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The Last Of Us


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Aw crap. Should’ve pre-ordered that Ellie Edition. I didn’t because I didn’t know how much money I’ll be spending this month (big festival coming up). Strangely enough, I can still find the Joel edition..


I rectified my mistake. I ordered the game and a pedestal.


Nah I’m kidding.


About ordering the game, I totally ordered that pedestal. When it arrives, I’ll put my copy of The lion king for NES on display.


Looking forward to getting that Playstation at the end of the year :p.

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Will try the multiplayer tomorrow, but it's bound to be irrelevant compared to the singleplayer portion, considering how unpolished the gameplay is.


The set up for not liking the multiplayer....


Been messing around with the multiplayer for the last few hours. I get it, but don't like it. They approached it wrong, in my opinion. Too action oriented, was gutted to see everyone brandishing assault rifles and shotty pistols and running around like fools meleeing each other. It's also a bit too complicated to understand at first, ND should've added a "playground" for people under lvl 5 or something. It's good, but I think it's a failure because it doesn't really bring anything new to the table, and it most certainly could have.


Also, wtf at the bow not being a 1hk... it's completely pointless this way, takes way too long to prepare that second shot, people just run...


Wow what a shocker OW doesn't like it.


I couldn't disagree more I totally love the multiplayer, it's at times easily as tense as the single player campaign.


But then what do I know eh? Opinions are like arseholes - everybodies got one!

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I couldn't disagree more I totally love the multiplayer, it's at times easily as tense as the single player campaign.


Can't compare it to the single player campaign and only played two matches, but I think I have to agree with you.


I was a bit skeptical about the "Listen"-feature (which I turned off in singleplayer, btw :p), but it is quite balanced and can make hiding fucking breathtaking.


Imagine being the only one left trying to hide inside a building/room with two or three entrances, your enemies closing in, and you can see them for a short time through walls and then disappearing again.




I dare you to breathe.

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Think I'm done with the multiplayer. Played it a fair amount and it was good fun, but there aren't enough maps and matches become very samey. Will obviously join in the odd N-E fest if/when people are ready for that.

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Think I'm done with the multiplayer. Played it a fair amount and it was good fun, but there aren't enough maps and matches become very samey. Will obviously join in the odd N-E fest if/when people are ready for that.


I want to finish the single player first. Loving it so far.

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Please make The Last Of Us 2 set in the UK. Or like a trip from Sweden to Scotland to England.


P.S. Awww Dwarf! I just played a few yesterday. No longevity then?


Well I've got 10 hours from it which is respectable entertainment value when you think about it, but because the gameplay is quite slow and the variety is thin on the ground it doesn't hold you in the way Uncharted does with its frantic medal and kickback systems as well as the different objective modes. I swear down, ND had probably finished the other maps and modes before it came out. Hate their multiplayer support.

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Just finished the game. I don't usually like horror games, and stealth can be a bit hit-or-miss for me, but I


loved this game. Thoughts:


- The sense that Joel and Ellie were regular people was done extremely well. I felt vulnerable throughout the entire game. They were both incredibly skilled, but in a very realistic way.


- On top of that, both of their personalities and their relationship was perfect.


- Ellie's AI was spot-on. She hid well from enemies when I was being stealthy, helped out when she needed to and moved out of the way when I needed to get past. There also lots of little things, such as how she was sitting down while I was fetching a pallet and stood up and got ready as I was approaching her with one. I didn't notice a single thing that was out-of-place with the AI. Although after she got her gun, she did use it a little bit too much. It was also great how Ellie could be grabbed and she wasn't invisible to the guards.


- The infected were incredibly creepy, and the clickers were downright terrifying - the sound they made was perfect for the game. They always felt like they were a threat.


- The human survivors were also a threat every single time I encountered them, and hunting them down one by one was a lot of fun and nearly as tense as the infected.


- The gameplay was immense. Having to change weapons like you did, crafting without pausing the game and taking time to heal all added to the experience. Combat was incredibly well done, both shooting and close combat. The "arenas" and options for sneaking past or running was great.


- Those sections where there were no enemies and you could just look around. Brilliant. There was a very surprising amount of non-action in the game.


- The game was very polished. Apart from the save issue, no bugs or glitches.


- The ending. Both sad and happy at the same time. Very well done.



- The start of the game. I cried.


- Those first two infected areas once you get outside the city. Set the tone for the rest of the game perfectly.


- Crazy Bob.


- The hotel. It started off pretty good, then the basement. I looked around, found the keycard, discovered I needed to restore some power so it could work, so I activated the generator, saw the bloater and just ran. Those few seconds waiting for the door to open were scary as fuck. Escaping from the survivors was also great.


- The damp drain pipe/sewer area. Some very creepy moments there.


- The entire winter section. And David.


- Giraffes.


- The underground road. I managed to do it killing only one infected.


- Once again, the end of it.


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One of the best games I've played. Has some AI issues but other than that I cant really complain about anything else. Perfectly paced, great music, excellent story and characters. It mixes stealth and good ole combat really well. Really creepy in places with an excellent atmosphere. On more than on occasion I'd find myself leaning closer and closer to the TV as the tension ramped up.


Buy it.

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"People are making jokes about the apocalypse like there's no tomorrow". Ellie's jokes get more embarrasing every time I hear them...That said, I think one of my favourite things about the game is how the world and characters feel so alive, with Ellie and the other supporting characters wandering around, searching, looking, general exploring, making comments about stuff they see. I was just in the hotel opening the safe, and as I was heading back to the main lobby, Ellie was at the counter pretending she was some rich guest ordering a room. Love moments like that.

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Sony will demand a sequel if one isn't in production already. I really hope they don't use the same characters. The ending is perfect as it is and their relationship needs to be left alone. A jump in time to when Joel has finally checked out leaving Ellie, that would be permissable.


Clearly NaughtyDog has a thing for making killer franchises, let them do what they want darn it! They may well want to make more anyway, who knows?


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Finished normal +. Only missing upgraded all guns and the rest of the difficulty trophies. Think I will wait a while before started on Survivor.


Currently playing the multiplayer. Anyone want to join before I get bored? I think I'm a hunter. Also I'm awful at it, generelly don't get more than one or two kills in supply raid.

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I..ah... :shakehead


In the hotel, fell down the elevator shaft.


Did a bit of exploration, always trying not to shit my pants.

Picked up the keycard, turned around and HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF GOD, some weird enemy (half Clicker, half runner, I'd say) just runs into the room.


I died. Not ingame.

My heart stopped.


Killed a couple of those freaks.

Turned on the generator. And thanks to my beautiful surround system and the horrifying sounds, I decided to stop playing for today.



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