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Wii U essentials?


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A lot of people seem to question if the Wii U will sell. The PS3 and XB360 have been out for years and years and have a huge back catalogue of HD games.


Pachter said that for the Wii to succede, the console will need games: both the biggest and best multiplatform titles, which the Wii lacked, and killer apps, which to be honest the Wii never had either.


So, what games do you think will be essential to make the Wii sell well. My thoughts are:

First party:

Zelda: With the Times

Some people will hate me for saying this, but Zelda hasnt gone with the times. Zelda used to set the bar for pretty much everything, but not so for the last 10 years. Nintendo need to make a Zelda that's more in tune with the times. Nintendo need to reestablish Zelda as the biggest and best in the industry.

The game needs to have the most impressive HD graphics available on any console, a very well written and well excuted story and actually they also need voice acting. Link can remain mute, but the rest of the characters need to talk. Yes, I've heard the argument that it's part of Zeldas charms that the mute characters are a part of the games charm, but I just don't buy it. It's like claiming that part of Driver 2's charm was the short draw-distance and thus you should see buildings pop up in front of you in all future Drivers.

Putting it simply: the new Zelda needs to be more like Mass Effect.



A Mario platformer. Nope, no rant against anything, because the Galaxy games were great. But the console will need the fat plumber to sell well.



Nintendo GT

I've said it a bajilion times before and I'll say it again: any game geared towards core players needs a competitor to Gran Turismo. Sony had GT in 1998, Sega had Sega GT a few years later. Microsoft then paid Sega to release Sega GT for the Xbox before MS made Forza. Obviously these games sell milions and shift loads of systems, so why Nintendo haven't either made a competitor themselves, or paid someone else off to make it is beyond me.

The game that could've saved the N64 and GC is now needed more than ever!


Third party:


Call of Duty: Whateverit'scalledthisyear *insert number here*

I think it's a bit of a no brainer that we'll get these games, as even the Wii is getting them. It's one of the biggest IP's and not having it would be a disaster.


Battlefield 3

This is the game that's supposed to knock CoD off the throne as THE FPS. And after having played the alpha, looked at the impressive footage and of course being a swede, I hope and believe that they succeed.


Grand Theft Auto 5

We never got it for the N64, Gamecube or Wii, and we only got a pathetic cash cow for the 3DS, but we need this. GTA has allways been a system seller.




Any other ideas?

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I agree that Nintendo need a serious racing title... but I don't think Nintendo are the company to be able to give us that game, they'll have to link up with another developer.


I also agree that Zelda needs a change, (ok so we haven't seen what Skyward Sword has to offer yet but) more story, more side quests, choices, dynamic weather/seasons, exploration, and yeah I'm all for voice acting outside of Link (and well they'd have to choose Zelda and Ganondorf especially very carefully), but everyone else go for it!




I think Nintendo should launch the Wii U with an HD Collection Range of the greatest games from the Gamecube and Wii!


Wind Waker, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Super Mario Galaxy 1&2 Bundle, Xenoblade, Pikmin 1&2 Bundle, StarFox Adventures/Assault Bundle, WaveRace/1080 Bundle etc...


And they should also get as many of the third party HD Collections out there for PS3/360 as they can for launch to really bulk up the list of launch titles...

Including games like Goldeneye 007 Reloaded etc... and maybe add new Wii U modes.

Edited by Retro_Link
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I agree from a hardcore gamers perspective you've covered some important bases.


But your casual gamer that has the Wii for party games will be unimpressed with that line up (maybe excluding COD & GTA as they appeal to both demo-graphs)



To be perfectly honest I already think Nintendo may have shot them selves in the foot by naming it Wii-U.


Can only see it going the way the 3DS did, unless they do much better job at making it really clear and obvious Wii-U isn't just a new version of the Wii, but an entirely different console altogether.


Fuck even if they called it a Wii-2 along the lines of the Playstation naming convention, that'd clear up some confusion.


That negativity aside, I'll still be in the queue for a Wii-U come launch day, but I just think Nintendo have A LOT of work to do to keep their already existing casual gamers market which they've gained AND to attract hardcore gamers that think Zelda, Mario and the likes are for kids.

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To be perfectly honest I already think Nintendo may have shot them selves in the foot by naming it Wii-U.


Can only see it going the way the 3DS did, unless they do much better job at making it really clear and obvious Wii-U isn't just a new version of the Wii, but an entirely different console altogether.


Fuck even if they called it a Wii-2 along the lines of the Playstation naming convention, that'd clear up some confusion.

Yeah a Wii U essential would actually be a name change!


It was a crap name from the start, and yeah on op of that you've got the confusing with the 3DS showing what a mistake it could be, and yet you just know Nintendo have got their blinkers on. Stupid feckers!

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Nintendo GT

I've said it a bajilion times before and I'll say it again: any game geared towards core players needs a competitor to Gran Turismo. Sony had GT in 1998, Sega had Sega GT a few years later. Microsoft then paid Sega to release Sega GT for the Xbox before MS made Forza. Obviously these games sell milions and shift loads of systems, so why Nintendo haven't either made a competitor themselves, or paid someone else off to make it is beyond me.

The game that could've saved the N64 and GC is now needed more than ever!


Uber realistic racing games are boring! Mario Kart and F-Zero forever!


Know what I'd prefer to Nintendo GT? An OutRun update on the Wii U. All they'd have to do is fine tune the controls, use the power to soup up the landscapes and throw in an orchestrated :wink: version of Splash Wave and it would be a winner.

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What I'd like to see is quite a lot different to what I think the Wii U needs, so I'll try and be objective. This console needs to appeal to the hardcore and casual audience (I'm going to assume Nintendo fans will buy it anyway). As for the mainstream gamer, I don't think it's possible to attract them as, by definition, they follow the crowd. What would tear someone away from their Xbox 360 to play it on the Wii U instead? It's just not realistic.


The most they could hope for would be to have as many multi-format games as possible (which they certainly should), because that might at least be able to keep Nintendo fans from getting the Xbox 360 or PS3. However, it's late in the day and there's nothing the Wii U could do to take excitement away from the PS4 and Xbox 3. They might as well forget it and just make sure their own games are as good as possible.


So, the games it needs:


Wii Sports Equivalent (Big Casual Game)

What Nintendo needs to do (if this is even possible) is convince the masses that they really want a controller with a screen on it. Presumably the game to achieve this would be some sort of augmented reality or "magnification" game, where you scan your TV with the controller and get a different view. As I say though, it's going to be tough inventing something that people will find compelling.


Mario Kart

If there's one important "bridge" title it's Mario Kart. I remember even in the SNES days the girls at school liked that, but wouldn't play much else. The GameCube and GBA versions proved even this franchise can't work miracles on an unpopular machine, but it's the best chance they've got. Combined with a successful machine, like the Wii or DS, it's dynamite.



Mario is important both as a bridge title and as a hardcore. New Super Mario Bros is an important and much-needed franchise for many, whereas the 3D Marios are still some of the most genuinely-respected hardcore games around.


Metroid Prime

If there's one series that springs to mind when I think "hardcore" + "Nintendo" it's Metroid Prime. Metroid has an appeal that is hard to match, especially Metroid Prime on the GameCube. Yes, the Wii controls worked, but I think a back-to-basics approach would be more popular, using traditional controls to explore the game world (plus scanning with the screen), whilst the Wii U produces the best graphics it's capable of...



The 3rd of Nintendo's Big Three has probably suffered in image more than the others - but it's still potentially the most exciting! I won't say too much about it until I've played Skyward Sword, but suffice to say I agree with much of what @darkjak says, apart from the voice acting. We don't say books are old-fashioned because they don't speak at us. Who says video games should have audible voices in them?

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Uber realistic racing games are boring! Mario Kart and F-Zero forever!


Know what I'd prefer to Nintendo GT? An OutRun update on the Wii U. All they'd have to do is fine tune the controls, use the power to soup up the landscapes and throw in an orchestrated :wink: version of Splash Wave and it would be a winner.


You mean that "Playin forza 4. Buying an xbox 360 tonight." text I received from you this morning was a lie..? :eek: It was never in doubt :heh:


As for an OutRun update, you're totally right :grin: I was reacquainting myself with OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast this afternoon and it is a fantastic game. I was actually wondering if I'd prefer a sequel on Wii U or 3DS.. but why not both? :hehe:


As much as I love Mario, Zelda and Metroid, part of me feels like we've been bombarded with these games in recent years along with the resurrection of Kirby :hmm:


For me, the Wii U needs F-Zero, 1080 Snowboarding and Wave Race to make a return as well as a proper sequel to Excitebike 64! I definitely don't need a 'Nintendo GT' :nono:

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So, what games do you think will be essential to make the Wii sell well. My thoughts are:

First party:

Zelda: With the Times

Some people will hate me for saying this, but Zelda hasnt gone with the times. Zelda used to set the bar for pretty much everything, but not so for the last 10 years. Nintendo need to make a Zelda that's more in tune with the times. Nintendo need to reestablish Zelda as the biggest and best in the industry.

The game needs to have the most impressive HD graphics available on any console, a very well written and well excuted story and actually they also need voice acting. Link can remain mute, but the rest of the characters need to talk. Yes, I've heard the argument that it's part of Zeldas charms that the mute characters are a part of the games charm, but I just don't buy it. It's like claiming that part of Driver 2's charm was the short draw-distance and thus you should see buildings pop up in front of you in all future Drivers.

Putting it simply: the new Zelda needs to be more like Mass Effect.


Your opinion on Zelda seems to consistently be "best series ever should have the best installments ever with the best reception ever". And I have given up on telling you how unreal and unfeasible that view is.


That said, I'm positive that making it HD and featuring voice-acting wouldn't change a damn thing on how I view the series. I both love and hate how so many people think that a game's flaws can be resolved via the magic of HD and other superficial aspects such as voice acting.

The fact that you didn't mention a single gameplay aspect in your suggestions (going as far as comparing it to Mass Effect, a very different game in just about everything) is very telling.


Nintendo GT

I've said it a bajilion times before and I'll say it again: any game geared towards core players needs a competitor to Gran Turismo. Sony had GT in 1998, Sega had Sega GT a few years later. Microsoft then paid Sega to release Sega GT for the Xbox before MS made Forza. Obviously these games sell milions and shift loads of systems, so why Nintendo haven't either made a competitor themselves, or paid someone else off to make it is beyond me.

The game that could've saved the N64 and GC is now needed more than ever!


What I never understood is: why does it need to be first-party? None of Nintendo's studios seem to be interested in a realistic racer (or any racer besides Mario Kart for that matter).



As for me, I'm not expecting anything. But F-Zero GX with fluid online would be a dream. Not even a new F-Zero, GX with a good multiplayer mode in online is enough.


And possibly adding the Gamecube to their Virtual Console (uShop? That would be an amusing name).

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The Launch really only needs 4 games along these lines:



for the Nintendo Fans:D


Timed Exclusive GTA 5

For the cravers of realistic 'hardcore' games


Casual title á la Wii Sports

For the family


Something with Mario



Oeh, come to think of it.....what will the launch titles be next to Pikmin 3?

They really ought to launch with 'the two Captains':


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Zelda: With the Times


Putting it simply: the new Zelda needs to be more like Mass Effect.





Any other ideas?


Bright colours, no shitty grey dull fucking games from Nintendo please. No auto healing in ANY, I really mean in ANY Nintendo games should not have one it's the worst things to be ever put into games.


Nintendo just need to do their own thing like they have always been and it's all that matters to me, they keep improving in every generation, and I don't see them slowing down in getting more awesome.

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Your opinion on Zelda seems to consistently be "best series ever should have the best installments ever with the best reception ever". And I have given up on telling you how unreal and unfeasible that view is.

That's what Zelda was and that's what it should be now. Of course, not everyone needs to consider every Zelda to be a masterpiece. HOWEVER, for the last ten years, Zelda hasn't even been in the same league.


That said, I'm positive that making it HD and featuring voice-acting wouldn't change a damn thing on how I view the series. I both love and hate how so many people think that a game's flaws can be resolved via the magic of HD and other superficial aspects such as voice acting.

The fact that you didn't mention a single gameplay aspect in your suggestions (going as far as comparing it to Mass Effect, a very different game in just about everything) is very telling.

I complained a lot about Twilight Princes' gameplay, but from what I've heard about Skyward Sword, they've taken notice and are fixing it. Well implemented motion controls? Check! Longer single player campaign? Check! An overhaul of the dungeon system? Check! Thus, I'm not complaining about it. But I am complaining about graphics, audio, story and that lot, because Nintendo haven't done a thing about that.


Voice acting and story telling is far from superficial. It's a part of the experience of the game.


Also, Mass Effect isn't all that different. The main difference is that ME doesen't contain puzzles in the same way as Zelda, and that the games take place in different worlds/eras.

What I never understood is: why does it need to be first-party? None of Nintendo's studios seem to be interested in a realistic racer (or any racer besides Mario Kart for that matter).

I explicitly wrote that it doesen't have to be first party.

Nintendo are filthy rich right now, so if no studio feels capable/willing to develop a certain type of game, Nintendo just have to buy/start a team that is!

As for me, I'm not expecting anything. But F-Zero GX with fluid online would be a dream. Not even a new F-Zero, GX with a good multiplayer mode in online is enough.

Yeah, that would be sweet.

And possibly adding the Gamecube to their Virtual Console (uShop? That would be an amusing name).

That would be excellent! And Dreamcast games too!

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Know what I'd prefer to Nintendo GT? An OutRun update on the Wii U. All they'd have to do is fine tune the controls, use the power to soup up the landscapes and throw in an orchestrated :wink: version of Splash Wave and it would be a winner.


I would highly recommend that you should try OutRun Online Arcade. The controls were perfect and it looked great.


I would. I can't recommend it now as it was pulled from both the XBLA and PSN as the contract with Ferrari is no more.


I agree that some of the non-main Nintendo franchises need to shine on the WiiU: Star Fox, F-Zero, 1080, Wave Race, Pikmin and Excite Truck need great new instalments.

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..shenmue, drooling, i would buy one and two, just to support sega.. was one of the best games i ever played..


Shenmue was fantastic : peace: The second game didn't quite live up to the first, in my opinion, but it was still pretty good :smile:


I'd like to see the third game appear at some point too.. preferably on a Nintendo console!

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I kinda felt that Shenmue III would have been a great game to have on Wii. For me, it would probably benefit the experience to have the game look very much like the originals as that is the Shenmue world I know and the graphics always had a certain charm about them.


With the Wii's life nearing an end, the 3DS may be the final opportunity to actually have a sequel that looks like Shenmue and Shenmue II.. but most people probably desire an HD masterpiece :heh:

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Honestly for the Wi-U to be successful I don't think they need to tinker with Zelda or Mario or any of their big IPs any more than they already do from game to game. The technical improvements these games will get surely goes without saying.


I don't think Zelda needs any drastic changes, voice acting (apart from Link) probably wouldn't hurt, but they need to retain it's unique characteristics. In my opinion there's no need for Zelda to mimic any other franchise in it's genre, especially when a lot of them will end up on the Wii-U anyway.


They may want to send Metroid back to Retro though because I think with Western development Metroid (whether 1st or 3rd person) is all they need to rival the "space marine" shooters exclusive to other consoles.


Third party support seems to be there so the likes of GTA should make it to the Wii U. It seems pretty obvious all the 3rd party shooter and sports games need to be there and most probably will be. All the developers need to do is make any "gimmicky" controls optional because the so called "hardcore" gamers seem to be scared of them.


And it may come as a surprise to some, but Wii-U Fit/Sports and all the "casual" stuff should still be present. Why, because the Wii had it and, like it or not, it sold well and got more people into gaming on that system.


Edit: It really shouldn't make any difference but if they'd probably sell more systems if it came in black.

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- the usual super mario, zelda, metroid, kirby- those are the big 4 nintendo franchises aren't they?


- also new f-zero, fire emblem, smash bros, pikmin, golden sun- the lesser known series and this is a long shot, but i'd dearly love to see a mother/earthbound game.


- nintendo can't keep relying on their current franchises, they need to make new ones. what about a new platformer, shoot em up, RPG or a tekken/virtua fighter style fighting game?


smash bros is a fighting game yes but its not a traditional one- on-one streetfighter type of game. that would stretch nintendo but also demonstrate they are willing to try something they haven't done before, which is a proper fighting game.

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Absolutely, Nintendo should bring over HD port/remake on Disaster. I have never even heard comments on that game from Monolith themselves, how they thought it came up.


Maybe they could do it, if a film company would get rights for it to make a movie. Could work, since the game is pretty cinematic itself.

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