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The Walking Dead


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I played it and liked it but didn't think it was absolutely fantastic. As well as that, the fact that your choices only changed miniscule details of the story means that there is no point in replaying the game. Yes, the ending was emotional, but that doesn't make the game great.

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You won't regret it. The script and voice acting is superb and I really had to hold myself back from crying during the end credits. Beautiful games.


I do think people are making too much of the 'your decisions don't have massive repercussions' argument. The whole point of the game is that whilst the end result is pretty much the same for everyone (especially emotionally), the entire journey there is dependent on the decisions you make. My experience for example will only apply to me and there will be others who made choices and immediately regretted/were happy with their choices. I won't play through the game again because I got what I wanted from it first time through, making decisions in the heat of the moment (and often regretting them lol).


Top game. GOTY for me alongside Journey and Virtues Last Reward.



Totally agree. Although i asked for more impact with the decisions in an earlier post i thoroughly enjoyed the game and the story.


I haven't downloaded many games from XBLA but i'm glad i purchased this and look forward to the second series.

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Finished this today. It's very depressing, but in a good way. I loved it.


Here's what I did


Like most people, I saved Duck first. Then I got thrown off the farm. I also decided pretty early on that I would be as honest with Clem as I could.


I stuck up for Kenny, and chose to save Carley (girl+gun+she was much more interesting than the other guy).


Episode 2, I hacked the man's leg off and said we should let Ben stay (big mistake), we then go off to the farm. Everything seemed good for a while. Then we got attacked by bandits. Kenny pointed out the lock and I instantly knew what was going on - this was further confirmed when they wouldn't let me into the house.


Found out the truth, stopped Clem from eating him then put in the freezer. I chose to help Larry (I fed him and the guy that was cooked earlier on) but Kenny surprised me by dropping a brick on him. When we escaped, I didn't realise Clem was right behind me, so I killed the first brother. I let the second one go, but zombies were surrounding him earlier. I explained that they were bad people, I also chose not to take the stuff from the truck.


Next episode, I tell everyone what I had done and I start to like Duck. He thinks I'm awesome and I flirt with Carley Then we get attacked. Then an argument breaks out after we escape - then Lily shocks me by shooting Carley (and I later find out Ben was behind it all). I still decide to let her in (I'm too kind).


She nicks the RV, I shoot Duck, and train Clem to use a gun. I don't push the new dude off the bridge, so he falls off. I accidentally save Christa, but Omid catches up to the train with his broken leg.


Episode 4, Ben runs away and leaves Clem on her own (idiot). Chuck sacrifices himself for her. We get to a house, I dig up a dog. Then we find the starving kid zombie, and I bash his head in. I then look for a boat, leaving Ben to look after Clem (he loses her). Bump into Molly, then end up going through a sewer, finding Chuck's body. Bump into old people and calm them down.


I took Clem with me on the mission, which turned out to be a good choice - when Molly got attacked by zombies, I failed to find an opening to save her. So Clem shot the zombie. Later, I got bit and told everyone about it. Ben told Kenny what he did, I later decide to save Ben (I'm an idiot).


Final part, I chop my arm off (didn't help), I then proceeded to do everything - jumping back from the bell tower while everyone watches a one-handed man do a very difficult jump was strange - for the entire group. Got back to the house and managed to calm Ben and Kenny down. I convince Christa and Omid to look after Clem.


Going to the hotel, Ben messes up and Kenny tries to save his life (it seemed more like suicide), leaving me and the two remaining survivors. We get split up, and I tell them to meet me at the train.


I meet the crazy man, who has a go at me. I instruct Clem to get the meat cleaver and stab him in the arm. Like with Molly, I failed the QTE in the fight scene, but Clem saved me by shooting him.


At the last part, I told Clem to shoot me, as she didn't want to see me become a walker.




I loved the game. I don't mind about how your choices don't change the game massively - simply changing the dialogue is good enough for me. I got to like most of the characters, and most of them ended up dead. Lots of great choices and Clem is an awesome character.



In addition to my thought about the choices: unlike other games, I don't feel the need to play the game again. It's not a "good" and "bad" thing, but much more a "what would you do". I'm satisfied with what I did and the consequences.

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He had just eaten my friend and put me in a meat locker in storage. He deserved it.


He was the only person I killed who wasn't already dead - the only other person was putting duck out of her misery.


Clem killed as many people as I did - the stranger and putting Lee out of his misery.


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This game is absolutely superb. I'm playing through Episode 4 right now and I really feel for the characters and the story. I feel involved myself and I hesitate in what I say or do and think it through with as much time as it allows me. At the moment, I've been trying to be a good role model for Clementine but sometimes, it's not been easy because of the decisions you face, which is part of what makes the game great. I just love everything about it and I'd even go so far as to say that this is just as good as the series, if not better. I've not finished the game but I hope there's a Season 2 and I hope it's like this!


I just tried to play it and now I'm back at the start. Not happy. This isn't the first time it's happened either!

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Yeah, the episodes are based on the comic books and the game coming out in March, Survival Instincts, is based on the show where you play as Daryl Dixon. I strongly urge you to play it, it's such an amazing game.


I've just finished all of the game and WOW!...just....WOW! The game is absolutely magnificent. The best game I have played in ages and is definitely one of my favourite games ever. I loved every second of it. There wasn't a moment where I was bored. The ending really got to me as well.


I will admit, I cried a little because the game had me gripped that much. When Lee got bit and had that final talk with Clementine, it made me upset. The thing I wonder is who the two people were in the fields when Clem was walking. I hope it's Christa and Omid and not random strangers who could harm her or two zombies!



Bring on Season 2!

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  • 2 months later...

Completed this in a weekend, was just so addicted! Unfortunately I didn't cry like Animal did above me :p I did feel it was a great ending to a great game.


Is there definitely a second season coming out for this? Think I'll go search the internet to find my answers!

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  • 2 months later...

I’d have sworn I already posted in this thread. I’ll go look in another forum to see if I can find my decisions. In the meantime:


There’s new DLC coming. It’s part of season 1, but you have to pay for it. It can be seen as a “bridging” DLC. It will feature 5 stories with all new characters. Decisions made in season 1 will affect 400 Days (that’s the name), and decisions made in 400 days will affect season 2. It’s slated for next month. Can’t wait!





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  • 2 weeks later...
The Walking Dead: 400 Days comes out this week


It hasn’t even been a month since Telltale Games teased The Walking Dead: 400 Days with a Vine post, but the fine maker of adventure games has already announced a release date for the single episode add-on—and it’s this week.


Today, Telltale confirmed to IGN that 400 Days will nibble its way onto Steam and the Telltale site on Wednesday for $5. Yes, this Wednesday. The DLC will act as a rotting link between seasons one and two of The Walking Dead and requires the first episode of The Walking Dead as it ties in your saves from season one. We’re not sure how the decisions you made in season one will impact 400 days’ all-new cast of ne’er-do-wells, but you won’t be able to load the add-on without the first episode of season one nestled in your hard drive.


We covered Telltale’s new tale back at E3, though we tried to stay as vague as possible to avoid spoiling things. Turns out, it’s a pretty difficult task when the story’s the most interesting part about the game, but if you want an idea of what Telltale’s latest project is before dropping the five bucks, we’ve got you covered.



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- I was totally honest.

- Tried to save Shawm, he seemed more useful to me, plus he gave me that ride. I didn’t like Duck at that point.

- Kenny vs. Larry: I tried to stay neutral, try diplomacy.

- Gave the gun to the woman in the motel

- I liked both characters, but if I have to choose, of course I save the hot chick..



- I tried to cut off that guys leg, but I wasn’t fast enough, so we left him behind.

- If I recall correctly, I gave food to Clem, Duck, Lilly and Carley.

- Didn’t shoot the woman in the forest. I don’t kill people, unless to put them out of their misery.

- Stopped Clem from eating meat.

- Spared both brothers.

- Didn’t take out my frustration on that last brother (only hit him a few times).

- Didn’t take anything from the car. The owner might still be around, Clem is absolutely right.



- Shot the poor girl. Despite that I think I managed to get enough supplies.

- Took Lilly with me. Despite what she had done, I didn’t want to leave her to die.

- Threw Omid off the bridge.. Which wasn’t really what I intended. After that I saved him first because I felt guilty, which resulted in a funny remark.

- Talked Kenny into stopping the train.

- I was the one to shoot Duck.



- Killed the poor boy, I think I stomped him.

- Reasoned with Vernon.

- Took Clem with me. I promised we wouldn’t be seperated, but I also didn’t think it was safe to leave her with just a sick Omid. She was the one to save Molly.

- Saved Ben. He’s an idiot, but he deserves a 2nd chance.

- Showed the bitewound.

- But everyone came with me to search for Clem.



- Cut off my arm.

- I think I threw the staue myself, but can’t remember for sure.

- I wanted Clem to go with Omid & Christa.

- I think I surrendered everything with the stranger.

- Didn’t want to strangle him, so Clem shot him instead (hoped there was another way out).

- Handcuffed the zombie.

- Had Clem shoot me, the poor girl.



- First of all, not a spoiler, but my order was Russel, Bonnie, Wyatt, Shel and Vince.

- Russel: got a ride, generally trusted Nate all the way up till the end. Killed the zombie, left Nate, didn’t want to kill the 2 people there.

- Bonnie: Zombie from above didn’t appear. Told the truth to Leland.

- Wyatt: Lost the rock papers scissors game. Tried to save the cop.

- Shel: I let the guy go. Didn’t shoot Stephanie (I wonder what happened to her, though I can take a guess), just drove away with Becca.

- Vince: I shot the rapist. I didn’t want to shoot either of them.

- Bonnie, Shel & Becca, and Vince joined Tavia. Wyatt and Russel stayed at the camp. Bonnie seems to go with Tavia by default.


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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Finished the first episode. My choices


-Stopped to save Christa

-Didn't kill the dog. You don't bite Clem and think you deserve mercy.

-Accepted Pete's apology

-Refused to give the guy water.

-Saved Nick. Thought he was a cooler guy.



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I can't afford this right now and it's horrible!!!


I see it every single day on my Xbox dashboard and all I want to do is grab the first episode and the season pass. Hopefully I'll get money for it at some point (maybe tomorrow, I hope Santa helps me try to get it, hehe) so I can grab them.

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(Barely knows anything about this game)


Is this out for Wii U? I hear the one for Wii U is a different one and is rubbish?


Is it big? Canon to the show or comic? Enjoyable? How fast did the parts to the first season come out and do you know if the second season will be out quicker or about the same time-wise?


(Not being rude, just trying to be concise).

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(Barely knows anything about this game)


Is this out for Wii U? I hear the one for Wii U is a different one and is rubbish?


Is it big? Canon to the show or comic? Enjoyable? How fast did the parts to the first season come out and do you know if the second season will be out quicker or about the same time-wise?


(Not being rude, just trying to be concise).


its not out on Wiiu, the only walking dead game is the terrible (on all formats) fps based on Daryl and his brother before the tv series

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got to play this yesterday.

- Me and almost everyone else saved tried to save Christa.

- Me and almost nobody else left the dog (I simply didn´t want to go near it after that).

- I gave the guy some water.

- I accepted Nick´s apology.

- I chose Nick, but it was a hard one. I think I like Pete better, but I saw the bite, and though nothing good could come from it.




(Barely knows anything about this game)


Is this out for Wii U? I hear the one for Wii U is a different one and is rubbish?


Is it big? Canon to the show or comic? Enjoyable? How fast did the parts to the first season come out and do you know if the second season will be out quicker or about the same time-wise?


(Not being rude, just trying to be concise).

Tell Tale games were the first to release a game under the Walking Dead license. They are known for episodic gaming, and thus their games are spread over episodes and seasons. Currently there are 7 episodes available over 2 seasons.


It doesn´t seem to be available on Nintendo platforms. The game out on Wii U is a multi-platform FPS, which didn't get great reviews I believe, unlike this one.


It is not "big". Episodes last only a few hours. Of course, with season 1 finished, you can play them all in one go. Many people find it enjoyable, but you have to realise it´s more of an interactive story than a "game". The story and dialogue are the most rewarding things about this game. I´m not too familiar with Tell Tale´s release schedule, but episodes seem to be released roughly every 2 months.


As for "canon", I don´t believe it is. It´s certainly not canon to the TV series. It has more in common with the comic, and I believe it was supposed to be canon, but there was some discrepancies involving a certain character, and I believe it´s best to see it separate from the comics, simply using the overall style of The Walking Dead. Season 1 does have a character and a location from the comics (and TV series).

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Tried to save Christa. Seemed like the obvious choice.

Had to kill the dog. Although I would have rather bludgeoned it to death with a rock rather that slit the poor thing's throat.

Accepted the apology. Always want to try to make friends, right?

Gave him some water. Hoped it would make him talk.

Saved Nick. I didn't want to save him, I liked Pete more, but it looked like Pete got bitten on the leg so he was probably going to die anyway.



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