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Retro Studios Having A Crack At Zelda?


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Wired.com: It’s come out since Mario Kart 7 came out, there have been some articles about how Retro Studios was very deeply involved in the making of this game, and it’s considered a landmark for the series because you had this collaboration between EAD and Retro. And I’m curious as to whether you think that this would be an interesting model for more games, like a Mario platformer or a Zelda game, to have a Western team and a Japanese team working in close concert to produce a game like that.


Miyamoto: First of all, let me talk a little bit more in detail about how we collaborated with Retro Studios this time. Of course, they were taking care of the game designing aspect. Specifically, they were taking care of the design of the courses and the artwork about that. But when it comes to the gameplay and the control mechanism itself, that’s being taken care of by EAD once again.


People often say that videogames made by Western developers are somehow different in terms of taste for the players, in comparison with Japanese games. I think that means that the Western developers and Japanese developers, they are good at different fields. And that resulted in a different taste in [their games]. Mario Kart, I believe, was good in order to express that kind of different taste because we have many kinds of different courses for the Mario karts to run and race around. So for each of the different courses, we could identify: Retro is supposed to take care of this course, and EAD is going to do that, and such and such. Then, we were able to join forces in order to realize a variety of different courses, a variety of different tastes. I think that’s one reason how it worked out well between a Japanese development team and a Western development team.


As you know, we have already collaborated with Retro for the Metroid Prime series in the past. And I think when we talk about any other franchise, Zelda might be a possible franchise for that collaboration


Full interview HERE


I would LOVE to see them have a go at the series.

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Yeah tbh Retro are FAR too talented a studio to be put on to Nintendo's games... which Nintendo should be doing themselves! (unless it's a franchise that needs bringing back and they can put a new stamp on like Metroid/DKCR.)


Retro are the best studio Nintendo have and should be developing the games/genre's Nintendo simply can't, as well as leading the charge on Wii U with new IP's.

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Psh, those saying Zelda should be left to Nintendo should go play Minish Cap and the Oracle games. Capcom surely created some quality entries on the franchise.


I'd welcome any talented studio having a jab at Zelda. It doesn't need to be necessarily Retro Studios, but Zelda can always do with some fresh perspective.

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Psh, those saying Zelda should be left to Nintendo should go play Minish Cap and the Oracle games. Capcom surely created some quality entries on the franchise.


I'd welcome any talented studio having a jab at Zelda. It doesn't need to be necessarily Retro Studios, but Zelda can always do with some fresh perspective.



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Psh, those saying Zelda should be left to Nintendo should go play Minish Cap and the Oracle games. Capcom surely created some quality entries on the franchise.


The former-Capcom guy who headed up both Oracles and Minish Cap also headed up Skyward Sword, so what you seem to be implying that you want has exactly been done.

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The former-Capcom guy who headed up both Oracles and Minish Cap also headed up Skyward Sword, so what you seem to be implying that you want has exactly been done.


My point was that Nintendo aren't the only ones capable of making good Zelda games, and new studios are more than welcome (considering some users were saying Zelda is best left with Nintendo).


The fact that the "former-Capcom guy" now works for Nintendo further proves my point.

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I don't really see a problem with Nintendo collaborating with others. It's a strength more than anything, because it means that they can get fresh and new ideas from different sources.


Many might see it as a sign of weakness, though. That "Nintendo have run out of ideas" so are going elsewhere. It's the wrong way to look at it.


I would prefer if Retro did a new action type of game. Something a bit more grim than Zelda. An Eternal Darkness-esque title would be lovely.


If Retro did help out with Zelda, I wouldn't have any problem with it. I would love if it they helped make a new Starfox, because that franchise has been off the rails (all raaaange moooode) for a long time.

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I don't really see a problem with Nintendo collaborating with others. It's a strength more than anything, because it means that they can get fresh and new ideas from different sources.


Yup. I know alot of people hated it but I loved Metroid: Other M. It was a great team up for Nintendo, IMO.

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There were rumours years back about Retro Studios doing a Zelda game. I certainly wouldn't put it passed Nintendo to rope them in for Zelda on the Wii U. I'm not sure how ready some of Nintendo's in-house teams are for going HD and I reckon they'll reach out to some of their out of house teams, like Retro, to help them with the personnel needed to make the next title.


As others have said though, Retro are clearly a very talented studio and it does seem like a waste to be putting them continually on reviving/breathing new life into Nintendo's own franchises when they could be helping to fill that market for the 'core' gamer with something new and that's really what I want to see from Retro on the Wii U (although I'm sure they'll turn up at some point working on one of Nintendo's own IPs).


Aonuma seems to have an idea of where to take Zelda, now he's got full reigns of the franchise, so leave them with that for now. Although, I do think some fresh eyes are whats needed for the next Zelda and Retro (or even Monolith Soft) could more than easily provide the spark of ideas to move things forward.

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There were rumours years back about Retro Studios doing a Zelda game.


From what I understand, they pitched a Sheik action game ages ago, but it was turned down at the time apparently because Nintendo weren't sure whether the character would be included in Twilight Princess. I don't think it went any further than that.


It's kind of a second-hand rumour though that's been twisted and strained into a consensus that Retro a) were doing Zelda, and b) had done way more than they actually did.


However, of course, the framework is now there. I would be surprised if Retro never has any involvement in the franchise in the future.

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From what I understand, they pitched a Sheik action game ages ago, but it was turned down at the time apparently because Nintendo weren't sure whether the character would be included in Twilight Princess. I don't think it went any further than that.


Really?! That reeks of FF VII: Dirge of Cerberus. :laughing:

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Here's what I say: let Retro make a Zelda for Wii U. Give them no restrictions whatsoever (apart from no blood and gore, obviously). They can use whatever controller they like, focus it around dungeons if they like, or not, it's up to them.


At the same time, let Aonuma develop his Zelda at Nintendo (also for Wii U), and then see which one is better.

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Hmm...Retro Studios could make an F-Zero with all the usual racing stuff and also have an action/adventure/racing story mode (Captain Falcon IS a bounty hunter, after all). With 30-player online racing, too. The story could even end with you (Falcon) punching Black Shadow and destroying a quarter of the galaxy with your punch.


Yes, I'm aware that this would never happen.

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What I'd find most interesting would be if they allowed/encouraged Monolith to take on Zelda after the beast that was Xenoblade.


Here's what I say: let Retro make a Zelda for Wii U. Give them no restrictions whatsoever (apart from no blood and gore, obviously). They can use whatever controller they like, focus it around dungeons if they like, or not, it's up to them.


At the same time, let Aonuma develop his Zelda at Nintendo (also for Wii U), and then see which one is better.


Would also certainly be very interesting. Let two different devs do a same series game, see what is favoured most?

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Hmm...Retro Studios could make an F-Zero with all the usual racing stuff and also have an action/adventure/racing story mode (Captain Falcon IS a bounty hunter, after all). With 30-player online racing, too. The story could even end with you (Falcon) punching Black Shadow and destroying a quarter of the galaxy with your punch.


Yes, I'm aware that this would never happen.


People say Samus should have a bounty hunting game...


Nobody ever mentions Captain Falcon...


It would be far more awesome.


And they could hire the guys who made God Hand to do it.


The very thought of it broke my brain.


That's why I'm thinking like Wesley right now.


Not writing.



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Damn, so many thanks in this thread:D


Here's what I say: let Retro make a Zelda for Wii U. Give them no restrictions whatsoever (apart from no blood and gore, obviously). They can use whatever controller they like, focus it around dungeons if they like, or not, it's up to them.


At the same time, let Aonuma develop his Zelda at Nintendo (also for Wii U), and then see which one is better.


Kind of like the Oracle games, but both games by a different developer and on a main console this time:laughing:


There's only on thing Retro ought to be doing at the moment, and it goes a little bit like this:


NINTENDO: 'Excuse me, Retro Studios, could you perhaps revive Star Fox, F-Zero, and give us a new iteration of Metroid in the years to come. We'll pay you a great deal of the ol' yen, and this will give us the time get development started on Wii Music 2, and Wii and U play with Nintendogs on WiiU.'


RETRO STUDIOS: 'I'll tell you what, why don't we sort of merge those three universes together. I mean, they're all in space....anything is possibly in space. You know, the characters meet, they all take part in eachother's genres and gameplay styles, meet some more, get a little story development going, some exploring, some shooting, some racing...it's all good. Heck, we could even put some cameos of Kirby and Olimar in there, aren't they after all, in space too!?!?!? I certainly didn't steal this idea from a King that was Fused together om some silly internet forum, .....nope, this is all us, and it would be some damn fine fan service, I'd say!'




'We'll just handle it ourselves, here's the concept art for Wii Music 2, have fun.'




A crack at Zelda, ....puuurrrreeeeeaaaaasssseeeee!!!

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