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The taking DVDs out of their cases and walleting them up route...who's done it?


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Yeah so as many of you know I am moving to Canada in just 77 days now. I've been slowly packing up ready to go and the issue of my DVDs has arisen. I think I was somewhat naive in thinking how many I could fit in few boxes.


So basically to ship my DVDs alone I'm looking at £250 in shipping costs alone. It's more the sheer number capacity wise rather than weight. Now this could be weighed up vs getting a couple of 200+ wallets and putting them in with my regular luggage....


I'm not talking nice boxsets like the BTTF bluray or Bladerunner or Matrix ones or tv boxsets but just regular movies.


It's hard I love having them all on the shelves but continuing to allow this collection to grow is crazy...I'm certainly not gonna have enough room initially whilst I stay at the in laws until we afford our own place. I care more about my games. I do have the option of leavint eh boxes for now with my dad and possibly shipping them over at some point in the future.


Has anyone does this and gone on to regret it? I've never actually ever regretted getting rid of personal possessions as such in the past.

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How long are you living in Canada for? Do you need all those films with you? I think ripping them to a couple of hard drives would be your best option.


Permanently.....well my visa is currently only valid for a year but I haver every intention of extending my stay....


I have no idea how big a HDD I would need to do summit like that...also arguably more costly than a wallet, and how long it would take?! I can get a case logic 320 disc case for £20 cheapest 1TB drive I can find is £80


I don't even know what program could use, handbrake?

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All of my dvds are now in big wallets and ive got to admit I do regret it a bit. I was completely running out of shelf space so it did help me there (shelves are back full again now though) but I did miss just looking at the dvd cases. I also think I watch less movies now that I cant see them out on shelves.

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All of my dvds are now in big wallets and ive got to admit I do regret it a bit. I was completely running out of shelf space so it did help me there (shelves are back full again now though) but I did miss just looking at the dvd cases. I also think I watch less movies now that I cant see them out on shelves.


urgh yeah see this how I feel I would end up feeling....


maybe ripping is an option but its bewildering to me there seems no definitive answer as to how many would fit for example on a 1TB HDD




answers ranging from 200-1050

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Depends what kind of compression you choose to do to them really.


Yeah I really have no idea bout such things...hmmmmm




just looking for about a 2 hour movie the size kinda range from 700-1000(ish)MB...and a 1TB drive is 1024GB....so it's doable I guess.

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I've only ever used wallets for temp situations when I would go on holiday to the Philippines as I would usually go for 6 - 8 weeks (I need my films :D)


Though I did hate having to move the discs from cases to wallet and back.


If you were going to rip them one option would be to make a proper ISO file of the DVD's so you get an exact digital copy of the disc (menu/special features/etc) so it would be like having the actual disc with you, rather than just the movie portion. Though file sizes would be big, depends on the size of data on the disc most can be around 5 - 6GB.

So size would be an issue... might need a 2TB drive :heh:

I've never checked if you can compress an iso of a disc


But it's what I do now if someone want to borrow one of my DVD's, I'm paranoid and worry about them (their kids) scratching my discs, I just rip an ISO of the DVD they want and give them that so they technically have the "proper" disc :D


Yeah I really have no idea bout such things...hmmmmm




just looking for about a 2 hour movie the size kinda range from 700-1000(ish)MB...and a 1TB drive is 1024GB....so it's doable I guess.


Might wanna check that as usually a "1TB" drive has an "actual" size fo 930GB.... bastards ripping us off on 70 odd GB's :mad:

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Yeah I really have no idea bout such things...hmmmmm




just looking for about a 2 hour movie the size kinda range from 700-1000(ish)MB...and a 1TB drive is 1024GB....so it's doable I guess.


Yeah 700 megs tends to be a good size for a movie without losing too much quality. Obviously not HD but still very watchable.

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All my DVDs, with the exception of my two Iron Man exclusives are walleted, all movies here cost about £1 and come with a greasy plastic sheath with a paper insert, so there's no point in keeping the packaging though.

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All my DVD's (minus the boxsets) are in a wallet. Do i regret it, sometimes yes. But it sure does save room. Especially since my Blu-ray collection has somewhat grown over the past few months. Comes in handy for easy carraige, saves costs of transporting those plastic cases.

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Why not put the DVDs into wallets and slide the cover out of the box too. Then when you get to Canada, buy plastic DVD boxes for cheap and re-box everything! :)


Yeah that is actually a pretty good idea....I think I may go with that.


In all honesty the digital solution seems the best so to speak but I cannot be bothered to sit and burn them all at this point, too much other stuff needs sorting out really. Also I'm in uber saving mode pre move so factoring in the cost of a huge HDD is an cost I'd hope to avoid.

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I'm with Magnus, time to get rid!


Well, that's only because I've been looking at my bookcase of DVDs lately and thinking "am I ever going to bother watching any of these again?"


I've finally embraced the future of digital media, I am looking forward to a clutter free world.

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The only DVDs I like owning are TV box sets and I only ever buy those when I can't get them from other means or my Internet is down and I run to Blockbuster which is seconds away to get them.


Digital media is the future.

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I would never want to get rid of my DVD/Blu-ray cases. I've never bought a digital film/TV series (can you even buy films digitally? It all seems to be rentals) and I don't intend to.


Although I tend to rent most films anyway - TV box sets are what I mainly want to actually own.

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Although I tend to rent most films anyway - TV box sets are what I mainly want to actually own.

They take up so much space though. You should be able to fit the whole of BSG in one VHS-thickness blu-ray case, but instead they go for big bulky boxes. No matter how much data they squeeze onto a 1.2mm thick disk they always have to wrap them in plastic and card and separate them out with little tacky hinge trays etc..


I haven't bought a DVD since I got my PS3 nearly 2 years ago, and have only bought the odd blu-ray solely for the 1080p experience.


It's only because I'm a pack rat at heart that I've managed to stop myself just tipping my whole bookcase in of DVDs into a bag and sending it off to a charity shop.

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Leave them all at home...Its gonna be nothing but an inconvenience to you if you're likely to be moving a few times before you get settled.


Think about it - when you aren't working, you'll be wanting to actually go out and see the country you are moving to... on the occasion you do want to see a movie, go to the pictures or rent!

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You do remember DVDs might be region locked? Not sure how easy it is to get region free DVD players over there, though I imagine most can be unlocked just like over here. Blu-rays are a bit harder though :( Unless your planning taking your DVD player with you :laughing:


Don't want you to get them over there and find you can't play them ;)

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