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I love that, obv when growing up, there were shows the older generation would have had that defined the times - big shows with big influences. It seems silly to think, but I love that Fresh Prince is going to be one of those for most of us :D Will Smith is still a legend.


HELL YEH :bouncy:


I actually don't think I could have grown up at a better time! I have so many amazing memories from my childhood and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air is certainly one of those :yay:


I miss those days so much and it makes me really sad that it's all an experience we'll never get to have again.. but I love that hearing just a few notes from a theme tune or song can instantly transport you back to those happy times :grin:

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Just seen this painting for the first time. Just think it's a great piece of art.




It's called "From the Depths" by William Balfour Ker, a socialist painter. But you probably knew that one already. :P


Here's a slightly higher res, but watermarked version:



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Amazing, thanks. I really want it on my wall, but i could only find a US site that sold it. *will keep looking*


Well why settle for a painting, when with a little effort and slave-trade you could make people live under your floor.

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Three hunters in a forest discover that they have trapped a demon - Dark Link! An epic battle ensues as they try to prevent the murderous demon from reaching their village. The elder clansman gathers his mana and casts a beacon in to the sky, hoping to summon Link to save them.


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