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On 6/15/2022 at 10:49 PM, drahkon said:

Well, now I got season 4 to watch :D 

All caught up and holy shit, Season 4 is on a different level.
The "ending" was masterfully executed. :o 

Can't wait to see how it'll end with volume II (which apparently has only two episodes, but they will run at a total of 3 1/2 hours) on Friday. Yeah, I'm not gonna socialize that night :D 

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I haven't started Stranger Things 4 yet as the episodes are too long. Would have been nicer to just split them up but ih well. 

I have watched Derry Girls with my wife though. That shit is totally hilarious, can recommend it if you need something relaxing (though the heavy accents make it a bit hard for me to follow without subtitles at times). 

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On 6/27/2022 at 2:34 PM, MindFreak said:

Would have been nicer to just split them up but ih well. 

You're gonna love the final two episodes that will release today.

Ep 8 will run 1 hour 25 minutes.
Ep 9 clocks in at a whooping 2 1/2 hours :D 

Can't wait. :peace: 

In other news: Started watching Peaky Blinders last night after a recommendation from a mate.
The visuals and atmosphere are top-notch. Not sure about the story, as I'm only one episode in, but it could be great.

Had to turn on the subtitles. Some characters mumble a lot. And, not sure how to call it, the "old-timey" English is pretty new for me, as weird as that sounds. :D 

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Just watched the 2.5 hour Season 4 finale "episode" (it's a bloody film) of Stranger Things and I am left emotionally and physically broken on all sort of levels.


Eddie is the MVP of the season, loved his character and attitude so much.

Him shedding a guitar and playingMaster of Puppets was a great scene (though I was hoping he'd play something by Maiden, Metalica was a great choice too especially Master of Puppets).

Can't believe they didn't save him, needed him to stay for next season.


And Max...OMG Max :'(

When her limbs started breaking I was broken. But then it looked like Eleven saved her, but her injuries were too much...emotions when NOOOOO, YAYYYY, NOOOOOOO.

I need to take some time to process everything.

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Question about Stranger Things, did they ever get round to explaining how the kid from Ghostbusters Afterlife was managing to communicate to Ryder when all the while he was huddled in a hole singing The Clash?


I've restarted watching The Good Place, knowing what happens in advance gives things a new twist, plus I can actually binge it, as I had to take the last coupla seasons on an episode a week format. Vintage I know.

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7 hours ago, Ashley said:

Rewatching The Good Place is worthwhile because there's a lot of small things hidden throughout. The season 1 twist is given away in the pilot after all but you don't notice it at the time. 


That flew past me.

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22 hours ago, EEVILMURRAY said:


That flew past me.


In the pilot when Eleanor is drunkenly being put to bed she says she bets her parents are in hell torturing each other. 



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Over this past week I have been going through Stranger Things seasons 1-4 and I finally finished it yesterday morning. I've never watched it before and with me thinking that season 4 was the last ( nope, there's one more), I decided to finally give it a go. I wasn't really feeling it at the start but I stuck with it and I eventually loved it and couldn't get enough of it. I was talking to and updating darksnowman and drahkon with my progress through the series via PMs all last week. It was one of those series where I was sat at work thinking about it and couldn't wait to get home and watch it again.

Season one was a bit of a slow burn but I suppose that it had to be so that it could establish the characters and world. It felt like a mixture of Poltergeist and The Goonies. Straight away I loved Hopper to bits and that continued as watched the other seasons. Season two felt more like Aliens meets the Exorcist and this season was probably my favourite. It expanded the group a little but it never felt forced or out of place. I hated Billy but then I think you were supposed to. Season three was good but it felt a little too similar to the second season but on a more grander scale. 


Man, this season broke me though. The ending where Hopper sacrificed himself made me shed tears and then again when El read out his letter. It was a proper gut punch. It was also quite upsetting to see the end of Billy. Yeah, the guy was a douche but after seeing his childhood trauma, you kinda understand why he was the way he was.

One thing I didn't care for in this season was the Russian version of Terminator. It was such a cheesy thing to include in the series. When he was hunting down Hopper and Joyce he even had the same looks and movements as Arnie did in the original Terminator.  

Season four was pretty good and again, things escalated even further. You can see the budget go further and further up as the series progresses. One thing I did notice in this season is that some of the groups didn't really have a lot to do....


Mike's road trip was a pretty meh part of the show and the stuff in Russia was really dragged out. Still, at least the Russia stuff saw the return of Hopper. :D 

Eddie was a great inclusion to the cast but I tried not to get too attached to him. I figured that there was no way he was going to make it out alive because there was no way there were going to tell the town about what has been going on all these years. Still, he went out in an epic way and his moment of glory playing the guitar was outstanding. Tears were shed when Dustin told his uncle how he died.

Speaking of outstanding moments, I do have to mention the Kate Bush song. Ever since the first part of this season aired I've had to listen to the song on the way to and from work. It was on the radio a stupid amount of times. I knew that ST made it famous and gave it the recent boost but it was nice to finally see how it was used in the series. Man, it was awesome. When Robin and Nancy worked out that a song is what keeps people grounded I knew straight away that was going to be how the Kate Bush song was to be used and it didn't disappoint. 

This season's ending also broke me. It was awful seeing Max get her bones broken and I figured she would be fine with a broken leg and arm. Like Mokong said, you go from despair thinking she was going to die, to then happiness that she was saved, only to get dragged back into despair when she does actually pass away...until El arrives, which I found a little cheap.

The whole Mike being the heart thing to power up El was stupidly anime. It was the whole power of friendship/love coming into play. It was a goofy moment for sure but it lead to the scene where Nancy, Steve and Robin took out the Big Bad with shotguns and molotovs. Although I do question how long they were stuck on that wall for though. :laughing:

I was thinking about how the show evolved as it when on and l when I look back at the start of it all it's Mike who seems to be front and centre but I actually think he is one of the worst characters in the series. Steve and Dustin are by far the standouts of the younger cast and teaming them up was a stroke of genius. The back and forth between them is hilarious. As I said at the start, Hopper is my favourite, especially when he becomes slightly unhinged at the start of season 3.

I'd probably rate the seasons in this order.

  1. Season 2
  2. Season 3
  3. Season 4
  4. Season 1

I'm now gutted I have to wait until 2024/2025 to see how things play out. This is why I like to wait until all seasons are out until I start watching long running series. Had I known that there was another season I would have waited. Still, it gives me an excuse to rewatch them all again when it does finally arrive.

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  • 3 weeks later...
11 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

Wait, there's two Pinocchio movies this year? Didn't realise that until I saw that this was stop-motion and I definitely remember a (darker) live-action version as well.

Yeah, there's a Disney live-action remake coming in September and Del Toro's stop-motion film coming in December. 

There's also a Russian direct-to-DVD animated film called Pinocchio: A True Story which released back in February, which...looks like a mid-2000's DreamWorks film. 


For the darker live-action version are you maybe talking about The True Story of Pinocchio? It looks like it's won a slew of film festival awards over the last few years, but I can't seem to find a release date for it. 

Edited by Julius
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1 hour ago, Julius said:

Yeah, there's a Disney live-action remake coming in September and Del Toro's stop-motion film coming in December. 

There's also a Russian direct-to-DVD animated film called Pinocchio: A True Story which released back in February, which...looks like a mid-2000's DreamWorks film. 


For the darker live-action version are you maybe talking about The True Story of Pinocchio? It looks like it's won a slew of film festival awards over the last few years, but I can't seem to find a release date for it. 

I think I perceived the Disney one as a darker version. In fact, I think it was a discussion here about how they will do the donkey segment of the movie without making it too creepy. 

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First trailer for Blonde, the Marilyn Monroe film based on a not-totally-accurate novel, starring Ana de Armas:

Her accent sneaks through a bit and I'm still not quite sure if her casting is the right one (just considering the person she's portraying, I don't know if the message it's sending is quite right), but, with so much of it being in black and white, and especially with the aspect ratio and cinematography being used, I'd say they've done a good job of selling Ana de Armas as Monroe (and a much better job than the colour stills release a month or two back, which looked a bit like she was wearing a Halloween costume). 

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  • 1 month later...

Amazing season. I can't believe they've managed to keep the quality up after 5 seasons. Chozen was by far the MVP of the series. Dude was absolutely hilarious. 


I honestly thought Chozen was going to get killed off but was relived to see him survive the battle. Speaking of which, that fight was amazing. Jonny finding a new level was a full on anime moment and I loved every second of it.

The final battle of Silver vs Daniel was also awesome. The callbacks to the third film were great to see and Daniel countering his every move was just beautiful.

Oh, I very much appreciated the callbacks to Rocky IV. Drago!! :D 

I've no idea how things will play out in the 6th season but I'll be there day 1.

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