse than even the Wii was which is saying something. This is the biggest botch of a console launch I've ever seen. Can anyone tell me why anyone with a 360/ps3 who was put off by Nintendo because of the wii would be interested in the Wii U?! You can argue why is that important but the Wii missed out on LOTS of amazing games, Nintendo said they want to cater for the core gamer again etc. But there is nothing, at the very least I though they'd get pretty much all 3rd party releases and with extra tablet features it could be tempting, but they've got a couple, that's it, and then half a dozen more of last years releases. It's an embarrassment!

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Seriously, what are retro doing now? Since dkr they have added a few tracks to mario kart..... Surely there shold have been something to show.


With that and pikmin it would have turned a bad conference into an ok one.


Maybe Retro's new game is actually for 3DS?


Again, this conference, though maybe misguided, focused on launch window stuff only


Ahh good point, I had forgotten about that!


In all of Nintendo's past E3 console unveils, they've always shown off the full list of games in development (Paper Mario and Animal Crossing were shown for the 3DS way back in 2010 and they're STILL not out!), this time around they've only shown games that are coming out within the launch window.


That could well explain the brevity of the 1st party Wii U lineup...

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